Heavens database

Chapter 28 Mission Triggering

Chapter 28 Mission Triggering

Duan Yu didn't expect that the other party actually knew him, and then he was reprimanded, so angry that he was born as a Buddha and ascended to heaven as a Buddha.

"What are you, you are obviously a fool, and you still don't admit it."

Zero pouted and said.

"At this time and place where you may lose your life at any time, it is the most stupid to jump out and talk nonsense. You know the consequences of talking nonsense, which is very likely to kill everyone present, but you do it without thinking Well, this is the second stupidity. Finally, you don’t even know your own identity, this is the third stupidity. Your casual behavior reveals all kinds of stupidity, and you still say you are not stupid?"

In the end, not only Zero and Broly, but even the people standing next to Duan Yu looked at him differently, as if they were looking at a fool. It's been so long.

Duan Yu saw the eyes of everyone looking at him, they all changed, his face turned from white to red, from red to black, from black to blue, and then poured backward gorgeously.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Duan Yu fall to the ground. After all, Duan Yu was the eldest son of King Zhennan of Dali, and their foundations were all in Dali. If the eldest son of Dali died here, none of them would have a hard time.

However, seeing that Duan Yu's breathing was a bit chaotic, but it was fairly even, and he probably just passed out.

Then, he looked up at the place where Zero was just now, but there was not even a shadow.

"Hey, you're saved!"

This is the heartfelt words of everyone who is still conscious.

"Come here, send Prince Duan to rest inside."

Zuo Zimu was the first to react, and said to his disciples.

"Yes, Master."

However, they didn't know that the members of the Shennong Gang had already surrounded the entire Wuliang Mountain and were preparing to attack the mountain.


Of course, Zero has no interest in getting involved in matters of the Wuliang Sword Sect.

After Ling scolded him for a while, he took Broly and flew towards the back mountain of Wuliang Mountain while watching carefully, looking for deep valleys and smooth jade.

Because they had the advantage of seeing in the sky, the two found a place that matched the original in a short time.

"Found it, let's go down."

Zero said excitedly.


Broly was happy to see Zero, and looked forward to it.

Before opening this world, Zero and Broly said that coming to this world is not just about fulfilling your promise.

More importantly, he wanted to find a technique and then transform it into a technique that could speed up the evolution of living things.

In order to arouse Broly's interest, Zero specifically talked about what evolution is, what it means, and the fun of it.After some explanations from Zero, Broly finally became interested and expressed that he would tame an elf in the future and experiment on it.

However, there is a saying that goes like this: plans cannot keep up with changes.

Zero and they did encounter changes. When they descended, they found that there were two sets of modern rock climbing equipment, and the climbing ropes were hanging down towards the deep valley.

"It seems that something interesting happened."

Looking at these two sets of modern equipment, Ling Wan smiled ambiguously.

"System, explain what happened?"

Zero asked the system in his heart.

"The system will post tasks in the group, please check the host in the group."

The system quickly replied.

"Bit! Mission released."

Mission: Hunting the Reincarnators

Task content: The reincarnation squad of the main god space enters the world of Tianlong Babu, completes the hunting and killing of martial arts masters from various countries, and helps Murong Fu complete the task of restoring the country.

Please group members kill the reincarnation as soon as possible to prevent their task from being completed. The less the reincarnation task is completed, the higher the group member's reward.

Rewards: According to the degree of completion of the reincarnation mission, reward points; recycle the reincarnation watch, and the props held by the reincarnation, you can get the corresponding points, and the group members can also choose not to recycle, but to own it.

Maximum number of people on a mission: two people.

Tony Stark: "My God, boss, explain what's going on."

Orochimaru: "Same question."

Aizen Soyousuke: "Same question + 1."

Alu: "Same question + 1."

Pikachu: "Same question + 1."

. . .

Zero: "Okay! Let me explain this. There are many ways to travel through the world, such as: a traveler with a system, a member of a certain chat group, the main god's space, etc. However, their purpose of traveling through the world, Most of them are to destroy the world plot, obtain the origin of the world from it, and strengthen ourselves. The main god space is one of them. If we encounter such people, the database will issue tasks for us to eliminate them. Of course, if you meet , but the strength is not enough, you can call for help in the group."

Tony Stark: "What? There is such a thing?"

Orochimaru: "Although it sounds unbelievable, our own situation is an example."

Alu: "At this time, it should be @门结士, Senior Menyashi, can you tell us something?"

Everyone was reminded by Alu's words that Menyashi could travel through the world and destroy the world before he joined. Isn't this the same as the kind of people the boss said?

Men Yashi: "What do you say? My actions are allowed by the world, and I haven't collected things like the origin of the world."

Zero: "I can testify to this. What Ash said is true. I have experienced it myself."

Everyone: "('')"

Aizen Soyousuke: "Am I the only one who discovered that we can also change the plot of each world at will?"

Orochimaru: "Hey, from what Aizen said, it seems to be so. Just like me, I didn't defect to Konoha, and I still took Konoha's funds to do what I wanted to do."

Tony Stark: "The same goes for me. Although I was caught in the cave, I did not forge iron inside. The plan to kill Obadiah is completely different from the original work. The steel armor has not yet been exposed."

Alu: "@zero, can the boss explain it?"

Zero: "This is very simple. When the same person treats the same thing, the choice is not certain, and the consequences of the event are different. And there are so many people in a world, so many parallel universes are born like this. The most important thing Yes, the Zhutian Database is the only legal organization that can change the plot of the world. As long as it does not violate the regulations of the database, everything we do is legal, legal, legal."

Bulma: "Suddenly it feels like we're a bit of a legal bandit."

Alu: "Little Guliang, you are wrong to say that. First, we did not steal the origin of the world; second, we just made different choices on the same thing, which is reasonable and legal."

Aizen Soyousuke: "That's right, I agree with Aru's statement."


to be continued
(End of this chapter)

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