Heavens database

Chapter 231 Untitled

Chapter 231 Untitled

Zero and Yan Lingji, because Zero used a blinding technique to make others avoid them subconsciously, no one came to trouble them.

"Is this the Tianlong people? It's really disgusting."

After the Tianlong people came on the scene, their arrogant attitude that everyone else's lives were nothing but ants, made Yan Lingji angry.

"The Tianlong people are really disgusting. Even the royal families of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period are not as corrupt and contemptuous as them."

Zero nodded in agreement.

Although Zero didn't know what people's lives were like during the slave society, slave owners like the Celestial Dragons really shouldn't exist.

Their disregard for life is already outrageous.

"Don't worry, I gave the revolutionary army so many things. If they still can't eradicate the Tianlong people, it will be really useless."

Zero said comfortingly.


Yan Lingji also knew that she could not solve all the Tianlong people by herself, so she could only accept the reality helplessly.

As for why she didn't find change to help herself, Yan Lingji said that she was not that kind of person. She wanted to support the sky by herself, and did not want to be protected by others all day long and be a vase.

"Cultivate well, strength is the foundation of everything."

Zero also knew Yan Lingji's temper, and persuasion was useless. All he had to do was to silently support her.


While the two were chatting, the auction had already begun. This auction was specifically for slaves, so the first auction items were slaves.

These slaves were male and female, tall and short, fat and thin, ranging from 80 to [-] years old, and all of them were sold.

Soon, it was the turn of the mermaid Kemi.

"Five million."

As soon as Saint Charles saw Kemi appear, he immediately made a bid.

Moreover, no one among the people present dared to counteroffer.

"I really don't take money as money! It's [-] million when I open my mouth."

Kidd looked at the reactions of the crowd in the auction house and said disdainfully.

"This is a microcosm of the world and what a farce it is."

Shaking his head, Kidd was about to turn around and leave.

Suddenly, the walls of the auction house explode, and Luffy and Zoro arrive.

Afterwards, there was a commotion, and the entire auction house was in chaos. Everyone rushed out of the auction house.

However, when they were about to leave.

An invisible barrier sealed all entrances and exits to the auction house.No matter how those people attack, there is no way to break it.

"what happened?"

"Why is that?"

"Devil fruit user?!!"

"Who is it? You want to die but we don't want to. Let us out quickly."

"Let us out quickly."

. . . . . .

"Lord Rosewald, the phone bug can't be used, we can't contact the navy, someone blocked the signal."

The men (dogs) brought by St. Roseward just followed his director's words and planned to contact the navy to suppress it.

However, he tried for more than a minute and used several phone bugs, all with the same result, which meant that someone was behind the scenes.


Saint Roswald was shocked when he heard this. Now that someone had let the dogs out, and there was no way to call anyone, he was really panicking now.

"Will the famous Tianlong people be afraid again?"

At this time, a leisurely male voice sounded from the back row.

Everyone followed the sound and looked, oh, it was a person with a reward of over [-] million, and another person with a reward of close to [-] million.

"Dugu Qiubai?!" N
Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect Ling to be here, and looking at them, it seemed that they had been there all the time, but they hadn't developed at all.


The sound of gasping for air kept ringing in the auction house.

Emergencies kept coming, and the wall of the auction house's display stand was broken open, and a giant and an old man drinking wine walked out of it.

"Oh! It's really lively!"

Reilly said to everyone present while drinking wine with a smile on his face.

"Old man, we met again. Why have you become a slave again? You only took a large sum of money half a month ago, it shouldn't be."

Zero asked Raleigh curiously.

"Haha! You trapped us, right? Dugu Qiubai."

Rayleigh looked at Zero with sharp eyes, as if he wanted to see him clearly.

However, his idea failed because Zero's eyes were as deep as the abyss, giving Rayleigh no chance at all.

"What a great young man."

Lei Li thought secretly in his heart.

"Oh, Dugu Qiubai. You're so lucky to not be beaten to death despite having such a name. However, I order you to get rid of this ghost, or I will kill you."

Kidd said in a commanding tone with a look of arrogant contempt for Zero.

"Hey! Celestial Dragons over there, if you want to live, give me five Devil Fruits each."

Zero ignored Kidd's words. His strength was not very good, but his temper was boundless. Who do you think you are?
"I'm talking to you, don't you hear me?"

Zero ignored Kidd, which made Kidd furious. He directly used magnetic force to attract the iron objects in the auction house, forming a huge iron arm and smashed it down at Zero.

call out!

"Ah! My hand."

Just now, everyone saw Kidd swinging his steel arm and hitting Zero, but the next second they saw the giant steel arm collapse. Kidd covered his left arm and wailed.

Only Rayleigh could see clearly what happened in this second.

"It's really amazing!"

Rayleigh's eyes flashed, and then he took a sip of wine to suppress his shock.

It's really that Ling just drew the knife too fast, from drawing the knife to returning to the sheath, it didn't even take a second.

Such a speed, even in Rayleigh's heyday, there is no way to achieve it, and he has never heard of anyone who can do this.

"Have you made up your mind?"

Zero ignored Kidd's eyes that contained strong killing intent, and said lightly to Roseward St. and Charulia Palace who were still awake.


"shut up."

Xia Lulia Palace originally wanted to threaten Zero and ask him to let go of his family.

However, just after he said a word, he was interrupted by St. Roseward.


Xia Lulia Gong looked at her father in puzzlement.

"We are willing to use Devil Fruit in exchange, but there is no way to use the Phone Bug here. We want to ask someone to bring it over, but there is no way."

Roswald St. said to Zero calmly.

"Haha! It seems that the Tianlong people are not all brainless. It can be used now. Just contact the person."

Zero looked at Roswald Saint with a smile on his face and said.


to be continued
(End of this chapter)

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