Heavens database

Chapter 208 Battle against the Blackbeard Pirates (continued)

Chapter 208 Battle against the Blackbeard Pirates (continued)


"How could it be okay?"

Poison Q looked shocked, and kept attacking himself, but he had no choice but to cause damage to Fairy Eevee.

You must know that although you look terminally ill and dying.

However, this is all a deceptive appearance, without a certain strength, will Tiqi win him into his pirate group?
This is obviously impossible.

If Poison Q fights seriously, he can rival the three generals.

In his first attack, he couldn't break through the light curtain covering the surface of the fairy Eevee, so he used all his strength outside the devil fruit.

However, there was still no way to break the light curtain after all.

Not only that, but he was also injured by the fairy Eevee's tail and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"You forced me."

There is no other way, Poison Q can only use the devil fruit ability.

Although the fruit ability has a lot of side effects, it can't be controlled so much now.

"Misfortune has come."

Poison Q uses the ability of the fate system on the fairy Ibrahimovic--bad luck.

When bad luck comes, it can make the enemy continue to suffer bad luck in a short period of time.For example: recurrence of old injuries, failure to release skills, trance, etc.It can be said to be a very powerful ability.

However, these are of no use to Fairy Eevee. The light curtain on Fairy Eevee was developed to defend against the ability of Devil Fruit.

Therefore, Fairy Ibrahimovic ignored Poison Q's bad luck attack, and continued to come to him, using claw strike, tail attack, shadow ball and other skills, and gave Poison Q a face.

Result: Poison Q lost the ability to fight.


Fat Ding vs. Lafitte.

Laffitte is good at hypnosis and swordsmanship, and Pang Ding is also very good at hypnosis, although the two of them are good at different directions.But this does not prevent the battle between them.

Fat Ding's body was soft, constantly dodging Lafitte's attacks, and at the same time began to sing its lullaby.



Lafitte was very puzzled by Fat Ding's actions, but he still faithfully carried out his own captain's orders and kept attacking Fat Ding with his sword.

However, Fat Ding is not slippery, and can always dodge the attack before it reaches his side, but as time goes by, Lafitte feels that his spirit is starting to be in a trance, and the feeling of drowsiness is getting stronger and stronger. At this moment, Lafitte finally knew why Fat Ding kept avoiding attacks and kept singing.

"Hmph, little trick."

Lafitte bit his tongue to get rid of the drowsiness.

Seeing that his target recognized his purpose and destroyed it, Fat Ding put away the microphone and started the real battle.

Facing the sword that was slashing at him, Fat Ding used [Million Ton Serial Fist], and within a second, he punched twenty punches against the sword, each punch with a force of twenty tons.


Lafitte looked at the sword that was out of his control in surprise, and said with a look of seeing a ghost.

Lafitte is indeed a strong man who has experienced many battles, his surprise flashed by, and he regained his calm again, facing Fat Ding's next attack.

After Fat Ding knocked down Lafitte's sword, he took a deep breath and used [Million Ton Boxing] and [Million Ton Kick] on Lafitte, and the punching and kicking strength , compared to the [Million Ton Serial Fist], it has been improved by at least three times, and the speed is extremely fast, making it difficult to dodge.

Because of this, Lafitte felt a sense of danger from every punch and kick of Fat Ding, so he didn't come into direct contact with Fat Ding, but instead kept avoiding the attack. Since he couldn't dodge, he tried to use the defense that suffered the least damage. method, defensive attack, he did not believe that Fat Ding could maintain such a high-intensity attack, and when Fat Ding was almost exhausted, it was the time for Lafitte to counterattack.That's right, Lafitte is planning to play a war of attrition with Pang Ding.

However, after Lafitte calculated so much, he still missed one point, that is, Fat Ding's IQ is not low, and he has seen Lafitte's plan for a long time, and it has never thought of it from the beginning. It directly defeated Lafitte, so it has been preparing a unique move, and attacking Lafitte is just a means of feint.

Suddenly, Fat Ding made an exaggerated punching gesture.

[Frozen Beam]
A beam of light blue light came out from Fat Ding's fist and flew towards Laffitte at a high speed. Wherever the beam of light passed, crystal light blue ice crystals formed.


Seeing the beam of light flying towards him rapidly, Lafitte felt alarm bells in his heart, he must dodge it, otherwise it would be very dangerous.

In such an urgent situation, Lafitte used his fastest speed to narrowly avoid the freezing beam.Then he saw that Fat Ding, who was breathing unsteadily, knew that his chance had come.

Lafitte seized this opportunity and launched a fierce attack on Fat Ding, Fat Ding could only parry in panic.

"Hey, although I don't know what kind of creatures you are, but your IQ is not very good!"

Lafitte laughed and attacked.

At this time, Lafitte thought he had secured the victory, and it was only a matter of time before the opponent lost.

[Destroy Death Ray]
Suddenly, Jigglypuff fired a beam of violent energy from his mouth, hitting Lafitte directly.


Lafitte looked at Fat Ding's sudden big move, even though he was proficient in knowledge and arrogance, he couldn't dodge it, he could only watch helplessly as the beam of light pierced through his abdomen.


[Megaton Boxing]
Fat Ding was hit by Lafayette, and when he was stiff, he made another move to finish. Lafayette was seriously injured and died.



Tiqi, who was fighting the Gotha Duck, looked at his partner, who was seriously injured, who was being teased, and was full of anger in his heart.

"Dark cave."

The black air gathered in Tiqi's hand, and he slapped the ground, and the snow-white ground was instantly swallowed by darkness.

The Gotha Duck felt the devouring power of the darkness on him, and immediately used his superpower to fly up.

However, Teach's offensive was not over yet. The Gotha Duck flew up and fell right into his hands.

"Dark cave."

Suddenly, a strong gravitational force emanated from Tiqi and attracted the Gotha Duck. No matter how he resisted it, it only slowed down.

Seeing this, the Gotha Duck simply did not resist, but cooperated with Tiqi and flew towards him.


Tiki headed towards the Gotha Duck flying towards him, his fists were covered with armed domineering, and he aimed at his head and hammered it.

[Megaton Boxing]
Facing Tiqi's fist, Gotha Duck was not afraid at all. He also raised his fist, wrapped in white light, and collided with Tiqi's black and shiny fist.


The sound of Tiqi's screams sounded, and he was rolling on the ground with his left hand covering his right arm.

The Gotha Duck also panted heavily, and returned to Zero's side.

(End of this chapter)

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