Heavens database

Chapter 200 Talking to Drago

Chapter 200 Talking to Drago

After seeing Zoro's willpower potential, Ipponmatsu readily handed over the third generation of Kitetsu to him, and bought Zoro a stainless steel sword at half the price.

When both parties were happy, Sauron left the weapon shop and continued to stroll around Rogge Town.

As for the others, it's the same as the original.

Finally, with the help of Monkey D. Dorag, who came back from the great channel and escorted his son to sea, not far away.

Luffy and his party successfully escaped from Smoker with the help of wind and rain, and quickly left with the help of strong winds.

Smoker could only look at the departing Luffy and his party from afar, and let out a growl to vent the suffocation in his chest.

The line of sight returns to the protagonist.

Standing in front of Zero was a tall man wearing a cloak, looking at Zero cautiously.

This man is Monkey D. Dorag, and Zero waited for him on the way to escape.

Therefore, when he saw Zero, he looked wary and did not act rashly to avoid falling into a trap.

"Don't look at me so vigilantly? Monkey D. Dorag, I'm not your enemy."

Looking at Dorag with a wary face, he didn't speak at all.Zero feels that if this continues, he will fall into an endless loop, so he speaks first, and at the same time, his tone is as approachable as possible.

"You say you are not my enemy, how can I believe you? Can you give evidence?"

As an underground party lord, Drago fully demonstrated his long-term cautiousness and suspicion as an underground party.

Moreover, facing a stranger whose strength is unknown, Drago performed even worse.

"Well, how can I have no way to prove such a problem? First of all, I am stronger than you, so it is worth your caution. Moreover, at this moment, it is very wrong, but I came to you. In the end, do you think you believe someone who knew his own details when we first met him and said he is not an enemy?"

Zero said a lot of things, but he was just lazy, too lazy to prove himself to Drago.

"Indeed, even if we exchange identities, I won't believe it, but you will believe me."

Dorag agrees with the explanation of zero.

"Then I won't say any more nonsense. I'll give you these information. If you think it's worth it, then exchange your Revolutionary Army's technology with me! I have many more powerful things on hand, as well as things you need."

The information on zero automatic pistols was thrown to Drago.

"Okay, this is my phone bug, you put it away, I will find you when the time comes."

Drago took the information, glanced at it briefly, and was astonished, because the value of this information was too high.

It will be very beneficial to the future activities of the Revolutionary Army, so Drago gave his phone bug to Zero, because it is worth it.

Even if the other party lied to him, getting this information in his hand is already very good.

He definitely made a profit, after all, this is a new type of weapon that has never appeared before.

"Okay, I'll wait for your call."

Zero didn't say much about this, but just responded to Drago lightly, and then teleported away.

call out!

Although teleportation is rare and common to Zero, it cannot be ignored at all for Drago.

"I didn't feel it, and the knowledgeable domineering actually couldn't feel it, how did he leave. This is too scary!"

Drago's eyes were rounded, and his heart was full of turbulent waves.

"It seems that the other party showed it deliberately to prove that he wanted to kill me. It took no effort at all and no need to use conspiracy. It seems that after returning, I need to think carefully about how to contact the other party next."

After seeing Zero's strength, Drago has basically believed that Zero is not his enemy.

Zero didn't expect to use teleportation because he didn't want to get caught in the rain and rushed to the hotel.It will be thought by Dorag that it is an act of demonstration.



"came back?"

Yan Lingji wasn't too surprised when Xiang Ling suddenly appeared.

"Well, I'm back!"

Zero said lightly.

"We set off tomorrow, to the Great Channel."


Yan Lingji nodded.

This is the way the two have gotten along this year, like an old married couple.

"Tomorrow, our first destination is an empty island [-] meters above the sky. There is an ability user who ate the Thunderbolt fruit. I plan to give the Thunderbolt fruit to Brother Yan. What do you think?"

Zero sat down, looked at Yan Lingji and said.

"Well, this is too expensive! No need, and he has practiced for so long, and his strength is enough for him to protect himself."

As soon as Yan Lingji heard this, she immediately refused. It has been more than a year since she came to this world, and Yan Lingji has completely remembered the common sense of this world.

Devil Fruit is a treasure from the sea. After eating it, you can gain certain superpowers. Although the side effect is that you cannot swim, Devil Fruit can give the eater powerful abilities.

Devil fruit abilities are divided into three categories: superhuman, animal (including two rare phantom beasts and ancient species), and natural (the strongest devil fruit).

Among them, the nature type is recognized as the strongest of the three devil fruits. The biggest feature of the nature type is that it can "elementalize" the body (except the dark fruit), thus making physical attacks invalid.

Although, it is not immune to domineering (zhenqi, etc., which contain the energy of the individual's unique spirit).However, it is also a rare ability.

That's why Yan Lingji rejected Zero's suggestion.

"Anyway, I will definitely get the Thunderbolt fruit. I will give you the fruit when the time comes, and you can decide for yourself!"

After a year of getting along, Zero has accepted Yan Lingji, so it's not a big deal to give some benefits to his brother-in-law.

However, considering Yan Lingji's mood, he decided to give the choice to Yan Lingji herself, and let her decide when to give the Thunderbolt Fruit to Little Brother Yan.

"Well, then, I see."

Yan Lingji knew Zero's character, so she didn't refuse again.

However, she planned to give Little Brother Yan the Devil Fruit after his strength reaches the third level, so that his strength can instantly reach the ceiling of the world of Tianxing Jiuge.

As he grows up, he will definitely go through some things. In this way, little brother Yan won't slack off his cultivation just because he obtained the fruit ability.

"Well, rest! We're leaving tomorrow."

Seeing that Yan Lingji agreed, Zero didn't care what she planned, anyway, the thing was given, and if your sister doesn't give it to you, there is nothing I can do, right?
There was nothing to say all night, and the sun rose again in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, today is sunny and sunny, which is a good day to go to sea.

(End of this chapter)

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