Heavens database

Chapter 2 Recruiting Employees

Chapter 2 Recruiting Employees
"Very good. It took a year to finally get four places. Add in the two places that Kado Yashi got, and now there are six."

Zero said excitedly after finishing the journey he had planned.

"System, can I recruit people now?"

System: "Yes, the host can now recruit new employees. However, the system recommends that the host carefully consider the recruitment quota to avoid wasting opportunities and time."

"You don't need to say this, I can think of it."

Zero retorted subconsciously.

"So, after a year of thinking, I have already decided on a few candidates. Orochimaru, Liu Angxing, Nobi Nobita, Tony Stark. Before the system summons them, instill some general information in them, give them The right to choose, it’s fine if you don’t come. After they agree, they will instill all the information, lest I say it again.”

Zero said to the system.

"ojbk, it's less work, I agree."

The system's suggestion of zero is also recognized.

"Recruiting characters..."


Naruto World, Konoha Ninja Village.

The third Ninja World War had just ended, and Orochi, with the support of Nabe Wang Danzo, started biological research.

Halfway through the experiment, a voice suddenly appeared in Orochimaru's mind, and an option appeared in front of him. .

"Do you want to understand the meaning of life? . . . Do you want to really live?"


boom!The test tube burst and the experiment failed.


Orochimaru put down the thing on his hand, and formed the seal of dispelling the illusion.


However, the light screen in front of him still did not disappear, which made Orochimaru interested.


Orochimaru first carefully checked the surrounding Chakra fluctuations, but there were none.

Then, he used various methods to dispel the illusion, and found that the light screen in front of him was still in front of him.

"It seems that the other party's illusion skills are very profound!"

Orochimaru has now reached a conclusion.

The first one, the opponent is a master of illusion, and someone wants to deal with him.

Second, he encountered a strange event.

"Since I can't come up with an answer, let me see what's going on."

So Orochimaru clicked the yes option on the light screen.

The other four people were the same as Orochimaru at first.However, after exhausting all means and finding no way to know what was going on, except for Nobi Nobita, the other three people all chose yes.


Three figures appeared in Zero's database, and at the same time, they were in a state of confusion because of the information indoctrination.

"Welcome three, come and sit down! I am the one who summoned you, my name is Zero."

After they woke up, Zero signaled the three of them to sit on the sofa.

The three of them looked at each other, and Tony Stark, who was not afraid of anything, came to the sofa first to sit down, picked up a cup of coffee and drank it.

Orochimaru and Liu Angxing saw Tony Stark's movements, nothing happened, and they also came to the sofa.

"Hello there!"

Liu Angxing bowed respectfully to Zero and spoke at the same time.

"Don't be so formal, little master. I'm not a bad person."

Zero said with a casual attitude and tone.

"Thank you!"

Seeing that the person who summoned him didn't seem to be a bad person, the little boss relaxed a little from his nervousness.

"Sit down, Uncle Snake."

After Zero sat down at the young master's house, he said to Orochimaru who was still standing.

"Hehe! You seem to know us very well."

Orochimaru took a deep look at Zero and sat down too.

"Since I have called you here, of course I know something about you."

Zero shrugged.

"Oh! Since you said that, then the information in my mind is true."

Tony Stark spoke.

Zero: "Of course it's true, I don't have time to joke with you. Then, tell your choice!"

Tony Stark: "It's okay for me to promise, but you have to prove it to me first. Without evidence, it's hard to believe, isn't it?"

Neither Orochimaru nor Liu Angxing spoke, because they also wanted Zero to provide evidence to prove the information in their minds.


Zero said meaningfully.

"Of course it is possible, but after the proof, whether you want to or not, you will become my employees, so do you still want to see it?"

"There's absolutely no problem with that."

Tony Stark said confidently.

"Me too."

Orochimaru said calmly.Because he already has his own conjecture, and the possibility of this conjecture being true is very high.He asked for evidence to satisfy his curiosity.

"me too."

Liu Angxing also made the same choice.

"Okay, I want to prove it to Tony Stark, come with me."

Zero got up from the sofa and walked towards Kamen Rider Faiz's bookshelf.

Tony Stark followed closely behind, and Orochimaru and Liu Angxing also became very curious.

"This is an alloy from a certain world introducing himself to make books. The borrowing fee is [-] data points, and I will directly deduct it later."

Zero picked up a book and handed it to Tony Stark.

"no problem."

After Tony Stark took the book, he started looking through the catalog.

After a cursory scan, he found that there were at least ten alloys in the book, which he had never seen or heard of.

"I need to experiment, I don't know what you provide here."

Tony Stark's attitude is still arrogant.

"Yes. There is everything you need in there. However, you can't take the experimental works with you."

Zero pointed to a newly-appeared door and said.

Tony Stark: "No problem!"

"Oshemaru, this book is yours. You can go to that laboratory to verify that it contains the materials you want to use."

Rei picked up a book about Orphnoch and handed it to Orochimaru, while pointing to another door, said.


Orochimaru thanked him and walked towards the laboratory.

"Little Master, there is no information that can be proved in the database now. Once they all prove it is true, it will be indirectly proved, so let's wait a moment!"

Zero said to Liu Angxing.


Liu Angxing said helplessly.


"System, open the mall!"

While waiting, Zero said to the system.

"no problem."

The system said briskly.

The shopping mall, the things sold in it, are all owned by the world that Zero Sum employees have been to.

In the past, because there were few worlds to visit, it was not opened. Now that the number of products in the mall has begun to take shape, Zero has opened the system.

After waiting for about half an hour, Orochimaru and Tony Stark came out of the laboratory one after another.

"Zero, give me the contract, and I'll sign it right away."

This is Tony Stark's first words after coming out of the laboratory.

(End of this chapter)

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