Heavens database

Chapter 192 Untitled

Chapter 192 Untitled

Yan Shisan's cultivation strength is not as good as that of Eagle Eye.However, in terms of sword intent, it far surpasses Hawkeye.

Therefore, he successfully attracted the attention of Hawkeye.

"Can we fight!"

Yan Shisan's eyes were burning, and he asked passionately.

"It's impossible."

And Hawkeye did not reject Yan Shisan, because Yan Shisan was stronger than him in terms of sword intent, and most importantly, Yan Shisan was only in his twenties, and his strength was so strong that even in the New World, Yan Shisan was stronger than him. Also among the best.He has a great opportunity to grow to his height, so that he himself will have an opponent who can fight.

"Senior Dugu?"

Yan Shisan saw that Hawkeye agreed to his request for a fight, and then looked at Ling.

"no problem."

When Yan Shisan asked himself, he knew what he was thinking, but to Ling, it was just a wave of his hand, and there was nothing wrong with it.

So, Zero waved his hand at a distance of 60 meters from Bharati, and a light blue beam of light arrived instantly.

Then, the sea slowly froze and the temperature dropped.

After the changes at sea were over, a circular ice continent with a radius of 50 meters and an unknown thickness of meters appeared in front of everyone.

Because the ice continent is huge, and after it is formed, it is not far from Balati, so the people on Balati can feel the sharp cold wind blowing towards their faces.

"Huh! It's so cold!"

Usopp let out a breath of white air, and rubbed his arms up and down, trying to warm himself up.

"Devil fruit user?!!"

Zeff said in surprise.

"Isn't that just like Luffy?"

Usopp couldn't help but ask after hearing Zeff's words.

"That's right! They are all devil fruit capable users, but this kid is far behind the other party."

Zeff answered Usopp's rhetorical question.

"Only the ability of the devil fruit, the opponent's strength, at least the colonel of the Navy headquarters. If there are other abilities, then the Commodore is not impossible."

Zeff continued to give them the division of power to popularize the world.

"However, if you say so, we don't have an accurate understanding?"

Different from the original book, Nami at this time stole the treasure and the ship, and did not escape alone.

"Okay, let's compare the strength of the two pirates with the highest bounty in the East China Sea, the Murloc Dragon."

Nami heard Zhefu's understanding, and she was very concerned about Zero's strength at this time, and even compared it with the evil dragon on purpose.

"Hehe! Are the murlocs evil dragons? Just say what you said here, and don't say it again in the future, because your words are insulting the strong! I can assure you, Colonel of the Navy Headquarters, that defeating the evil dragon will be very difficult." It's not a problem. For the Commodore, even the evil dragon is no match for him."

Zhefu sneered at Nami's question, and at the same time reminded her not to talk nonsense.

"Ah! I know, thank you Boss Zeff for your guidance."

After Nami listened to Zeff's words, an embryonic plan appeared in her mind in an instant.


While Zhefu was giving popular science to everyone, Yan Shisan flew from the highest point of Bharati, using lightness kung fu to cross the void and fly to the ice continent.

This wave of operations by Yan Shisan once again made the people who were talking a lot because of Zero's casual creation of the ice continent boil again.

"So cool!"

Lu Fei looked at Yan Shisanling crossing the sky, and shouted with his eyes shining.

"Hey, hello, is it fake? How could someone be able to fly."

Usopp subconsciously chose not to believe it.However, the facts were right in front of his eyes. Even if he said it was false, he had already believed it in his heart.

"This this."

Seeing this scene, Sauron was speechless.

"We must use their strength to save the village."

Nami is now more sure of her inner thoughts.


Unlike other people's astonishment, Hawkeye just found it interesting.

He has seen a lot of this method of moving in the air on the great waterway, and it can be done by just one of the six naval moves.

It's just that he can't be silent like Yan Shisan.

Hawkeye jumped and landed on the ice continent, in front of Yan Shisan.

sulfuric acid!
"Magic Sword Bone Poison."

Seeing Hawkeye approaching, Yan Shisan drew out his sword.

"Good sword!!"

Hawkeye is a swordsman (knife) in the world of pirates. As for the magic weapon, he can confirm that Yan Shisan's magic sword Bone Poison is slightly inferior to the Supreme Sword. sword.

"It is indeed a good sword."

Yan Shisan nodded, agreeing with what Hawkeye said.After using this strengthened sword for a year, Yan Shisan has the most right to speak.

"Heidao, Ye."

Hawkeye also put out his own knife and saluted Yan Shisan.

"It's a peerless knife."

Yan Shisan could also see Heidaoye's extraordinaryness.

"bring it on!"

Afterwards, Yan Shisan's eyes froze, and he looked at Hawkeye very seriously.

Hawkeye said nothing, but looked at Yan Shisan equally seriously.

However, neither of them took the lead, they just made adjustments from time to time in the movement of holding the knife.

"What are you doing? Why don't you move?"

Usopp looked at the two of them, did nothing but waved his hands, puzzled.

"Hey, Zoro, do you know what they're doing?"

So, I asked Sauron, who was also a swordsman.

"I don't know either."

Sauron himself didn't understand, and he was at a loss as to what these two people were doing.

"Boss Zeff, do you know?"

Usopp saw that Sauron, who was also a swordsman, didn't know, so he decided to seek answers from the well-informed Zeff.

"They are probably already fighting, right?"

Zeff replied somewhat uncertainly.

"Ah? The battle has already started, you are not lying, are you?"

Usopp was very dissatisfied with Zeff's answer.


Zeff's violent temper immediately educated Usopp.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang~~

What about piercing the heart and connecting legs, cutting off the feet of children and grandchildren, everything that I know, I will use it on Usopp.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts. Spare my life, spare my life!"

Being beaten violently by an old man and unable to fight back, Usopp could only beg for mercy.

However, at this moment, Yan Shisan on the ice continent suddenly moved, holding a sword and rushing towards Hawkeye.

At the same time, Yan Shisan also exuded a sword intent, a life-threatening sword intent. Even people on Balatti could clearly feel this shocking and terrifying sword intent.

It is completely different from what it first showed.

People who are not determined, their eyes turned white the moment the sword intent appeared, and they fell to the ground.

This is the result of Yan Shisan's sword intent condensed on the sword, if Yan Shisan radiates it unscrupulously.

I'm afraid that those who are not firm will not only faint now, but also become a dead body.

(End of this chapter)

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