Heavens database

Chapter 187 1 years

Chapter 187 One Year


Three days passed quickly.

The sun had just risen, and Yan Shisan and Kuina were just before the city gate opened.

Came to the place where they parted three days ago, waiting for Zero to arrive.

Originally, they thought they would have to wait an endless amount of time.

However, unexpectedly, before the two of them had waited long, they saw both Zero and Yan Lingji approaching.

"Good morning! You are so early, I thought I would wait for you?"

Zero said to the two of them with a smile while walking towards them.

"How can we let you, senior, wait for us?"

Yan Shisan shook his head and said seriously.

"Master, Sister Su, good morning!"

Kuina politely greeted Zero and Yan Lingji.

"Well! I won't talk nonsense anymore, what are you going to do next?"

Zero responded simply, without saying any polite words, and went straight to the topic.

"I plan to leave, practice alone for a while, and then venture into the sea."

Yan Shisan, who had already thought up his plan, spoke to Ling without hesitation.

"Okay, I get it! Show me your sword."

Zero nodded to Yan Shisan's words, expressing his understanding.Then, he suddenly made a request to Yan Shisan, which was inexplicable in Yan Shisan's eyes.

"Uh, yes, Senior Dugu."

Yan Shisan was puzzled by Ling's request, but of course it wasn't because he was afraid that Ling would be greedy for his Demon Cult bone poison.

Because Zero has the power to crush, if he wanted it, he would have already asked for it, so there was no need for Ben to ask his opinion.

Because of this, Yan Shisan was puzzled by Zero's request.

Although he didn't know what Ling's plan was, Yan Shisan still took the Demon Cult's bone poison from his waist and handed it to Ling.

sulfuric acid!
After Ling took the sword, he pulled the sword out of the scabbard with a clear and clear voice, embellished with thirteen pearls.

In Gu Long's martial arts world, it is a top weapon.However, in the world of One Piece, it's not enough.

Therefore, before leaving, Ling intends to help Yan Shisan upgrade his saber --- Demon Cult Bone Poison.

After pulling out the sword, Ling took out some materials from the space ring, and then staged a wave of remaking out of thin air in front of the three of them, upgrading the magic sword Bone Poison, which was originally only the highest-level blue equipment, to the top-level purple equipment.

After the upgrade of Demon Sword Bone Poison, it is stronger than the big fast knife in the world of One Piece, but a little weaker than the supreme big fast knife, and it is in between.

In this way, it will also help Yan Shisan's early development.

"It's amazing! It's amazing!"

Kuina's eyes were about to shine as she looked at Zero's miraculous operation.The eyes that looked at Zero were filled with admiration and respect.


Yan Shisan did not expect that Ling asked him to take the sword, so it turned out to be to upgrade his equipment.After he came to this world, all the things he got were given to him by Zero.

Yan Shisan was really moved by his new life, more advanced martial arts knowledge, and now he was able to upgrade his equipment.

"Junior Yan Shisan, thank you Senior Dugu for your love."

Yan Shisan, who knew that he was currently unable to repay the kindness, silently remembered all this in his heart.Wait for the opportunity in the future, and then find a way to repay everything that Zero has done for him.

"Well! Make good use of your kendo talent. I look forward to seeing you grow to the heights you can grow in this world."

Ling sheathed the upgraded magic sword and gave it back to Yan Shisan, expressing his deep expectations for him.

"Senior Dugu, don't worry, Yan Shisan will definitely not disgrace senior."

Yan Shisan solemnly took over the reforged magic sword Bone Poison, and then responded to Zero with a serious face.

"Very good! Be ambitious! Come on, and this one, you take it too. There is a magic airship in it, which can be used at sea and in the air, and it will be helpful for you to go to sea later."

Seeing Yan Shisan's appearance, Ling smiled faintly.And he handed over a space capsule to him. During the previous trip, Zero had used the space capsule, so Yan Shisan knew how precious the space capsule was, not to mention that there was a flying ship inside the space capsule. It is even more precious.

As for whether there is any doubt that what Ling said is a lie, Yan Shisan said that whether you believe it or not, I absolutely believe it anyway.

"Thank you, Senior Dugu!"

Although there is some infinite gratitude in my heart, I want to express it, but what I say is only these two simple words.

"If you want to thank me, just use your strength to answer me!"

Zero smiled faintly.

"Junior, I understand. The junior is going first."

Yan Shisan nodded solemnly, and then turned to leave.

"Oh, by the way, one year later, in the restaurant on the sea, Bharatti, the currently recognized world's number one swordsman --- Qiao Lakel Mihawk, where will he go? If you are interested, go and have a look Heck!"

Before Yan Shisan left, Ling gave Yan Shisan a little more motivation.

"Senior Dugu, don't worry, I will definitely go to the appointment. The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. We will have a date later!"

Yan Shisan cupped her hands and said.

"There will be a period later!"

"Regret has a deadline!"

"There will be a period later!"

And after bidding farewell to the three of them, Yan Shisan officially embarked on his first solo practice journey in this world.

"Little girl, what about you?"

After Yan Shisan left, Ling asked Kuina.

"I want to follow the master and study for a while, and then go out for a career."

After three days of thinking, Kuina finally figured out what she needed.

"Well! If this is the case, then your benefits will need to be issued later."

Zero did not refute or reject, but just stated a fact.

"I don't have a problem with that."

Kuina nodded, showing her will.

"This is your own choice. Don't cry about your suffering or tiredness then."

"I'm mentally prepared."

"it is good!"


A year's time passes by in a blink of an eye.

Now there is a wooden sailboat on the sea, with a pair of folded wings on both sides, the shape is relatively strange.

Such a strange ship, under the control of no one, is moving forward rapidly with the wind.

On the deck of the ship, Yan Lingji leaned on Zero's shoulder, looking at the sea that she was already tired of seeing.

"Should be almost there."

Zero sensed it, and not far away, some large boats with fish head accessories on the bow entered Zero's sensing range.Moreover, there are many ships moored next to the ship restaurant, some large and some small, with different levels of armament.

Among them, the most eye-catching ones are the navy's warships.


to be continued
(End of this chapter)

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