Heavens database

Chapter 141 Gossip

Chapter 141 Gossip

"I didn't expect that I worked so hard and killed the late ninth-level abyss demon before three epic pieces were revealed to me. What a trap. It's like a certain Hua Teng."

Zero looked at the three pieces of equipment on the ground and complained fiercely.

Although he talked about pitfalls, his body was very honest, and he picked up the three epics on the ground.

"In any case, this is the result of my own hard work, and I can't take advantage of others here."

When the epic information was passed into Zero's mind.

So fragrant! !
Can it not be so fragrant?The first piece of epic equipment, the 100-level epic long knife--the light of the moon, its shape and attributes, etc., I won’t write out the numbers, but I have to talk about its special ability.

First, ignore defense by 20% defense.

Second, attack power increased by 30%.

Third, blood-sucking, which can absorb the blood of the enemy and strengthen itself.

"What the hell, are you sure it's not a demon sword?"

Zero couldn't help but think when he saw the third special ability.

The second piece of epic equipment, the 100-level ring --- Devil's Whisper, the special abilities are as follows.

First, the active skill, whose level does not exceed level 100, has a 90.00% chance to confuse the enemy.

Second, shadow stealth, which can sneak into different spaces, move or defend, and the effective time is less than ten seconds.

The third piece of epic equipment, the level 100 hand cannon – XM47 – Destroyer Cannon, has the following special abilities.

First, you can use the hand cannon to consume a certain amount of energy and use all the skills of the gunnery profession.

Second, final damage increased by 40%.

"These three things are not bad, although they are of no use to me."

After Zero digested the information on the three pieces of epic equipment, he said to himself.

"Master, this is what those four spirits dropped."

At this time, after the exploration started, the angel who was soy sauce almost all the way, held the giant sword of the skeleton Kane and handed it to Zero.

"Magic sword—Apophis? I didn't expect my luck to be so good. This time I found three [-]-level epics and a pretentious artifact."

Zero took Apophis, raised the corner of his mouth, and said lightly.

"Let's go! Finish exploring here."



While Zero and Angel continued to explore the Moaning Cave, things went awry on the side of the Void.

Can it be messy?The majestic king of the abyss, the man in the steel tube actually fell, and it was still without the other kings knowing.

The reason why the other kings knew that the man in the steel pipe was dead was because of the light of life they had jointly formulated before.

The lamp belonging to the steel pipe man suddenly went out, and they knew that the steel pipe man was dead.

Therefore, other kings of the abyss and the king of the void organized a meeting.

Abyss King A's tone was flat, unable to tell whether it was joy or sorrow, and asked everyone present: "Everyone, do you have any clues about the death of the man with the steel pipe?"

King of the Abyss B: "I investigated this matter. Before the steel pipe man died, he passed the abyss party, and his body descended to the Arad continent. However, not long after he went there, his life lamp went out gone."

King of the Abyss C said with a contemptuous expression: "Oh! The steel pipe man is too weak! To be killed by Arad's people is simply to lose the face of our Nihility Realm."

Ding, the king of the abyss, sneered at the words of the king of the abyss Bing: "Bing the king of the abyss, stop mocking the pole man here, if you go, I think he will die sooner than him."

King of the Abyss Bing propped up his body, glared at King of the Abyss Ding and said, "What did you say? Say it again if you dare."

Wang Mao of the Abyss looked at Wang Bing of the Abyss who turned from embarrassment into anger, and said with strong contempt in his tone: "Bing, King of the Abyss, don't you have any B in your heart? The steel pipe man's character, wisdom, Strategy and strength are in the upper middle among us, and you, hehe."

King of the Abyss B's eyes were red, like a wild beast, staring at King of the Abyss Ding and King of the Abyss Mao, unable to say anything to refute: "You...you guys."

King of the Void: "Okay, I roughly understand the situation. Those of you who are in charge of the abyss party, don't use your body to descend in the future, and record the information of every person who starts the abyss party. I hope it will not affect our plan. Alright."

Kings: "Yes."


Zero didn't expect that killing the steel pipe man on a whim would attract the attention of the side of the void.

After causing the big shift, the adventurer enters the realm of nothingness to explore and complete huge obstacles.

Now, Zero has returned to the database and is once again taking a peek at the screen.

Orochimaru: "Broly, are you on Xuzu's side?"

Broly: "Yes, there is a grand martial arts competition held in Sunan in Xuzu. I have signed up to participate. I will stay in Xuzu until next month."

Orochimaru: "Great, can you help me collect some corpses of local monsters?"

Broly: "Yes, no problem!"

Orochimaru: "Thank you so much!"

Kadoya Shi: "Orochimaru, do you want a monster from the heavens?"

Orochimaru: "As long as it is a different kind of monster, I need it. But then again, Monyashi-senpai, aren't you with the boss and Broly?"

Men Yashi: "We separated activities a month ago. I came to Heaven, and what I have to say is that the technology of Heaven is a bit dark."

Tony Stark: "How dark?"

Bulma: "Same question."

Aizen Soyousuke: "It shouldn't be too dark, after all, the world view is a mixture of multiple systems."

"Hey, Menyashi uploaded a small video [Laser Cannon Siege. avi], [Special Bullet Demonstration.avi], [Quantum Bomb Demonstration.avi], [Gaboga's Fist Demonstration.avi]... "

Kadashi: "See for yourselves!"

"Drip! Download Tony Stark..."

"Drip, download Bulma..."

. . . . . .

The group fell silent all of a sudden, and almost everyone downloaded the video and watched it carefully.

After a long time, the exchange group exploded.

Bulma: "Is this called a bit dark? This is obviously very dark, okay?"

Tony Stark: "It's unscientific to hold a laser siege cannon!!!"

Zero: "[XM47-Destruction Cannon Introduction. jpg], this is magic, let’s understand it."

Orochimaru: "It's really magical equipment."

Bulma: "It's magic."

Tony Stark: "No, it's not true, the boss took it to me, and I'm going to prove it's not true."

Pikachu: "_`Contempt."

Alu: "Do you want to prostitute for nothing?"

Aizen Soyousuke: "After the appraisal, Tony really wants to whore for nothing."

Men Yashi: "Zero, where did you get the equipment, it's too strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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