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Chapter 111 New Discoveries

Chapter 111 New Discoveries


That night, Han Gaitian smoothly took all the most valuable rare treasures in his treasury with him as much as possible.

Then, he did not forget to kill his family members and his substitute at home, and wrote the seven characters "Killer, Ximen Chuuxue" on the wall.

Before leaving, he planned to play tricks, make his reputation even worse, be despised by others, and become a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats.

The best thing is that the whole martial arts group will attack. He doesn't believe that Ling really has the ability to challenge the entire martial arts world by himself.

"Hmph! Ximen Chuuxue, you can't blame me. People don't kill themselves, not to mention your reputation is really not very good."

After arranging the things to be arranged, Han Gaitian said to himself to the corpse in the room.

Then, he left the Haisha Gang's residence straight away, followed the escape route that had been planned long ago, and fled at lightning speed.

"Master, I can't believe that you would do this. Thanks to us gang members, we still believe in you so much and will lead us to go on. I have no idea that you will treat us as an abandoned son."

The deputy head of the Haisha gang saw all Han Gaitian's actions, with a look of sadness, resentment, and frustration.

"No, I can't let the brothers in the gang suffer because of Han Gaitian's conspiracy."

The deputy gang leader came back to his senses in an instant and made a decision.

He quickly cleaned up the "evidence" and corpses created by Han Gaitian.

Moreover, forged evidence that Han Gaitian took his relatives, took away valuables from the gang, and absconded.Use his own way to treat his own body.

After a lot of hard work, the deputy gang leader finally got things done and left the scene smoothly before being discovered.

Afterwards, things developed in the ideal direction of the deputy gang leader. The news that Han Gaitian abandoned the gang and ran away with the money spread all over the world, both inside and outside the gang.

Han Gaitian became notorious for a while, but the deputy gang leader worked hard to contribute to the subsequent development of the gang, and was soon supported by the gang as the new gang leader.

And within a month of Han Gaitian's escape, he was murdered by his former "good friend" for money, and then abandoned in the wilderness, eaten by wolves, and died without a place to bury him.


The words are divided into two parts.

Zero's four avatars wandered around after completing their missions, and inquired about Daming Zunjiao's influence within the Sui Dynasty.

If you are lucky enough to meet, you will uproot the other party, and if you don't meet, you will hand over to Song Que and Yang Guang, and let them solve it by themselves.

Although the avatars are wandering around, they all have a common destination, which is the headquarters of the Persian Daming Zunjiao.

Because Zero is not sure whether Daming Zunjiao, this unstable alien sect, will invade culture like Buddhism did back then.

Then, it takes root in the masses of the laboring people, like a vampire, sucking the blood of the people and sharing their enjoyment.

Just one Buddhism is enough. If there is one more, the Sui Dynasty will only become more chaotic and hinder its plan to recuperate and recuperate.

And Ling's body is also in the palace, responsible for Yang Guang's handling of some government affairs.As a time traveler, these things are simple to Zero.

Whatever you want, give Yang Guang these three books: "Management", "New Chapter of Zhizheng", and "Psychology".Let him learn how to be a qualified manager and revise the national development strategy.

One day, when Zero's main body was assisting Yang Guang in handling government affairs, one of the avatars shared a piece of information.

"Underground in the Sichuan and Sichuan regions, a strange enchantment was found in motion. The enchantment seemed to be a world of its own, and a creature with the strength of a fourth-order peak was sensed."

Zero looked at the information sent back by the avatar, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said with interest.

"Interesting. It seems that there should be some good treasures in this enchantment, otherwise, there will not be some enchantment guards. All right! You can go and see, anyway, you have the ability I have, and I can also use unlimited energy. Provided. Feel free to wave, if the wave dies, I will lose."

On the other side, the clone in front of the barrier twitched the corners of its mouth in a very speechless manner when it heard the main body's answer.

"What the hell, does the main body have confidence in me, or is it laughing at me? If you waste your life, you lose."

The avatar shook his head helplessly. The main body was very serious when it should be serious, but when it was played, it was really crazier than anyone else, like a funny comparison.

"Hey! Systematically analyze this enchantment and find a way to get in."

The avatar immediately handed over this brain-consuming work to the system, and collected information by the way.

"No problem! Host, please wait."

"System analysis... The system analysis is complete."

"The method of entry is as follows:
[-]. Violent breaking, the barrier can withstand the highest level, a full-strength blow from the peak of the fifth level.However, it is very likely that the contents inside will be damaged.

[-]. Use the space transfer method to enter the inside of the barrier without destroying the barrier.

[-]. According to the reverse reasoning of the system, open the enchantment method and open the enchantment.

Four,. . . . . .

five,. . . . . . "

It took the system 10 minutes to analyze the barrier and provide five ways to break it.

"Choose the third option and use formal means to enter, so as to avoid trouble."

Zero glanced at the methods given by the system and immediately chose the correct way to open the barrier.

"OK! Knowledge infusion."

A stream of information, simple and rude, was directly instilled into Zero's mind without any buffer measures.

"I'm talking about the system! If you pour information into my mind like this, aren't you afraid that your master, I, can't bear to become an idiot?"

Zero rubbed his slightly swollen head and complained.

"Don't worry, host, this system will not do anything to harm you. The act of directly instilling the information just now will help improve your mental strength, so don't be afraid."

The system explained patiently.

"Then I want more, thank you!"

Zero said angrily.

"Thank you host for the compliment!"

The system said cheekily.



After slowing down, after recovering.

Zero follows the method given by the system to open the barrier, circulates the energy in his body, and travels through the specific meridians and acupuncture points.Then, punch out the energy and land it on the barrier.

When a barrier meets energy, it melts and disappears instantly, just like thin ice meets a red-hot iron.

"The products produced by the system must be of the highest quality."

The system suddenly bubbles up, selling itself and boasting.

"Okay, okay, I know you are amazing."

Zero said helplessly.

"In the previous system, he was a quiet and handsome man. Now it has become more and more like a second dog, smelly and shameless."

Zero complained in his heart.

Then, Kua crosses the barrier and enters the interior of the barrier.

(End of this chapter)

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