Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 99 Free.2

Chapter 99 Free.2
By the time Mo Ya returned to the inn, Ying Zigao had already laid down on the bed and fell asleep. This young master has a big heart. This is the country of Yan. There are not a few people who want to kill Ying Zigao and give Ying Zheng a heavy blow, don't they? If you fall asleep like this, you are not afraid of being wiped out in a dream? "I'm back!" Mo Ya heard Ying Zigao ask himself, nodded, and replied: "Yes, the letter has been delivered to Miss Xue Nu. The girl is safe now. I feel that there is a very small door next to Miss Xue Nu's room. Strong sword energy. Not as good as Gai Nie, but not bad!"

Ying Zigao didn't have the sword qi that Mo Ya said, because he knew who it was. Except for Gao Jianli, no one in Feixue Pavilion could be considered a master, not even the pavilion master Bing Yu.What he cared about was the safety of Xue Nu.

"What did Miss Snow Maiden say?"

Mo Ya shook his head, and replied calmly: "No." He didn't tell Ying Zigao that there were some things he said to Xue Nu, and there were some things that didn't need to be known by so many people. Besides, he also believed that Xue Nu didn't They will tell their conversation to the owner in front of them.

Ying Zigao nodded uninterestedly when he heard the words, and said indifferently: "Forget it, go to bed early, and accompany me to meet someone tomorrow."

Mo Ya didn't ask anyone, but just nodded. This is the style a guard should have. He jumped onto the beam in a flash. He will try his best to protect Ying Zigao at any time, so the two People can only sleep in one room.

Ying Zigao wants to sleep on the bed, so he can only sleep on the beam.Ying Zigao was not surprised when he saw this, and it was not like he had never seen it before.Besides, he doesn't like to sleep in the same bed with a man, he doesn't have this habit.


Early the next morning, Ying Zigao happily went to Feixue Pavilion after having lunch.As soon as he arrived at the door, there was no accident, what he saw was still the soldiers of Lord Yanchun's mansion.Ying Zigao didn't speak, but Mo Ya could see that Ying Zigao's face was ugly.

Like a child, Ying Zigao spat at the door of Feixue Pavilion, turned around and left.The ink crow followed quietly, until after walking for a long time and turning around several times, it returned to its original place.

Seeing that Ying Zigao wanted to leave, Mo Ya finally couldn't help it, and asked, "Master, where are we going?"

Ying Zigao turned his head and looked at Mo Crow in embarrassment, "This, that... I don't seem to know the way!"

The reason is very strong, but you led me blindly for two hours without knowing the way.

Mo Ya didn't blame Ying Zigao, and he didn't dare either.Who is the master and who is the servant.He can tell clearly.Mo Ya stepped forward and looked around. "Can the young master tell you where the young master wants to go, Mo Ya may know."

The people under Master Yingzi, not only the Moya, but also the eight departments of Jinyiwei have the same attitude towards Yingzigao, which is also the result of Yingzheng's education.

I remember that at that time, Jin Yiwei had gained a great reputation in the six countries.After a mission, Ying Zigao was called by Ying Zheng to lecture him.

Yingzi is so high that he still remembers what his cheap father said at the time.

I didn't go to Jiaofang Palace that day, but went to the morning court every day, where Yingzheng met all the officials.

When Ying Zigao arrived at the main hall that day, it was already very late, and the moon was already high.As soon as Ying Zigao entered the hall, he saw his father standing in front of the dragon chair with his back turned to him.

Ying Zigao hadn't come to salute yet.I heard Ying Zheng speak.The voice was very indifferent, so indifferent that he seemed to have forgotten his feelings, the ruthlessness from the voice oppressed Ying Zigao's nerves, depressing, indescribably depressing.

It wasn't until this moment that Ying Zigao understood what a king is and what an emperor through the ages is.

"You, have you ever heard of Mr. Wu An!"

Even though Ying Zheng couldn't see him, Ying Zigao nodded, showing respect for an eternal king.

"I know, the god of killing is in vain!" Wu An Jun Bai Qi, Ying Zigao admired this man very much when he was in later generations, a generation of military gods, he deserves his name.

Someone in later generations once commented on Bai Qi, saying that he was the most outstanding military strategist in the Warring States Period after Sun Bin and Wu Qi.

Together with Wang Jian, Li Mu, and Lian Po, they were also known as the Four Great Generals of the Warring States Period.And ranked first among the four.In his life, he made great military exploits for the state of Qin.In the Battle of Changping, Zhao Guojiang killed 40 generals and became famous in the first battle.

Famous at home and abroad, at that time, mentioning Bai Qi's name, to be honest, could stop the baby from crying at night.

Ying Zigao didn't know whether it was true or not, and most of it might be false, but from this sentence, it is not difficult to see that Bai Qi was in Qin, not only in Qin, but even in the whole world.

When Bai Qi died, some people said that he was in Xianyang.Some people also said that he was on the way to conquer Chu, but Ying Zigao also knew a saying that no one else knew.

Before the crossing, there was a segment in the Mingyue of the Qin Dynasty, saying that Lord Wu'an Bai Qi died at the hands of Di Ze 24 of the peasant family.

I don't know if Ying Zigao is true or not, but looking at today's appearance, it seems that the depression is not far away from me


However, there are many theories about the cause of Bai Qi's death in later generations, but none of them can be confirmed.Ying Zigao didn't understand what Ying Zheng was doing when he mentioned Bai Qi.

Standing in front of the dragon chair, Ying Zheng still didn't turn his head, just narrating a seemingly insignificant matter, or telling a story.

"The King Gu will tell you something. That year was the 50th year of King Zhaoxiang. At that time, Bai Qi was standing in your position. Even now, I can imagine Bai Qi's appearance at that time."

"Grandfather sent Bai Qi to attack Zhao at that time, but he couldn't attack for a long time. Besides, our Qin army suffered heavy losses. It was not Bai Qi's fault, but when morale declined, we had to find someone to bear the responsibility for the defeat and prove that it was the fault of one person. , not that my Daqin sergeant is incompetent."

"Bai Qi was seriously ill at the time, and he was already old. So it became the best choice for my grandfather. Only when Bai Qi threw the mistake to Bai Qi, I, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Daqin, could be convinced."

Ying Zigao didn't intervene, didn't interrupt, just listened quietly, he wanted to know why Bai Qi, who had made great military exploits for Da Qin, was bestowed to death by his great-grandfather.

Is it Bai Qi's fault, or the king is really ruthless.He is so ruthless that he can even kill loyal ministers who are dedicated to serving the country.

"At that time, my grandfather sent someone to Zhao, and a paper dispatched an order to secretly recall Bai Qi. No one knew about this matter. Gu Neng knew because this matter was recorded in the royal family books in detail. Only when he ascended the throne Afterwards, sit on the classics that you can read only when you sit on the throne!"

"As a king, the overall situation is the most important thing. How many people's lives in Daqin are on this small dragon court. If you use your emotions, only more people will die. You can't make mistakes. People in the whole world are watching you doing what."

"Bai Qi's death is the best ending for Da Qin, and it is also the best ending for Bai Qi himself."

(End of this chapter)

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