Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 97 Free

Chapter 97 Free
Although Ying Zigao found out, he didn't look back, and said in a low voice: "You said, my father fought the world for the purpose of unifying the land of China of the seven kingdoms. He is right, he is a hero."

"But the soldiers lost by Qin, the people of the six countries, they are not wrong."

"The common people just want to be more comfortable, and the soldiers are to protect their families and the country."

"But I established Jinyiwei, collected information from the six countries, and helped my father crusade against the world. These dead people, and those who are not dead but will die, will die because of me."

Ying Zigao pointed to the crowd coming and going outside the inn window, and said:
"Look, they had a very peaceful life!"

Ying Zigao withdrew his hand, shook his head slightly, and muttered to himself in low spirits.

"Every time I think about the people who will die because of me, I don't know what I did. I don't know if it's right or wrong!"

Gai Nie behind Ying Zigao listened carefully, listening to these words from Ying Zigao's heart.Right or wrong, he doesn't know either.

He came out of Guigu by himself, and once thought of becoming a person like Su Qin and Zhang Yi, and becoming famous in Guigu.

But later, looking at those hungry people, I suddenly realized that Su Qin and Zhang Yi have become famous, and their names have gone down in history.But how many bones did they step on?
Yingzheng has great talent and general strategy, and Ge Nie believes that he can be the first king to unify the seven kingdoms as he said.He also said that he would give the people a prosperous future.

If there is a war, people will definitely die. How much is just a quantity.

He can't help Yingzheng to conquer the world and conquer the six kingdoms, but he has martial arts, he can give Yingzheng security, even if Yingzheng doesn't need it!
Gai Nie stepped forward, stood behind Ying Zigao, and said in a deep voice:

"Right or wrong, don't care what others think, but what you think."

"It doesn't matter what the result is, what the opinion is, or what the world thinks. As long as you understand in your heart, what you are doing is fine!"

Ge Nie's hands were hanging down, very weak.But in the eyes, there is a kind of confidence that cannot be underestimated!

Gaine went on to say:

"People will die, but sooner or later. They are the weak, but this is a world of the strong."

"Their deaths are not worthless, at least, the young master remembers them!"

Ying Zigao listened quietly and did not speak.He seemed to be thinking about what he should do in the future.There was no sound for a long time!

Gan Tian, ​​Mo Ya, and Gai Nie who were behind him were smart enough not to disturb them.

Ying Zigao slowly raised his head, looked at the sky above his head, and smiled slightly.

"I can only work hard, and no more people will die in the future!"

Gai Nie's martial arts is very good, even though Ying Zigao's voice is very low, Gai Nie still hears him.Looking at the young figure in front of him, he seemed to be more and more satisfied!
Ying Zigao turned his head and just saw Gai Nie smiling.They bowed and saluted very calmly.It seems that there is no surprise at Gai Nie's arrival!
This is true, there is no one else who knows that he is here except Mo Ya.Although Ying Zigao was still unable to hear the voices of others, he could still hear the clashing sound of the scabbards very clearly.And in this attic, Mo Ya never carried a sword with him.

If there is any stranger, Mo Ya will not let him come up if he is below. Even if Mo Ya can't beat the opponent, he can still notify himself as quickly as possible.

It can be seen from this that Mo Crow knew the person who came up, and besides Jin Yiwei and Gai Nie in Ying Zigao's mind, he couldn't imagine that there would be other people from Qin who would come here.

"Meet the teacher!"

Gai Nie returned to the past in an instant? Taishan collapsed in front of his face without changing his face, and he lowered his body to Ying Zigao, which was also a salute.

"Gai Nie, I've seen you, Young Master!"

For Gai Nie's aloofness, Ying Zigao has long been familiar with it.

Ying Zigao nodded to Mo Crow behind Gai Nie, Qian Tian nodded, and asked Gai Nie directly:

"I wonder if the teacher can bring Youlong Pearl here?"

Gai Nie didn't speak, and slowly took down the package behind him.Open the package, inside is a square box made of bronze.The box is well sealed and there are no traces of welding.The six sides of the box are engraved with the small seal script of the Qin State, and I didn't look carefully at what Yingzigao was.On the upward side of the box, there is also a circular hole, which is not very deep.

It is only as long as a thumbnail, and it looks like the treasure box that appeared in the movie "Myth" played by a star named Hu Ge in later generations.There are no gears around the slots either.How to open this situation?

Ying Zigao looked up at Gai Nie and didn't speak, but Gai Nie understood Ying Zigao's meaning.

Looking down at the bronze box in front of him, he explained to Ying Zigao:
"This box is called Liu Wang Tian!"

"It was cast by Gongshu Qiu, the master of the Gongshu family mechanism. It is said that in order to cast this box, Mr. Gongshu destroyed a hand."

"Liu Wangtian was created based on the principles of the Eight Diagrams of Taoism. Life and death are opened by wounding, and Du Jing is shocked by the eight gates. The two gates of life and death are excluded from the eight gates. The remaining six gates occupy one side of the box."

"If there is no key, if you open it forcibly, the box will be destroyed. At least the hand of the person who opened the box will be useless. The rest of the box is just a pile of debris!"

Ying Zigao was secretly surprised. It has to be said that the wisdom of the ancients was not even a little bit stronger than that of modern people. At least in later generations, if they did not use electronic equipment, they would never be able to make such things.

Gong Shuchou is the only person in the anime other than the master of the Mohist class who has a trick in the whole play.Mohist organs, wood and stone walk; Bronze speaks, ask Gongshu.

Gongshu Qiu is also another talent who has pushed the Gongshu family to the top besides Master Lu Ban in the past hundred years.The art of machine casting can be said to be proficient, unpredictable!

Ying Zigao nodded, looked at the box and said:

"Before I came to the Yan Kingdom, I heard that the master of the public loser, Shuchou, led the public losers to join the empire. With the help of the public loser's domineering mechanism, the empire will not be too far away to unify the six countries."

Gai Nie nodded in agreement, Ying Zigao was right.What Gongshuchou brought to Qin was not the identity of a mechanism master, but also the incomparable mechanism technique.

Many people in the later generations of Potu Saburo know and have seen him.Maybe you can't think of it from the anime, think about it, if Qin and Yan meet on the battlefield in the future, there are not many in the Qin military camp, only three Potu Saburo, cooperating with the soldiers of Qin.

That scene, needless to say, just thinking about it makes people shudder!

Ying Zigao went on to say:

"This thing is indeed wonderfully crafted. I wonder if the key is in your hands, teacher?"

(End of this chapter)

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