Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 88.untitled.

Chapter 88.untitled.

Xiaomeng left, and under Chisongzi's uneasy mood, this day finally came. After living for more than half of his life, it was the first time that he felt that life was hard.

You Ning sent Xiaomeng to the gate of the palace. He originally wanted to send Xiaomeng out of Xianyang city by the way, but he had not established a mansion, and he did not have an oral order from Ying Zheng, so he had to send it to the gate of the palace.

You Ning stopped at the main entrance, watched a group of Taoist disciples gradually go away, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Because it has been sown, as for the fruit, it all depends on God's will.Man proposes, God disposes.Youning didn't think too much about it, but there are more important things now!

After returning to Weiyang Palace, You Ning drank a cup of tea, and when it came to tea, You Ning also took it, good things, but those who were spoiled couldn't drink them.Nuo is a big country in the Seven Kingdoms, but no one knows that there is fried tea. In this case, You Ning had no choice but to do it himself!
In the whole world, except for himself, Ying Zheng is the only one who can drink authentic tea.

The harem of Xianyang Palace is divided into two parts, one part is where Yingzheng's concubine lives, and it is on the left side behind Xianyang Palace.Usually, if you don't have a summons, you can't go in.The other part is the place where the princes and princesses live, and it is on the right side of the back. This is their private territory. Usually, a few brothers gather together, and no one cares about it.The left and right divisions are based on the line of Jiaofangdian.

: "How's the news?" You Ning asked while drinking from a teacup.

A young man in black standing at You Ning's head heard the words, took a step forward, and said:
"The latest news is that Concubine Dongjun Yan betrayed the Yinyang family and went to Beiyan. The rest of the people have not yet shown up."

You Ning raised his head and asked, "Concubine Dongjun Yan?"

The young man nodded.


Ever since You Ning came to Qin Shi, he has been trying to figure out the time he is in. Now it seems that he came a little early!

"If anyone from the Yin Yang family shows up, send someone to notify me immediately!" You Ning ordered.

The young man below heard the words and thought for a while, then said:

"Subordinates don't know whether to say something or not."

You Ning glanced at it, and said, "Speak hesitatingly."

"The subordinates feel that instead of blindly waiting for the Yin-Yang family, it is better to get in touch with the Taoist Tianzong. The result may be better." These words were spoken by the young man after careful consideration.

You Ning smiled, stood up, and said as he walked:

"I'm in a good mood today, son, so I'll explain a few words to you." You Ning pointed to the beautiful rivers and mountains outside the door, and said:

"Tianzong is different from Yinyang School. Tianzong is only thinking about how to get closer to the Dao of the unity of human beings. But Yinyang School is different. Yinyang School comes from Taoism. Their purpose is much simpler. It proves that the school of Yin and Yang is the orthodox Taoism."

"Since they want to be Taoist orthodox, and after the empire has unified the world, what's the point of letting them be Taoist orthodox?"

As he talked, You Ning didn't know why his mind became depressed.He waved his hand and said:
"Keep an eye on it!"

The young man nodded, turned around and left.




Five days later, Wang Li's figure finally arrived at Peach Valley.

What Lao Li said was indeed true. Wang Li had already found several waves of talented people along the way.

Without stopping, Wang Li rushed directly towards the back mountain.

Peach Valley is named after the peach trees all over the mountains and plains.It's only March now, and the peach blossoms haven't bloomed yet, otherwise the peach blossoms all over the mountains and plains are also beautiful.

In Peach Valley, there is a small residence, a house made of wood, which is Wang Li's destination.

After a while, Wang Li pulled the horse and arrived at the door of the hut.

"Sister, I'm here to see you!"

With a squeak, the door of the hut opened, and a person who was a little older than Wang Li walked out. Actually, it couldn't be seen, but in terms of temperament, he was much more mature than Wang Li.

She was wearing a long purple dress, which was inexplicably beautiful.There is still some heroism between the eyebrows, and the steps are steady, it seems that he is also a person with some skills!

The woman's name is Wang Wanzhi, and in terms of blood relationship, she is Wang Li's biological sister of the same father and mother.

Having said that, it must be mentioned back then.

Thirteen years ago, when Wang Li had just turned three years old and Wang Wanzhi was only six years old, the Wang family underwent major changes.Wang Li's father was also a well-known warrior in his hometown back then.A hard work is quite good.

On that day, it was said that a distinguished guest came from the town, set up the ring, and decided the winner by skill, and if he won, he would get ten taels of gold!
At that time, God dozed off, and the harvest in the field was really weak.Wang Li's father moved his mind and wanted to try it. Things were a bit unexpected. He won the ring and brought the gold home. Within half an hour, Wang Li's father and mother were dead.

But at that time, the two children were greedy for play, so they were spared from this calamity!
After Wang Wanzhi brought her three-year-old brother home, needless to say, how strong are two children.

However, Ivana Wong is also extraordinary. After some grief, she immediately realized that she couldn't stay at home for long.After packing up two pieces of clothes and a little bit of silver left at home, he took his younger brother and fled for his life.

After tossing and turning, I arrived at Peach Valley!Living by begging, he can barely survive.

Another day, something went wrong with Wang Li's body, his head was so hot that he passed out on the street!
Maybe God likes to play tricks on people!Before Wang Wanzhi could react, a group of people on the side of the road walked towards Wang Li.

Among these people, Bai Yushan is inside!
And it was Bai Yushan who proposed to go there!
The leader, a middle-aged man, looked at Bai Yushan who bent down to feel Wang Li's pulse.

He smiled and said, "Is Lao Bai feeling compassionate again?"

Bai Yushan turned his head and waved a hand, saying:
"Where, I just saw that the children are destined for me. Besides, there are already three, and if there is one more, Mingyao Villa can still afford it!"

Mingyao Villa?Hearing this name, Wang Wanzhi, who was about to move, quietly withdrew her movement!
In this way, Wang Li was taken to Mingyao Villa, and Wang Wanzhi didn't dare to say anything.The only thing I can do is to wait here in Peach Valley!

Ying Zheng nodded, "Speak!"

Wang Jian cupped his hands and said, "No!"

"The old minister thought that the young master went! But His Majesty can send the old minister to go together. Even if the young master makes any mistakes before the battle, the old minister can deal with it in time. It will not cause any major problems! However, if the young master can use the [-] soldiers to take Go to the Kingdom of Wei, then my Daqin will have a young military god!"

Hearing this, Ying Zheng thought for a moment, then nodded. "General, this method is feasible. Tomorrow, I will announce it to all officials!"

In this way, the night passed, and Yinggao passed away under the torment of loss and helplessness!
Yinggao was originally not from this time, but from the 21st century.For a future generation, that is a comprehensive development.Moreover, Yinggao before time travel was a liberal arts student!And he is also a liberal arts student who likes to study ancient Chinese!
Although the liberal arts war has nothing to do with it, but before liberation, China's history of more than 2000 years was recorded in ancient Chinese, so it has nothing to do with liberal arts students.

With the wisdom of the 21st century and so many tactics of war, Yinggao is absolutely confident that he can win this time against Wei!

In the early morning, Ying Zheng remained the same as yesterday.Sitting on the dragon chair.

"The matter of cutting Wei, everyone, what are your thoughts?"

Wang Jian heard the words and looked around, then walked towards the center of the hall, bowed his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I have something to say!"

Ying Zheng nodded, this scene, but the two of them discussed it yesterday!

Wang cut open

(End of this chapter)

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