Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 84 88. End of abuse

Chapter 84 88. End of abuse
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"It's very courageous, you dare to come a second time after you come here?"

Jiang Nan looked at the slightly weirdly dressed, um, superhero in front of him with great interest.

"Let's discuss it, don't worry about what you shouldn't do in the future, and I'll let you go back?"

Iron Fist looked at the young man who was not much different from himself in front of him in a daze. Wouldn't he be afraid to flash his tongue when he said such a big word?

"You are so rampant, does your family know?"

Jiang Nan looked at the young man in front of him speechlessly, who is more rampant?

There are too many Marvel heroes, all kinds of heroes. Jiang Nan, a pseudo-Marvel fan, has no chance to remember too many people except for a few active ones.

Just like Iron Fist, apart from the fact that he is from Kunlun, Jiangnan really doesn't have any impression in his mind.

Even the fundamental meaning of the name Iron Fist has been forgotten.

Jiang Nan smiled inwardly, this child doesn't know good and bad, and it's for your own good to persuade you to go back, otherwise, it would be bad to break bones.

"For your sake, you come first."

Jiang Nan beckoned, saying that he is also a senior and cannot bully children.

Seeing Tekken's appearance, he was not polite.

Jiang Nan stood in the distance, squinting his eyes and watched as a strange energy began to gather in the palm of Iron Fist. It was very strange, and it was a kind of energy that Jiang Nan had never seen before.

It doesn't look like magic, and it doesn't look like energy...

Jiang Nan could clearly feel that because of this strange energy, his opponent was beginning to change towards the stronger side.

The root cause of the change is that energy that Jiangnan has never seen before.

Seeing the iron fist moving quickly towards him, Jiang Nan suddenly became interested. He wanted to know how much power this strange energy had.

Thinking about it, Jiang Nan smiled, moved his steps, and rushed in the direction of the iron fist.

Without any precautions, he rushed to Iron Fist. The unobstructed chest gave Iron Fist the best attack range.

Iron Fist didn't understand. Judging from the speed of movement just now, he should be an expert, but this unguarded way seems like a novice, or is he looking down on himself?

A strange thought flashed in Iron Fist's heart. The teacher taught that one should not think too much when fighting.

The only thing in my mind is to win...

The "Qi" in his body gathered in his fist in an instant, and the feeling of full strength made Iron Fist feel that he was fearless.

Without hesitation, the fist fell heavily towards Jiangnan's chest.


There was a sound, like the sound of hitting metal, and the dull sound made Iron Fist involuntarily surprised.

Looking at Jiangnan who was punched far away by himself, a slight smile appeared on the face under the iron fist mask.

The feeling of victory is still intoxicating, and this is another stepping stone on the road to success.

The moment Jiang Nan was sent flying by the iron fist, all the people present who were sent by Jin Bing to assist Jiang Nan were stunned.

It shouldn't be, why is it so weak?

He had already failed once last time. If he failed this time, Boss Jin Bin would really sell them to the North Pole to feed penguins.

This is absolutely not allowed. Everyone seems to have discussed it, and instantly raised the muzzle of the gun and loaded the bullet. Everyone's target is the person who wants to send them to the North Pole.

Jiangnan slowly stood up straight, put his hands on his chest, and slowly rubbed the chest that had just been hit by an iron fist.

Don't tell me, it really hurts a bit.At that moment just now, he almost gave himself up, Jiangnan looked at Iron Fist not far away.

The glasses stared at the pair of fists, curious in his heart, how did they grow, even if they were strong, they were still so hard?
I haven't felt such pain for a long time. When I played with Wolverine and Colossus, it didn't hurt so much.

Jiang Nan took a couple of breaths, trying to let the breath go.

The point is not the pain, but the point is being interrupted.

Jiang Nan tilted his head, looked at Iron Fist, and nodded in satisfaction. It is a pure oriental fighting style, and the apprentices taught by the Chinese are not ashamed.

"The strength is good, but you still need to practice!


Jiangnan's words of a little face-saving made Iron Fist a little surprised, or he was a little surprised by his punch just now.

Eyes full of suspicion looked at his slowly raised fist.

It shouldn't be, according to the strength of the punch just now, even if he comes back alive, he shouldn't stand up now.

How could he still have the strength to stand up and talk?
But it doesn't matter, one punch is not enough, so give another punch.

Iron Fist raised his arms high, gathering energy while moving quickly towards Jiangnan.

The extraordinary speed made the people in black around feel it, as if a gust of wind had blown past.

Jiang Nan shook his head, looking at Iron Fist rushing towards him.

"You man, one hit is not enough!"

Jiangnan didn't move, and the preemptive strike is not as fast as the Iron Fist, so let's make a late strike.

Jiang Nan stood where he was, quietly waiting for Iron Fist to come over.

Looking at the fist coming towards his cheek, Jiang Nan was taken aback.This child is so vicious that he wants to ruin his handsome face!

Well, not very handsome.

But that's not the point, the point is, you can't hit your face in a fight, don't you know the rules?
Jiang Nan raised his palm and missed Iron Fist's fist. His own palm accurately grasped Iron Fist's wrist, and with a sudden force, the area.

Before the iron fist that punched nothing could react, he was staggered by the huge force from his wrist, and one of them lost his footing and almost fell to the ground.

Jiang Nan exerted strength in his hands, and the strength directly drove the iron fist in front of him.

Feeling the iron fist in front of him whose reaction was too slow to slap together, Jiang Nan still shook his head in his heart.

The strength is not bad, but the actual combat experience is lacking.

He didn't react to the mistake of a move, and it was due to the fact that Bullseye was not there, and he was the one who encountered him, otherwise, if Bullseye caught his weak point, two iron fists would not be enough to kill him.

Jiang Nan raised his knee and slammed into Iron Fist's stomach. The huge force of the impact caused Iron Fist to rub against the ground and drift away for a long distance.

The feeling of pain finally made Iron Fist understand the reality, and after a quick reaction, he rolled over and stood up immediately.

To be honest, this speed is indeed very fast for ordinary people.

It's a pity that he is facing Jiang Nan, who has the strongest fighting skills.

Back then, the people of the God of War Kusa, the Rorou, known as a natural fighting nation, had no power to fight back when facing the Bajitian, let alone an iron fist now.

Under the power of the violent foot, Iron Fist's reaction was not enough to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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