Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 80 84. The Catastrophe of All Species

Chapter 80 84. The Catastrophe of All Species
The only disadvantage of doing this is that there is a huge load on the body, even if Jiangnan's current physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary people.

But this is definitely not enough for Jiangnan to ignore the huge burden his behavior has brought on him.

The body is under tremendous pressure, and the most obvious manifestation is that Jiangnan's face is flushed.Flushing color, filled with blood underneath.

Stark wants to step forward and dissuade Jiangnan from giving up. He has researched biology and knows the consequences of doing so.

But he didn't dare, he didn't understand Jiangnan's power system, and he didn't know the consequences of what he would do.

The great change happened suddenly, before Stark could move, a black hole with a golden border appeared under the feet of Jiangnan and Stark.

Stark saw the magic power for the first time, but he didn't understand it, but Jiang Nan knew what this black hole meant.

Just not knowing what to do in the future, an unstoppable sense of falling came over me.


The famous physicist Galileo once expressed a point of view that when two objects fall from the same height, regardless of their weight, they will definitely take the same time to land.

Yes, Jiangnan and Stark are obviously two people, but the sound of falling to the ground is only one.

Jiangnan didn't have time to adjust his movements when he fell from a high altitude just now, otherwise he wouldn't want to appear in Karma Taj in this posture, which is really embarrassing.

After all, Jiang Nan is a martial arts practitioner, and he knows where this place is in his heart, so he doesn't restrain himself and just raises his head.

He saw a woman in a yellowish robe standing in front of him.Well, she is bald.

The moment Jiang Nan raised his head, the Taoist nun also cast her gaze on Jiang Nan, and inexplicably saved such an eye contact, but Jiang Nan was lying on the ground, and this posture was a little embarrassing.

Stark let out a fuck, a typical American curse that slightly eased the embarrassing atmosphere.

"It hurts me to death, what the hell, a black hole? Teleportation..."

The exploration of unknown energy has never stopped on Stark.

She had already stood up while speaking, and the moment the nun looked back at Stark, Jiangnan also took the opportunity to roll and stand up.

Jiang Nan didn't know how many female monks Karma Taj had, but he was sure that the one in front of him was definitely the Ancient One mage.

Stark came back to his senses, looking warily at the strange scenery around him, as well as the strange man in front of him.

"Young people, Karma Taj welcomes you!"

Gu Yi smiled, looked at the two young men in front of him and said.

"plz follow me!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored Jiangnan and Stark and walked ahead alone, not worrying whether Jiangnan and Stark would obediently follow.

Jiang Nan and Stark came here to ask for help, and they had no other intentions. If they told them to follow, they just followed.

It was only at this time that Jiangnan could clearly see the scenery of Karma Taj. It is reasonable to say that Karma Taj is located in the Himalayas. It is speculated that it should be located on the mountainside, but how to explain the spring scenery in front of him.

Gu Yi brought Jiangnan and Stark to an empty room, it was really empty, except for a table, which was used for lighting, there was nothing else in the room!

"Oh, so primitive..."

Stark muttered something in a low voice, but Gu Yiquan pretended not to hear it.After living for a long time, the way to deal with some things is different.

Gu Yi poured a cup of tea for each of them, and gently pushed it in front of them.

just said:
"This is Karma Taj, I am the master here, you can call me Gu Yi!"

Jiangnan knew, and Stark had just heard that this was the target of the two, but now he had a new surprise.

This woman is Gu Yi?The Archmage that Nick Fury was talking about?wise man?It doesn't look like it.Shouldn't a wise man be the one who is dying, with gray hair?
How is this a bald head...

"There are more troubles, and the hair will naturally be less!"

Gu Yi looked at Stark and said something lightly.

Jiang Nan listened to this inexplicable Chinese, but before he understood anything, Stark shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

Well, it looks like he is not easy to provoke.

Everyone listened to Stark's innermost thoughts, and it was somewhat embarrassing, at least now he didn't dare to speak ill of others in his heart.But I couldn't help thinking about it, but I came up with a good idea and silently counted the sheep in my heart.

Gu Yi held his breath for a while, and sat calmly across from Jiangnan and the others, without asking Jiangnan and the others why they came.

Just sipping tea quietly like that, it looks like a master!
After all, Jiangnan is young, he doesn't live as long as others, and his energy-raising skills are much worse.

"Master, we are here because we want to ask the Master for help!"

Gu Yi put down his teacup, raised his eyes, and glanced at Jiangnan.

"All ears!"

Gu Yi is from XZ and Chinese, and he can understand Mandarin. In order to increase the sense of intimacy, Jiangnan uses Mandarin.

"It's about the Haider tsunami..."

Jiang Nan didn't add anything to the plot, and told Gu Yi the whole thing, and finally said:
"I hope Master Ancient One can point us to the direction to Haider!"

It was only then that Jiangnan remembered that Gu Yi had the ability to teleport, so he could send him there directly, as the old saying goes, there is no place to find when you step through the iron shoes, and there is another village in the dark.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yi didn't give Jiang Nan this chance.Shaking his head without hesitation, he said:
"Only the chosen one can feel the way of Haider. I can't do it. Besides, you don't have to go."

"They're in no danger!"

Stark didn't understand Chinese, so he looked at Jiangnan and Gu Yi with their mouths open, completely speechless.

"No danger? Isn't there a Hyder tsunami?"

After all, Jiang Nan didn't know much about this world. He was much worse than the old monster Gu Yi in terms of knowledge.

Gu Yi explained:
"Haidel's tsunami is a harbinger of disaster. When the tsunami starts, it is a harbinger of disaster. When the tsunami stops, it is when the disaster begins."

"So, you understand?"

Gu Yi looked at Jiangnan and asked.

Jiang Nan felt relieved, at least there was no need to worry about Lorna's safety now.

"Then for this disaster of mutants, Master Ancient One, is there any way to help them get through it."

Gu Yi stood up and shook his head slightly.

"This catastrophe is not for the mutants, but for all creatures on Earth."

With Gu Yi's words, Jiang Nan seemed to understand something. The catastrophe of all living things, except for the future war, Jiang Jiang could not think of anything else.

Ancient one said:
"I'm sorry, but I can't do anything about what will happen in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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