Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 78 82. Haider

Chapter 78 82. Haider

Professor X gazed into the distance, as if he could see the place he wanted to see through the void.

"They went to Haider, a legendary place."

"The ancient prophecy, when the gate leading to Haider appears, Haider's tsunami will sweep every place in Haider, and this indicates that when the catastrophe is coming, it is a race, heading towards The beginning of decline."

The professor turned his head and looked at Jiangnan with puzzled eyes.

"It is recorded in the literature that every time the gate of Haider appears, the key to open the gate of Haider will come to the world to guide people to Haider in order to avoid disaster."

"And the person selected by Haider's key is called the chosen one in the literature."

"And this time the chosen one is Lanshere!"

As the professor was talking, he suddenly lowered his head, and continued in a mournful tone:

"Do you know what this means? The Haider key came to Lanshere, which indicates that the disaster of mutants is coming."

"I'm sorry for one thing. For personal considerations, I wrote Lorna's life experience in a notebook. I told Lorna that if she is really in danger, she can open that notebook."

"I hope you forgive me. I just want Lanshere to not feel regretful at that time."

Immediately afterwards, Jiangnan was sent off. The professor did not tell Jiangnan where Haider was or how to get there, nor did he tell Jiangnan where to find the way to Haider.

At this time, the professor was not in the mood to talk about his feelings with Jiangnan, nor was he in the mood to talk about philosophy with Jiangnan. He was still worried about the future of mutants.

The composition of each world is multifaceted, including beliefs, desires, feelings, and many others.

There are also ethnic customs, all kinds of things, which may be material or some kind of spiritual feeling.

There are many complicated things, and these are often not clearly understood through words or images.

Just like Jiangnan, he knows the general composition of this world, but he is still very strange to this world, just like this time, the Haider in the professor's mouth.

With words or images, there are too many things that cannot be recorded.With one person, it is impossible to show everything to the world.

Jiang Nan stood at the door, muttering to himself.

"Haidel, Haider..." After repeating it twice, he summoned Xiao Qi and immediately headed towards the inner city of New York without stopping.

He wants to find a way to Haider. For some reason, when he hears about Haider, Jiangnan always has a bad feeling in his heart.

He was afraid that something would happen to Lorna, he was worried...



On the top floor of Stark Industries, inside the CEO's office, there are only Jiangnan and Stark at the moment.

There is a virtual screen in front of the two people, which is large and horizontal between them.There is a circle on it that keeps turning.

It didn't take long for paragraph after paragraph of English text and pictures to appear on it.

Jiang Nan didn't understand it very well, but Stark stood up and explained to Jiang Nan.

"Hyder, a place known as a place of disaster, and it only appeared in legends."

"According to the legend, the gate of Haider needs to be opened by the chosen one, and the moment the gate of Haider is opened is the beginning of the Haider tsunami."

"When Haider's tsunami spreads to every corner of Haider, it is the beginning of a catastrophe."

"Also, this story is only circulated in a very small ancient legend, so it doesn't seem to be credible."

Stark finished reading in just a few sentences, but Jiangnan didn't hear anything useful at all, and Jiangnan heard almost all of these from the professor.

"anything else?"

Looking at Stark who stopped, Jiangnan urged.

Stark shrugged and clapped his hands together.

"No, Jarvis only detected two messages, and the content is similar?"

"You haven't told me yet, why are you asking about this?"

Stark was very satisfied with the fact that Jiangnan put Kilian in prison. This kind of person dared to call Pepper's attention.

When my rightful master does not exist...

I really don't know if Stark would kill Jiangnan if he knew that Killian was just sent on vacation by Jiangnan.

Jiangnan heard Stark ask, there is no need to hide this kind of thing.

He told Stark what the professor said again.Some of them have been changed more or less, such as Lorna's life experience!
"Did I hear you right? it true?"

Jiang Nan nodded confidently.

"What should I do now? I'm so worried about Lorna right now!"

Jiang Nan really couldn't think of any solution, this matter was not in the plot at all, his heart was very chaotic, and he didn't know how to solve it.

Stark patted Jiangnan on the shoulder. Perhaps he understood Jiangnan's mood best.

Just relying on so few things in front of me, I couldn't find anything at all.

The silence was instantly broken by the two people looking up, and a name appeared in the minds of both of them.

"Nick Fury!"

The unanimous answer made Jiang Nan's tense spirit seem to relax a lot.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is responsible for monitoring the world, and there are more sources of intelligence than you can imagine.Nick Fury doesn't say he knows everything about this kind of thing, but he definitely knows more than the two of them.

Just do it, Stark directly asked Jarvis to dial the video in Nick Fury's office.

Poor Nick Fury doesn't have any holidays, his phone is always available 24 hours a day, and of course, these are normal times.

Sure enough, when the phone was connected, both Jiangnan and Stark saw a black picture that neither of them knew how to describe.

"I hope you can say something serious, otherwise I don't mind at all, and someone will check your account tomorrow!"

Nick Fury's angry words clearly made people feel that he is not in a good mood now.

But, who cares, the two of them are not in a good mood.

After Jiang Jiang briefly explained the matter, Nick Fury suddenly laughed without saying anything.

"Let me tell you, two-thirds of this group of mutants suddenly disappeared, scaring me for the past few days!"

After laughing for a while, Nick Fury noticed that Jiangnan's expression was wrong, and then remembered that Jiangnan's little girlfriend seemed to be with the group of mutants.

He quickly put away his smile, and seriously tapped the keyboard in front of him.He is also unfamiliar with the name Haider.

After a while, the search results came out, but they didn't seem to be optimistic. The content inside was roughly the same as what Jiangnan said.

Stark looked at Nick Fury whose expression slowly changed.

"Don't tell me, you are looking for it in the S.H.I.E.L.D. database..."

(End of this chapter)

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