Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 75 79. Stark's Wrath

Chapter 75 79. Stark's Wrath

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Jiangnan has always believed in the ancient Chinese saying.

Sealing Mountain perfectly hit Killian who was floating in mid-air, and in one go, Sealing Mountain Erzhong was directly hit.

The air condensed for the second time, and Kilian, who was falling towards the ground, flew towards the ground as if being accelerated again.


There were two loud noises in succession, and a huge palm print appeared on the ground, and Killian was lying on his stomach in the middle of the palm print.

Did he still spit out two mouthfuls of blood from his mouth?

This should... be regarded as an instant kill!
Jiang Nan touched his belly, which was exposed to the air, feeling a little cold.

Move quickly, the desperate virus created by Killian does have some merits. It has been sealed twice and broke so many bones. Now it is struggling to get up.

This physical quality is really a bit scary!
Killian stood up staggeringly with his hands on his chest, the boy made two inexplicable moves that almost killed him.

Before he could see clearly, he felt a gust of wind blowing on his face, and when he looked up, a white palm had already stopped in front of him.

The fingers stopped straight at the position of the Tianling Gai, giving people the feeling of a sharp sword. Kilian felt as if he would die if he took a step forward.

An upright American, Ji Lian was much taller than Jiang Nan, so Jiang Nan's action was a little embarrassing.

"Now, consider my proposal? Let me make a line, how about you shake hands with Stark?"

Jiang Nan looked at Killian who was close at hand with a smile on his face. If he threw away the clothes that were burned by Killian, this action would be quite emotional.

Killian would not do this kind of thing when he tends to be inferior to others, especially if this person is still a scum among the scum like Stark, this is even more impossible.

However, there is a saying that ants are greedy for life. If they die now, what will Pepper do?Giving it up to Stark is impossible even in a dream.

Killian didn't say anything. He couldn't agree to this kind of thing directly. If he promised too directly, he would lose his status in the future. Killian didn't want to be called around by Stark in the future.

Although I lost, I can't lose face...

It's just that the development of things seems to be slowly going astray!

A piercing sound resounded in surprise in the silent space.

A medium-to-large missile was fired by someone, and it was rushing towards Jiangnan and Kilian.

Jiangnan pulled up Kilian, turned around and changed places. He had never tried missiles, and he didn't know if he could do it.

There is nothing wrong with me, but Killian has become a normal person now, and this missile will blow up to ashes.

How could I have spent half a day of hard work in vain!
Jiangnan didn't consider the issue of face, but this missile really didn't give face. Where Jiangnan went, he would chase whichever missile he wanted.

"Well, can you stop running? This is a homing missile!"

Killian's voice sounded inappropriately, and Jiangnan suddenly turned around and saw Killian's contemptuous eyes.

You can look down on my height, but you must not look down on my strength.

Jiang Nan took Kilian's arm and swung it behind him. The seriously injured child was thrown away by Jiang Nan.

Jiangnan put his palm upright on his chest, accelerated urgently, and rushed straight in the direction of the missile.

Seeing that the missile was getting closer and closer, Jiang Nan was scared, and he couldn't die, but it really hurt.

And if it blows up, and Killian is still watching over there, then his image will not plummet?
Thinking of the key point, Jiang Nan didn't dare to be careless, put his palm horizontally, and rushed directly to the second acceleration.

Without even making a sound, that poor missile was cut in half by Jiangnan...

Before he had time to show off to Killian, a flash of fire rushed towards Killian in the distance.Jiangnan fixed his eyes and saw that dazzling red, wasn't it Stark's steel armor?
What is he doing?
Stark was fast, and Jiangnan was even faster, sprinting vertically, just one step faster than Stark, and arrived in front of Killian first.

Inside the battle armor, Stark also found Jiangnan blocked in front of him, an emergency brake, suspended above the heads of the two people.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to send him where he should go!"

Stark's angry voice came out through the armor, and Jiangnan suddenly realized that something bad must have happened to Pepper.

Jiang Nan didn't move. Since he had already decided to use it, it would be unreasonable to retreat now.

Jiang Nan looked at Stark with embarrassment, but his body was motionless, and this figure was not embarrassing, but really embarrassing.

"Well, let's talk about something first, don't rush to do it, don't rush to do it..."

Bang, there was a sound of iron hitting, and Stark had fallen to the ground, the mask on his face was taken off, revealing a face full of anger.

Jiang Nan just glanced at it and felt nervous, Kilian, you are really doing it, you said you are free, kidnapping Pepper to make wool.

Stark raised his arm and pointed his finger across Jiangnan, pointing at Killian who had been silent since just now.

"He, the scum, actually injected Pepper with the Extremis virus."

Some are saved, some are saved.Extremis virus is just, easy to say.

Jiangnan looked at Stark pretending to be relaxed, and said:

"It's Killian's fault, but he shouldn't be so angry."

"You know how powerful the modified Extremis virus is..."

As Jiang Nan spoke, a blue figure in the distance slowly chased towards him.

Captain Rogers, seeing this figure, Jiang Nan felt more confident.

As soon as Rogers came, he felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere. Captain Killian Rogers had never seen it before, but judging from the situation, it was almost a guess.

"How did you both come here, Pepper?"

Captain Rogers glanced at Stark before answering Jiangnan's question.

"Stark just sent Pepper back with the armor."

Jiang Nan nodded, looking at Stark who still looked angry, this meant that he had saved his life. If it was someone other than Dr. Banner, Jiang Nan would never doubt whether Stark would punch him call over.

Jiangnan suggested:
"Let's go back first, and I'll explain to you when I get back, okay!"

Stark didn't speak, he was really angry now, he didn't say anything after listening to Jiang Nan's words.

He flew up and put on his mask, found a direction and flew back.

Seeing Stark going away, Jiangnan breathed a sigh of relief. If he is willing to leave first, then there is still talk, and some talk is fine.

(End of this chapter)

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