Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 70 74. The Great Shock

Chapter 70 74. The Great Shock

Pepper's craftsmanship made Jiangnan's trip worthwhile, everything was perfect, aside from Stark's resentful eyes.

Hesitant about the existence of a third party, Stark had to give up the wonderful idea of ​​doing something indescribable with Pepper.

Instead, do some boring things, such as talking about dreams with Jiangnan.

Can dreams be talked about?Of course, Stark would be happier if it was someone else.

"When I retire, I will also buy a sea view villa like yours for retirement, facing the sea every day, and the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming!"

Looking at the cards on the table, this game is really boring.Jiangnan originally wanted to play chess, but Stark can't play chess, and Jiangnan can't play chess.

Then, I started fighting landlords with Pepper!

"Mr. Stark, a UFO is approaching at Mach 6."

Jiang Nan heard the commotion, and put down the cards in his hand, two kings, one pair, two, a sure win...

Jiangnan walked to the edge, in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows near the sea, the scenery is very good.It's good to say that Stark still enjoys it.

The three small dots in the distance are rapidly zooming in, and it seems that the group of Mandarin adults can't stand it any longer.

"Pepper, you go first, find a fast car and go to the Avengers base first, a friend is coming!"

Stark didn't know who came, and he didn't know the danger, but Jiang Nan knew that Pepper was different from the two of them. A woman with no power to restrain a chicken could not help, that was a burden!
In the current situation, they don't need to bear the burden!
In Pepper's heart, Jiangnan's face is not as big as Stark's, and he didn't move when he heard Jiangnan's words, but took the first look at Stark.

Stark felt that Jiangnan really made a big fuss, isn't it just three helicopters, it's really childish.

Stark nodded and agreed to Jiangnan's arrangement. Anyway, Jiangnan was kind.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Jiang Nan looked back at Stark who was still standing there motionless.

"Why stand there stupidly? Wear armor!"

This point is still necessary, if the visitor really has malicious intentions, it's okay to get hurt a little bit, but if there is something wrong with this handsome appearance, it's not good.

Stark walked to the collection room, where the latest Mark armor was kept at home.

Just in case, life is not easy, so we still have to be on guard...

"By the way, can your glass come down?"

Jiang Nan pointed to the huge viewing glass in front of him and asked Stark.

"Brother, this is the beach, who would put down the glass? Are you going to raise fish at home?"

Stark said without looking back.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a click sound, which startled Stark.Looking back, the high-grade bulletproof glass that I spent a lot of money to install is just like this?
"Do you have a sense of public morality? You should demolish the house and ask the owner, brother!"

While speaking, the armor had already been worn on his body, and he walked towards Jiangnan with full of chic steps.

"It's better to tear it down by your own people than the enemy!"

As soon as Jiangnan finished speaking, the three helicopters had already stopped in front of the two of them.Looking down from a high altitude, it is obviously time to negotiate.

His body shook, and the visitor immediately surrendered.Just think about it!

Before the loudspeaker came and turned on, Jarvis reminded Stark that the opponent's helicopter was equipped with weapons.

When Stark looked up, there were already two missiles flying towards the two of them.

The laser in the hand is aiming, the missile interception system is turned on, and it has just been launched.Jiangnan on the side disappeared in an instant!
By the time Jarvis caught Jiangnan's figure here, Jiangnan was already standing in front of the windshield of the helicopter headed by the enemy.

Jiangnan has always believed in a truth, if you can beep beep, try not to do it.We are all civilized people, why do we have to do it, no!

This time it was different, they were the ones who planned to do it first, and it had nothing to do with Jiangnan.

Jiang Nan squatted down and stood firmly on the head of the helicopter. The pilot's skills were good, and the helicopter shook very little.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you are older, and it won't affect Jiangnan anyway.

Raising his head, towards the co-pilot's seat, the masked terrorist smiled mockingly.

Before he had time to react, Jiang Nan smashed the windshield with one hand and reached into the cockpit.

He grabbed the driver's collar with his hand, and the seat belt broke free under Jiangnan's huge force.

The driver has been lifted by Jiangnan Xuankong, and half of his body is still suspended in the sky.

After the pilot left, the helicopter began to shake slightly. Jiang Nan didn't stay long, and jumped on the nose of the helicopter.

Take that terrorist back quickly.

In contrast to Stark's operation, the enemy's huge firepower has completely suppressed Stark, and this group of people did not play their cards according to the routine.

Whose armed helicopter is equipped with all TMs are missiles.

The firepower completely blocked Stark's actions, if it weren't for Jiangnan's strength to get something that is likely to be a rainbow stone, it would be greatly improved.

In today's scene, to be honest, Jiangnan's performance will not be much better than Stark's.

Reach out and knock the terrorist unconscious, and place him behind a position where the artillery fire cannot spread.

Jiangnan returned quickly, and the terrorist couldn't faint for a long time. His physical attributes were completely beyond ordinary people, and his cervical spine was broken when he was exerting force on his hands.

What Jiangnan wants is a living person...

Under the attack of artillery fire, the villa has already begun to collapse. Such a good house is a pity!

Bypassing Stark, Jiangnan jumped into the air.He hovered high and briefly above the two helicopters that were still hovering in the sky!
The previous one may have been hanged because of the loss of the driver!

"Sealing Mountain, first level!"

Jiang Nan raised his hand and palmed. In this case, it is better to attack in such a large area!

Jiangnan is in the sky, without feeling, Stark is different.The airflow in front of him suddenly began to flow rapidly as if he had been greatly stimulated.

Before Stark understood what happened, he discovered that the unusually violent attack just now disappeared.

Looking up, the two helicopters are descending towards the sea at a rapid speed. If this speed does not stop, at the next altitude, with the huge inertia of the helicopters, they will lose the chance to hover!

The speed of descent did not change. In the blink of an eye, the two helicopters had entered the sea in silence, and Jarvis returned the picture.

Where the two helicopters crashed just now, a huge palm print appeared.

The huge force of the palm prints directly descended into the sea, depressing the sea level by at least two or three meters.

At the end of the war, Stark looked in surprise at Jiangnan who had been floating in the sky for a while!

Can this still be human...

(End of this chapter)

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