Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 66. 70. Small Gathering

Chapter 66. 70. Small Gathering

Some things, by accident, often develop into a not-so-good situation.

In the case of Lorna, Professor X's painstaking efforts are definitely not a good idea at this moment.

At the beginning of Jiangnan's disappearance, Lorna was depressed all day long, and when she was sad, she often shed tears.

Professor X looked uncomfortable in his heart. Anyone who studies psychology knows that the best way to forget someone is to find someone new.

And Professor X is one of the most powerful...

Looking at all the school-age men at Xavier College, there are outstanding ones, but most of them are not very suitable for Professor X.

The one in front of me is almost the same...

Professor X matched the two and tried to get them in touch, but his vision was fine, and Lorna was willing to talk to the man.

The good girl was afraid of pestering her husband, so she came and went. After a long time, Professor X also saw the signs of the two walking away.

Seeing that Jiang Nan had forgotten about it, but at this time he came back.

Instead, Professor X made a mess inside and out!

Professor X's reminder was very timely, but it's a pity that Jiangnan's perception is no weaker than anyone else!
It may be because he felt ashamed of Lorna for disappearing for so long, or it may be because he has enough trust in Lorna.

Jiang Nan didn't say much, but just remembered the man's face in his heart.



Professor X's birthday party was very successful, at least from the beginning to the end, the professor's smile was seen by everyone as happy!
Night began to cover the earth, and darkness spread across the world.

There are a few Starks, and they don't want to stay longer. After all, they are in two worlds with mutants.They don't have a different concept, which doesn't mean others don't. It's a lot of trouble, and it's not a good thing anyway.

Jiang Nan also has to go back. After being away for so long, the world will not change a little. Captain Rogers and Thor are here, and the development of the plot will definitely not be slow!
Information errors will delay a lot of things, and Jiang Nan doesn't want to suffer from such things.

And these things, Stark is definitely the best choice.

Talk to Lorna, let her stay here for a few days, and pick him up when Jiangnan settles down.

To be honest, Jiang Nan doesn't know where he can go now...

Taking advantage of the night, the four of them sat in Stark's luxury car and went to the Avengers base. He couldn't go back tonight.

Reunited after a long absence, he has too many things to say to Jiangnan.

The base of the Avengers, Jiangnan looked at the prosperity in front of him, and he could really do whatever he wanted with money.

The chic decoration, perfect security system, and luxurious configuration can be seen from the soles of the feet. Stark definitely spent a lot of money in it.

But there is no way, who makes people rich!

At the door, Jiang Nan's keen intuition told Jiang Nan that there were several people inside.

Pushing open the door, I saw Natasha sitting in the lobby, her old boss Nick Fury, and a man. Looking at the bow behind him, it should be Hawkeye!

There is only one Coulson missing. He didn't come at such an important time. Jiang Nan remembered him.

"Thank God, you're back safe and sound!"

Nick Fury stood up and applauded frequently with his hands. In the days when Jiangnan was away, Nick Fury's life was no easier than others.

Although someone took over the umbrella, the superior still issued a mandatory order to find Jiangnan.On the other side, Stark, a bastard, puts pressure on himself all the time!

What's more, after many years, Hydra was found inside SHIELD. This man was so unlucky that he couldn't stop his teeth from drinking cold water.

Jiangnan's safe return is one of the few good news in a long time!
As a foreigner, with so many people's concerns, Jiangnan has actually succeeded in living.

It is a lie to say that he dare not move, the warmth in his heart makes Jiangnan feel like home.

"Mr. Fury, long time no see!"

As she said that, her inexplicable eye sockets turned red, and tears were rolling in the eye sockets, and it seemed that they were about to come out.

Such a good opportunity, Stark will not miss it.

Going forward, he put his arm around Jiangnan's shoulder and shook it vigorously.

"Look, our little princess is so moved that she is about to cry? Haha..."

The feeling of embarrassment was forcibly diluted under Stark's molestation.

Natasha also stood up and gave Jiang Nan a hug.

"Thinner, but stronger!"

Natasha squeezed Jiangnan's shoulder, and the caring words seemed to Jiangnan, how could there be a feeling that a mother cares about her child?

The widow has advanced menopause...

Hawkeye didn't let go either. He lived in his hometown for so long in his previous life, so his knowledge of the world is not in vain!
The Avengers base is no better than Xavier, and Stark puts a lot of good wine here, although Jiangnan really can't appreciate it.

Seven people gathered around a table, and Stark called for takeaway, and the table was full of good wine.

None of the bottles cost less than $[-], and everyone drank and chatted.

It feels like the atmosphere of Chinese New Year in China, lively and joyful!
"You don't know, back then this kid bragged to me that he could kill a fleet by himself, and even lost his memory after being beaten, tsk tsk..."

Everyone laughed loudly, and everyone looked at Jiangnan with embarrassment.

Thor took a sip of his wine and put down the bottle.This is a fierce man, vodka does not need a cup to drink, directly to the bottle.

"Hey, hey, you guys are really wrong to blame Jiangnan. On the way back, he really killed an interstellar fleet by himself."

Thor ignored the surprised eyes of everyone, and directly despised:
"In terms of combat power, you are a few blocks away from others! You are only a little worse than me..."

Thor's last bragging sentence was directly ignored by everyone, and they were more concerned about how Jiangnan killed an interstellar fleet.

They already understood the strength of the Chitauri. An interstellar fleet capable of interstellar voyages would not be too weak!

With such a summary, Jiangnan is a fool, a proper seat of the great god...

Stark slapped Jiangnan on the shoulder fiercely, and said in surprise:

"Okay, you can apply for the Guinness Book of World Records with your record."

Several jokers also nodded, agreeing with Stark's words.

It's still Nick Fury who is safe, and he deserves to eat public meals and be a leader.

"What strength do you have now?"

Nick Fury has an understanding of Jiangnan's strength, but the evaluation at that time was not so strong.

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at Jiangnan with concern, and they also wanted to know the answer.

Seeing the eyes cast on him, Jiang Nan felt a little embarrassed.

From the seam of the belt on the back, he took out the half of the nunchuck that he had used for many years, and shook it in his hand.

"It's just that the material of this thing is not good, otherwise, I can cut down a building in one go!"

(End of this chapter)

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