Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 64 68

Chapter 64
When obsession exists in the heart, compared with the heart, obsession is bondage.Bind the heart, bind yourself.

For example, Dr. Banner and the Hulk, the relationship between the two is nothing more than obsession and bondage.

The two exist and restrict each other.

And in this process, the most difficult thing is not how to defeat the enemy who restrains oneself, but how to understand oneself.

The biggest enemy in a person's life is always himself. Only by defeating himself is the real success.

Of course, this process will not be as simple as it is said, and difficulties are inevitable.

Jiang Nan was shaking his head. It is not very difficult to understand Professor X's words. The difficult thing is how to do it.

"not understand!"

At this time, it's best not to pretend to understand something that doesn't happen. There is no delay, it's just a strengthening of obsession.

Professor X thought for a while, and said things more bluntly:
"Is there anything you have always insisted on? For example, love, ideals, survival, etc..."

In a person's life, even if he is a wimpy person, he will always have something to insist on, such as what Professor X just said...

Jiang Nan didn't know if he had, love?Survive?ideal?It doesn't seem like it.

The most difficult thing for people is that at such times, they don't know what position some things occupy in their hearts.

"Maybe there is..."

Jiang Nan squatted down and sat cross-legged on the ground like a little rascal.

"In the past, when I was a very ordinary, very ordinary person..." Jiang Nan said, turned to look at Professor X, and explained:

"I really want a family with a father and a mother. Thinking about it, I think it's unrealistic."

Jiangnan smiled bitterly, raised his hand, looked at his arm, turned around, and said to Professor X:
"Later, I became like this. At this time, I thought, use hard work, to start a family, have my own lover, and have children."

Jiang Nan turned around, looked at Professor X very seriously and said:
"I feel that I have the ability to protect a family now!"

"Later, I realized another truth. In a person's life, there are some things that you can't just think about, and some things that you can't just want to..."

Professor X has met more people than Jiangnan has traveled. Professor X knows and understands what Jiangnan said.

It's just that if this child is allowed to be depressed like this, he may not be able to get out for the rest of his life...

"I heard a story not long ago. Once upon a time, there was a brother who gave up his sister because of his cowardice and fear. Later, when he understood what is more precious than himself, he understood not only It's in his heart, and there is another reason to make him stronger..."

Professor X took two steps forward, approached Jiangnan, and continued:
"You have something you want to pursue and something you want to protect, but you are afraid."

"Those things are important because you cherish them, and once you shrink back, they are just dispensable. Perhaps in the near future, these things that you thought were more important than your own life will be taken away Others see it as lighter than grass..."

"Sometimes, it doesn't matter what the result is, the process itself has great meaning to me!"

Professor X pointed to the picture in front of Jiangnan, and touched the top of Jiangnan's head kindly, like a grandfather comforting his grandson who just got into trouble.

"Think about Lorna, think about Mr. Stark, your decision affects many people..."

In the picture, several people are sitting on a sofa, and no one speaks.Stark was lying on his back, with his hands on his chin, obviously having something on his mind!

Jiangnan thought of Milong, it should be said that he was the second generation of Milong, the child who forced himself to stand up because the hero in his heart fell down, he might have been as helpless as himself back then!

Jiang Nan stood up and smiled, yes, he is not useless, he gained friendship in the process, he has friends.

Jiang Nan turned around and looked at Professor X with a smile like a flower. At this moment, Jiang Nan's smile was really bright.

"Go, precious things, often after working hard, you will know its preciousness, believe in yourself..."

Professor X pushed Jiangnan's back slightly, and sighed in his heart as he watched Jiangnan who gradually disappeared and merged with Qingyun on the other side.

After this time, this child will become unbelievably strong.Those who have faith and perseverance in their hearts are invincible.

Professor X didn't move, watching the battle in the distance with his glasses. Putting aside feelings, this was the first time Professor X encountered this situation. For Professor X, this experience itself was of great significance!
In the distance, the two Jiangnans are completely integrated, and Professor X clearly feels that Jiangnan is different.

Injury for injury, Jiangnan at this moment was full of determination, the half of the nunchaku in his hand thrust backhand, directly piercing through Qingyun's throat.

Jiangnan stood where he was, looked back at Professor X, and gave Professor X a smile full of confidence and gratitude.

Professor X nodded with a smile, I wish you happiness, child!

The surrounding images began to move quickly, like a movie film, a strong light flashed, and when he opened his eyes, Professor X's consciousness had returned to his body!
Slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the content of only a few words. In fact, the process was not as easy as he thought.

Professor X took a breath, and a faint movement broke the original sinking in the room.

Stark stood up first, looked at Professor X who had a bad face, and asked very concerned:
"Professor, what's the result?"

Professor X just nodded weakly, before he could speak, there was movement from Jiangnan next to him!
Stark turned his head sharply, and Jiang Nan woke up after him.

Thor and Captain Rogers are not familiar with Jiangnan after all, so it is not suitable to rush forward on this occasion.

Stark nervously looked at Jiangnan who slowly opened his eyes. He didn't know why, but suddenly became nervous and inexplicably afraid. He still regarded himself as a stranger after waking up.

Jiang Nan opened his eyes and looked at Stark blankly.

"Mr. Stark, is there something wrong with me?"

As he spoke, he looked around at himself, the hope in Stark's eyes dissipated, and he shook his head slightly.

"No, you're fine!"

Thunder Thor and Captain Rogers looked at each other, and it seemed that they hadn't succeeded!
The moment Stark bowed his head, Jiangnan patted Stark on the shoulder and jumped up violently!
I missed a hug with Stark.

"Long time no see, Tony!"

(End of this chapter)

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