Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 61. Reunion

Chapter 61. Reunion

Tony didn't doubt the authenticity of Jarvis's words, the dull eyes and facial expressions at the moment just couldn't believe it was true!
"Fuck, let me say that he is still alive, the facts prove everything!"

The excited mood needs something to soothe, and verbal operations may be more appropriate at this time.

Stepping up to the Warframe operation area, Tony couldn't wait to see Jiangnan at this moment, the car was too slow, especially in New York.

Mark's battle armor has been upgraded to the seventeenth generation, and most of the possibilities discussed by the two people in Jiangnan at the beginning have been realized.

The improvement in strength can be seen from the fact that Tony was able to retreat completely after throwing a nuclear bomb into the wormhole during the New York War.



Captain Rogers is very interested in Jiangnan. If it were someone else, many of his friends mentioned a person in front of you many times.

Being strong does not mean that he is beyond the scope of human beings...

"I've heard many people mention you, Tony, Dr. Banner, Natasha. I've been wanting to see you for a long time. Meet: Steve Rogers!"

Captain Rogers extended his hand towards Jiangnan in a friendly manner. Jiangnan would not refuse, even if he was unfamiliar with this person and the etiquette.

Gently shaking both hands, Jiang Nan said:

"My name is Jiangnan. As for the people you mentioned just now, sorry, I haven't remembered yet..."

Jiangnan's words made Captain Rogers puzzled, and he turned his eyes to Thor who was still drinking a small wine happily.

Just as Jiang Nan was about to explain, the door opened.

A red and yellow armor walked in, Jiang Nan stood up, turned his head and cast a gaze at the armor.

The battle armor walked towards the three of them, and when it got closer, the mask of the battle armor faded away, revealing a familiar but unfamiliar face to Jiangnan.

He has a mustache and is a bit older, but he looks quite handsome.

Jiang Nan turned his head and looked at Thor, he was still waiting for an introduction, so what's the matter if you've already had a drink?

Tony opened the battle armor and walked out from inside. Before he had time, he didn't even change his suit.

"I knew you were fine..."

Tony approached Jiangnan kindly, and shook Jiangnan's shoulders.The feeling of joy can be felt in Jiangnan's heart...

It should be my former friend, but unfortunately my memory has not recovered...

Jiangnan's indifference made Tony aware of the abnormality. He let go of Jiangnan, took two steps back, looked at Thor who was sitting on the sofa with puzzled eyes, and asked with a bad expression:

"what happened?"

Thor shrugged innocently and explained:

"It doesn't matter about me, when he was in Midgard, he was beaten and lost his memory..."

Surprised expressions appeared on Jiangnan Tony and Captain Rogers at the same time.Everyone's feelings are different.

It was only at this moment that Jiang Nan realized that he had been beaten until he lost his memory.

When he was in Asgard, while Jiangnan was sleeping soundly, Heimdall had already told Thor in detail about everything that happened to Jiangnan.

Being nervous doesn't mean you have a bad memory, Heimdall still remembers everything he said.

Looking at the questioning eyes of the three people, Thor reluctantly put down the small flagon in his hand, and roughly described everything since Jiangnan left SHIELD that day.

Jiangnan didn't know about it before, but starting from Tuya later, there was nothing wrong with what Thor said.

"You actually defeated a Starfleet all by yourself?"

Tony looked at Jiangnan with surprised eyes. Jiangnan had said before that he was strong enough to destroy a fleet. At that time, he didn't believe it. When Thor said that, Tony knew that Jiangnan hadn't deceived himself.

No matter how good the story is, there will be a finale. After Thor finished speaking, a few people began to fall silent.

Jiangnan's amnesia is indeed bad news!
"Jarvis, test Jiangnan's brain, focusing on memory neural components."

The main body of Jarvis has never been moved on Marbury Street, but with remote assistance, Jarvis was able to do it when the Avengers base was established.

Jarvis's computing power is definitely fast enough, and the test is completed in a short amount of time.

"The memory neurons are not damaged, it may be that when the head is hit hard, the brain subconsciously activates the awareness of self-protection!"

Jiangnan and Thor were confused by what Jarvis said, but Tony and Captain Rogers understood it.

Things are not too bad, the neurons are not damaged, just need to solve the brain's sense of self-preservation.

However, with the current medical technology, it seems that it is not very easy!
"Yes!" Tony thought of someone who must have a solution to Jiangnan's problem.



Xavier School for Gifted Youth, four strange people stood at the door.

Jiangnan, Tony, Captain Rogers and Thor, a group of people followed Tony.

Professor X is the brain of a mutant, and his spiritual power is unparalleled in the world. Maybe Jiangnan's problem can really be solved.

With the face of the little girl last time, Professor X will also give Jiangnan this face...

It was definitely a special day for Xavier School for Gifted Teens, with all the mutants present, even the homeless Wolverine.

Professor X celebrates his birthday today, and Qin wanted to take this opportunity to get everyone together, and there was a time when they didn't all get together.

When Tony arrived at the door, Professor X felt it, three acquaintances, and a new friend.

Not surprisingly, this new friend should be Jiangnan.It may be that Jiangnan's amnesia or physical fitness changes have affected Professor X's judgment!
The one who opened the door was a beast, the one that looked like a gorilla.

When I opened the door, I saw these:
"Welcome, welcome, it's really time for you to come."

Curious, Tony took a step forward, only to see Jiangnan who had just been gambled by Tony's height.


Beast looked at Jiangnan in disbelief, and Tony was too embarrassed to disturb these two with his focused eyes.

"Hello there!"

Jiang Nan smiled, it seemed that he was an acquaintance again.For the first time, the feeling of embarrassment surfaced in Jiangnan's heart...

Beast looked at Professor X and the others in a daze, and thought to himself, it will be really exciting later.

Maybe the birthday party organized by Qin is really difficult to end.

The four of them were chatting, except for Xavier, it was the first time for the three of them to come here.Now that Jiangnan has amnesia, the four of them are in the same situation.

Looking left and right, commenting on the side!

Polaris Lorna is more beautiful than when Jiangnan disappeared more than a year ago. She is slim and charming, which seems to be not enough to describe!
At the table, while a few people were laughing, they turned their heads inadvertently, but Lorna saw a person who she thought she would never see again in this life.


(End of this chapter)

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