Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 53. The Great Escape

Chapter 53. The Great Escape
A smile full of cold texture filled everyone's heart, and a sudden, inexplicable fear spread to everyone's heart.

It seems that something bad is going to happen next...

Slowly relax the body, pump out all the strength inside, and slowly fall down towards the back.

At the moment when everyone thought Thule was falling, a pair of hands grabbed the sharp cone on the top of the administrative building.

With a flick of both feet, the body formed a right angle with the building, and then fell rapidly!

"What does he want to do?"

Among them, there is no lack of people who have some understanding of fighting, but they have never thought about it that way.

"Bastard, what does he want?"

Some people seemed to understand Thule's intentions, but they never thought that anyone would dare to do it.The administrative headquarters of the Tuya galaxy is not just a one-story building.

The highest technology in the entire galaxy is concentrated here, is he going to give up his life?
However, Thule seems to have really simplified the planet...

When Thule kicked the building with both feet, a light curtain suddenly appeared on the surface of the building, and then Thule felt a huge force, and he was thrown away by himself.

Thule, who had controlled his figure and landed on the ground, looked at the many soldiers standing in front of him in embarrassment, and looked at those eyes as if they were looking at fools. The first thing Thule felt was embarrassment, not anger!
Thule jumped, and the parallel height of his body was higher than the height of the entire building.

Thule swooped down, and he really didn't believe it, a living person couldn't do a dead building.

Clenching his fists tightly, he punched the light curtain hard. Looking at the unscathed light curtain, Thule is exerting force here!


It seems that there is a sound coming out, the third stage of mana, the entire light curtain is directly like broken glass, splashing everywhere.

"The guardian light curtain is actually broken..."

Some soldiers said in disbelief.

"Attack, quick, attack..."

But Thule's fist landed on the building without stopping.Without even making a sound, Thule's fist sank directly into the wall of the building.

But the attack on his body only penetrated his clothes, leaving no scars on his body.

Thule drew out his fist, landed in the middle of the building, raised his leg and kicked towards the corner of the building.

With one blow, the pillar was broken in two.However, the building is still strong. This is the first time to demolish a house, and I am really not used to it...

Thule landed, looked at the soldiers who had gathered behind him, and dealt with these guys first.

He ran towards the crowd quickly, and when the soldiers started to take precautions, Thule had already arrived in front of the crowd.

Grab a person's chest and throw it into the sky. While they were still reacting, Thule jumped and stepped on the rising soldier and rushed into the sky!

"Seal Mountain·One Layer"

Stretching out his palm and pressing it towards the ground, Thule could feel the accelerated flow of air.


There was a burst of dust on the ground, and after the dust passed, a huge palm appeared where the group of soldiers were.

There are many battle memories in Thule's shattered memory like glass shards. After trying to learn, Thule found inexplicably that those skills actually work in his own hands!
For example, the Five Elements Heaven!

Now that the flies are gone, it's time to get down to business!
Thule looked at the building behind him and smiled cruelly.Then speed up and run towards the wall of the building, the wall inclined at [-] degrees, like walking on the ground under Thule's feet!
When you get to the top, jump and leave the building.

"Five Elements Heaven · Two Layers"

There was an endless stream of rumbling sounds, and the height of the dust was almost at Thule's position. After the dust fell in, what came into view was already a ruined wall!

The power of the Five Elements Heaven cannot be underestimated!

In the distance, a mechanical creature like a bird captured all Thule's actions.

President Tuya, who was far away, looked at the transmitted image and slapped the table hard.

: "Who can tell me, who is he? Why would Tuya allow this kind of person to exist?"

Everyone below was silent. In this situation, apart from being silent, they couldn't find any way to deal with the embarrassment in front of them.

It's not that Thule didn't find the little bird, but it's not what Thule wants to make a fortune in silence. He wants everyone in Tuya to know the name of Miron.

Looking back at the little bird, the corners of his mouth were raised, and his smile was inexplicably evil!
The task is completed, it's time to run away!
At the pick-up location, Pelica waited in place with Maya as promised.

After getting on the aircraft, the Pelicari started directly and headed towards outer space.

Thule was relieved after watching the aircraft take off. He looked as stable as a dog, but he panicked a lot.

If it hadn't been for the suddenness of the incident and the fast enough action, Thule might have been really cold.Tuya's military strength is not as simple as it is shown this time.

"where are we going?"

Maya looked back at Thule and asked innocently.

The little girl still doesn't know what Thule has done. The change in Thule made Maya trust her inexplicably.

Thule looked at the scenery that passed quickly behind him.

"We are going to find someone who is very important to Thule. Thule will always be by Maya's side!"

Thule touched Maya's little head, fled, and started...

And Perikale, who was driving the aircraft in front, had a strange smile on the corner of his mouth when he heard the conversation between the two people behind him.

The aircraft is still accelerating forward. At the current speed, it will be able to pass through the atmosphere in less than 10 minutes.

Everything went smoothly enough, the three of them flew out of Tuya safely, little Maya had already fallen asleep, and Tule was still admiring the depth of the cosmic starry sky.

Neither of them noticed the cruel smile on the corner of the mouth of the friend they didn't know well in front of them.

"Sir, there is something I think I should tell you!"

Thule turned his head and looked at Pelikale who was close at hand, this beautiful beauty.

"tell me the story!"

Thule said with a smile, this time they helped a lot!

"Several officers asked me to send my husband back to my hometown!"

As soon as Pelikale finished speaking, before Thule could react, the cabin of himself and Maya fell off the aircraft directly.

The cabin was falling rapidly, and in the starry sky, there was no trace of Pelikale!

The oxygen in the cabin was consumed faster and faster as the heartbeat accelerated, and Thule already felt the feeling of suffocation.

My mind was groggy, and the feeling of death was getting closer.

At the moment of coma, Thule seemed to see a golden light flashing from that magical pattern on his arm!
Then I lost consciousness...

 The rare second update, encourage everyone, the author also encourages, come on ^[-]^~
(End of this chapter)

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