Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 49. 54. The Silent Gathering

Chapter 49. 54. The Silent Gathering

Thule became obedient, and he was taken to the lounge by Meng Lei after fainting, only Maya was by his side.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at Thule lying on the bed, motionless and deep in sleep, Maya pinched Thule's nose for a while, and then pinched Thule's face for a while.

She was really scared just now, and for a long, long time, she recalled the scene of Thule being buried in the arena.

The little girl is young, but she is not stupid.Maya Thule had given her the most precious gift, so how could she ask for so much?
She made an agreement with Meng Lei that when Tule woke up, they would go back to Maya Tule, go back to their home, hunt and chop firewood, and live in peace.

She didn't want to lose Thule...

Barca shook the goblet in his pocket, looking at the timid idiot in front of him with unfriendly eyes.

I really don't understand why there are such stupid people in the world!

"Maybe you should go back and wash your head with the toilet water, I guess it's full of shit!"

"Since that fool has concerns, then I will show mercy and resolve them for him. Ruthlessness is the path that the strong should take."

Meng Lei raised his head in a panic, this is not the case.

"But boss, I promised them that there will be no danger!"

Meng Lei didn't think of harming anyone. At worst, he just cheated others with a little trading currency. He didn't want anyone to die!

"That's what you promised..."

Thule is very tired, really tired, looking at the road ahead with no light at all, can only keep going forward, there is no hope, no light!

Intermittent fragments of memory flooded into my mind like shards of glass.

"I'm Tony Stark, the smartest man in the world..."

"You can call me Professor X..."

"Borer from another world, go to hell!"

People I have never met before keep appearing in my mind, feeling inexplicably familiar.

Pain, piercing pain...

Fear, tension, Thule feels like he is going to die, he wants to go out, he wants to find Maya, he wants to go back...

And Maya, who was guarding Thule, could only look at the scene in front of her helplessly. She didn't know what happened to Thule, and she didn't know how to help Thule.

I could only helplessly look at the scene in front of me, and cried out nervously!
It seems that God doesn't want to see Thule and Maya today. Maya guarded Thule nervously, and didn't even notice when the door of the lounge was opened.

Behind, a figure with a cold light in his eyes approached Maya quietly.The moment she got close to Maya's back, a white light flashed in the room.


Thule walked helplessly. He wanted to stop, but he didn't know when his legs began to stop listening to him. He just walked ahead and kept walking ahead.

It may be that God felt Thule's prayer, but Thule did not.A white light suddenly flashed across the sky, and then Thule woke up, and during the process of waking up, he seemed to remember something.

As soon as Thule opened his eyes, he saw the man behind Maya holding a dagger in his hand.For some unknown reason, Thule clearly sensed an unusual aura from that man.

And because of the existence of this unusual aura, Thule had an inexplicable feeling that he didn't want this man to live a second longer.

Tuller followed his own heart, put his hands directly on the bed, took out a piece of iron, and swung his back, the iron piece he took out was at the same speed as a bullet, and with a swipe, it came directly from the man's body. The neck went through.

It took Maya a while to turn her head and see clearly behind her, a headless body and a head in the corner.

Maya clearly felt that Thule was different. Thule was very powerful before, but he had never killed a person so decisively.

until just now...

Thule turned over, took Maya's hand and smiled, and walked.He felt the oppression in the air, and there was a voice in his heart that kept telling himself that it was dangerous to stay here!
And on the Earth who doesn't know how far away from here, maybe it may be very close, a group of people completed the mission of Jiangnan. At this party, almost half of the high-end combat power on the Earth gathered.

Thor sat very close to Tony. Tony drank red wine and said to the fantasy world:
"I have a friend, maybe he will be very friendly with you, he likes to make friends with people with your personality..."

Inexplicably, Tony thought of Jiangnan. Tony still doesn't believe that Jiangnan is dead. It's not like Tony hasn't seen that dragon before. He couldn't even fall from the plane crash.

There are not many people who can beat him in such a powerful fight. Even if he can, Jiang Nan will not be unable to escape.

I can't say it, I can't say it...

Thor may be the one with the best drinking capacity among all the people present. Asgard has a lot of good wine, but how can a warrior be poor in drinking capacity.

Heaviness, and nostalgia...

The widow sister who was talking about Kai Kai on the other side also stopped talking. Jiang Nan is really a memorable person!

Most of the people present knew Jiangnan more or less, except for the one with the hammer!
"Since everyone knows each other, call him over, do you want me to pick him up?"

Tony shook his head inexplicably, and even the captain didn't speak at this time.

After thawing out of the ice, he has heard this name in many people, Nick Fury, Natasha, the sacrificed Coulson, Tony, Banner, many, many people...

Banner put down the wine glass in his hand. Due to physical reasons, he rarely drinks now, only one or two glasses.Alcohol, if you drink too much, it is easy to lose control of your emotions.

Speaking of which, of all the people present, Banner may have spent the longest time with Jiangnan. During the days under the umbrella, although it was boring, it was very comfortable.

"Ten dollars, I bet Jiang Nan will come back!"

Banner glanced over everyone's faces, and finally retracted his gaze, looking down at his feet.

"I'll follow!" Tony chuckled, looking at the rest of the people.

"This one, Dr. Banner and I..."

Thor looked at the strange behavior of these people in front of him without knowing it. Everyone gambled on one side, even if they won, there were no losers, so what did they win?
A pointless gamble Thor never liked to take part in.

However, this gamble is really important to Dr. Banner.


The headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. has a radius of [-] miles, all of which are equipped with the latest monitoring system designed by Stark Industries President Tony Stark. There is no dead spot within the [-] miles.

Natasha looked at Nick Fury who was standing alone in front of the window, and told what happened at the party without any concealment.

"At the party just now, Tony, Jiangnan was mentioned..."

Nick Fury overlooked everything in front of him blankly, Jiangnan?Nick Fury shook his head:
"Tony is upset with the captain, Dr. Banner has problems with S.H.I.E.L.D., and Xavier has just connected with the government. If Jiangnan is still there, I will be very relaxed..."

(End of this chapter)

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