Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 41 46. Step 1 of Lorna's life experience

Chapter 41. The First Step of Lorna's Life

Banner turned his head and looked in the direction he had just come out from.Although Banner didn't know very well about the professor's ability, he also had some guesses.

Lorna's words were nothing more than evidence, and this alone was not enough to make Banner feel unbelievable.

"All right!"

Banner said regretfully, such a beautiful scenery, such a comfortable feeling, only took a while.

However, didn't Jiang Nan say that he would come here often as a guest in the future.

And the professor in the office, taking advantage of this free time, started talking with Jiangnan.

The last time I received a call from Wolverine, according to his description, it seems that this is the person in front of me.

A magical Chinese youth, with a unique fighting technique, lethality that is hard to match.

It has to be said that the professor is indeed full of curiosity about Jiangnan.

"I've heard people say of you, a very different child!"

The vicissitudes of the professor's tone did not surprise Jiang Nan. The Xavier School for Gifted Youth only cares about matters related to mutants.In fact, Jiangnan had already prepared for this when he helped Jin Bing go to Germany.

What's more, not long ago, Jiangnan frequently appeared in front of Wolverine, the striker of Professor X's faction, which is more normal.

"Thank you professor for your compliment!"

Jiang Nan just took it as a compliment to himself.

The professor shook his head, and continued:

"I don't want to be your enemy, but if Lorna is really Eric's daughter, I will never allow anyone with malicious intentions to appear by her side."

Jiangnan understands this point. Magneto and the professor, although they look like enemies at present, their friendship must not be ignored.

Judging from this situation, it is not impossible for the professor to really regard Lorna as his daughter.

Jiang Nan shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and simply said two words:

He looked casual, as if he didn't take the threat of the professor, the big boss among mutants, to heart.

It's not that Jiangnan is so inflated that he ignores Professor X, it's just that he knows what kind of psychology he has towards Lorna.

More or less, there may be a little bit of impure thoughts, but between men and women, there is nothing wrong with it, it's normal!

There was a knock at the door, and when the door was pushed open, Lorna and Banner were already standing at the door.

Just as these two people came in, another person came immediately.

Wearing a doctor's white coat and glasses, he is gentle.He looks like a nice guy!

Jiang Nan himself didn't know why he looked at others with a critical eye. Could it be that he had an occupational disease after being a leader for a few days?
Jiang Nan thought inconceivably.


The man who came nodded at the professor.

The professor turned his head and looked at Lorna tenderly.

"Little girl, can I use a drop of your blood?"

I don't know when, Lorna has started to habitually ask Jiangnan for his opinions, no matter how big or small.

like now!

Jiang Nan knew what the professor wanted to do, it was just a drop of blood, and, as soon as the result came out, Jiang Jiang believed that he would do better than himself in protecting Lorna!
Jiang Nan nodded, indicating that Lorna could do it!
The doctor in the white coat smiled and walked towards Lorna, without any blood-sucking equipment such as needles.

He just walked to Lorna's side and stretched out a finger towards Lorna's hand.At a speed visible to the naked eye, blood mist leaked from Lorna's hand, and it condensed into a drop of blood at an extremely fast speed.

Lorna just watched curiously, as if she didn't even feel the pain.

Just pointed out the hand stretched out by the doctor in the white coat floating on the ground.Jiang Nan was amazed to see everything. Sure enough, there are many capable people and strange people among the mutants.

If a person like this has any thoughts about you, you won't know how to die!

After finishing everything, the doctor in the white coat gave the professor a nod and then withdrew.

There were only a few of them left in the house.

However, the professor's attention this time was on this charming little girl in front of him.

"Little friend, how old is this year!"

The professor keeps asking Lorna some topics that Lorna thinks are not nutritious, which makes Lorna feel embarrassed.

She didn't understand in her heart, she was fine just now, how could she become like this after going out for a while.getting weird...

In less than 10 minutes, the doctor in the white coat who had just left came in again, but this time he came with a piece of paper in his hand.

Passing through the crowd, he walked directly to the professor and placed it on the table.

It's too far away to see what's written on it, but you don't need to look at Jiangnan to know it.

The professor glanced at the report, then suddenly raised his head to look at Lorna, and stared at Lorna motionlessly for a while.

"Okay, you go out!"

The doctor in the white coat nodded and walked out silently.

There are only a few of them left in the room! (Why does it feel like this sentence has appeared once?)
"Professor, can you trust me this time?"

Jiang Nan looked at the professor indifferently, as if he knew the result clearly.After all, he is a character who is familiar with the plot, can he be an ordinary person?
The professor glanced at Jiangnan, thought for a while, and said:

"I don't know if I can live here today? I'll show you around. The Xavier School for Gifted Youth is still very beautiful!"

Jiangnan directly replaced Lorna and Banner to make a decision, and nodded without hesitation.

"Okay, I also want to see the famous Xavier."

The two of them, one big and one small, were both drunkards who didn't want to drink. Banner could guess a little bit, but Lorna was the only one who was still kept in the dark and didn't know why.

Jiang Nan stood up, and after staying with the old man for a long time, he felt a lot of pressure in his heart.

"Lorna, you are a mutant. In this regard, some of the teachings I want to teach will be very useful to you in the future."

"I'll go out with Banner first. Xavier has heard a lot, but it's the first time I've come here in person."

"Okay, but don't go far away, I'll talk to the professor and I'll find you." Lorna didn't really want to stay here, she hadn't used her ability for a long time, and as a mutant, She doesn't really like it now.

In Lorna's heart, she always felt that the identity of a mutant seemed to be a barrier between her and Jiangnan.

Not far, not near...

The sky is getting dark, and the air in Xavier in the suburbs is very good. I look up at the few scattered stars in the sky. When I have a chance, I will find such a place when I return to China. I will build a bamboo house to cultivate my body and mind. With Lorna, take care of yourself.

"I said doctor, why are you staring at me all the time? I don't have any flowers on my face!"

(End of this chapter)

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