Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 35 40. The title is being entered

Chapter 35 40. The title is being entered
On Marbury Street, Jiangnan was standing in front of Tony's house, just about to knock on the door when it opened.

Jiang Nan put down his raised hand in embarrassment, and walked in.

"Welcome sir!"

Jarvis' voice came out through the stereo, but Jiang Nan didn't see Tony.

"Jarvis, I haven't seen you for a while, but you've learned to be smart."

Jarvis didn't think he was cowardly. There is an old saying in Huaxia, who knows the current affairs is a good man. If the grandson in front of him is unhappy and dismantles his host, it will be very uncomfortable.

Even if Tony avenged himself, he couldn't see it anymore.

So it's better to learn to be smarter, the sky is big and the earth is big, living is the biggest.People need to learn to be smart, and artificial intelligence needs to learn to be smart.

"Where's Tony? Why didn't you see him?"

Molesting Jarvis is fine at any time, but this is not the right time.

"Mister is in the cloakroom, please wait a moment, I will inform Tony."

Jarvis's wretchedness is just an emotional setting. In the case of designing Tony's privacy, Jarvis will not make concessions, or humanized hind legs.

For example, now...

"No, I'll go up by myself!"

Jiangnan does not regard himself as an outsider, and he will go up when he says it.

Jarvis' gentle voice sounded again.

"I suggest that it is better for you to wait here, sir. If you enter the villa without Tony's consent, you will be treated as an intruder!"

After the last accident, Tony opened the authority directly to Jiangnan. When Jiangnan came, if there were no special circumstances in the room, he could open the door directly.That's why Jarvis opened the door directly when Jiangnan came.

The special two words mark the key point, and you have to test it!

Jiangnan's reflex arc was a little longer at this moment, and he didn't realize what Jarvis meant.

"For example!"

On the top of Jiangnan's head, on the floor, and on the walls on both sides, a pile of weapons suddenly appeared, a pile of modern ammunition that Jiangnan had never seen before.

All aimed at Jiangnan, Jiangnan thought a lot at this moment, thanked his parents, teachers, and alma mater.

He really wanted to test whether Xiao Qi's defense could withstand this wave of blows. After all, he didn't feel a soaring cold skin on his back, so it shouldn't be a serious problem!

But Tony was in the arms business, and there might be a few big things hidden in these unremarkable things.

Forget it, Jiang Nan, who had thought a lot, finally raised his hands.

"OK, listen to you!"

Slowly backing away, slowly sitting on the sofa, but after sitting down, Jiang Nan suddenly remembered that he could use violent feet, that speed, just a few shotguns, what can I do.

Next time, we must let Jarvis understand the gap between the enemy and us.

As for this time, just sit down and wait obediently, capriciousness is a villain.

But Jiangnan's decision made Jiangnan thoroughly understand the inner nature of Tony.

Assume that a normal woman takes one time to dress up in the street, and a normal man takes one-sixth.But Tony used four-sixths, how terrifying!
Tony, who strolled down the stairs, was not surprised when he saw Jiangnan. Before Jiangnan arrived at the door, Tony already knew about it.

"What wind blows you here?"

Jiang Nan crossed his legs, he couldn't help it, his strength was not enough, so he used his posture to make up for it.In short, you can't lose your momentum!
"Jarvis is getting more and more misbehaved. Just now I wanted to go up to you, but this guy threatened me with a few guns. If I didn't save face for you, I would let him understand what the gap is."

Jiang Nan said aggressively, Jarvis has a problem with video recording, Jiang Nan has seen it before last time, it is better to take the initiative than to be passive.

As for the villain filing a lawsuit first, and the matter between human beings and non-human beings, can that be said?

Tony poured Jiangnan a glass of red wine. To be honest, this stuff is really bad, and I always feel stuffy.If it weren't for knowing that it was not cheap, Jiangnan would never give Tony this face.

"Those guns are decorations, I don't expect them to be of any use! But..."

Jiang Nan took a sip, looked up at Tony who was leaning on the edge of the sofa, and waited for his next words.

"However, I set up a few small organs around the second floor, with a voltage of [-] volts, and there are no dead ends around the periphery."

Jiang Nan did a quick calculation in his mind, [-] volts, it should be considered high voltage...

Tony looked at Jiangnan's expression, smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"If you say it, you shouldn't die if you hit it, don't worry!"

Should not die, should?What if it shouldn't?

Jiang Nan decided to knock on the door before entering next time.

"By the way, I haven't said why you are here?"

Tony picked up a bottle of green liquid that looked a bit like herbal dregs, and drank a couple of sips.

"It's boring to be idle, let's hang out with you for two days."

Tony looked at Jiangnan with a grin, and shook his head.

"To be honest, the leader of an official team like Umbrella came over to tell me, a good citizen, that I'm bored."

After Jiangnan recruited Banner, he spent nearly a week thinking about the name of the group, what is the God of War group, what is the justice group, and what is the revenge group.

I thought about the names a lot, but the awkward thing was that none of them felt right.

Jiangnan's mind flashed through [-] small movies and [-] big movies in his previous life, and he thought of the name "Umbrella" miraculously.

Regardless of the literal meaning or the meaning, Jiang Nan felt that this name was very suitable.

"To be honest, Dr. Banner is doing experiments at the base, and Lorna is helping Banner. I'm the only one idle, so I can only come to you."

Jiang Nan said helplessly.

This stalk Tony knows that the last time the Umbrella Base was established, according to international practice, Jiangnan invited a few people to visit. The S.H.I.E.L.D., the United Nations, and the World Security Council all sent a few people over symbolically.

As for Jiangnan, only Tony and Jin were invited.

As a human being, forget the old when you can't develop, it won't last long like that.

After the official left, when only Tony, Jin and a few acquaintances were left, Jiangnan opened a path.

Banner made it clear at the time that on the road of science, Lorna was a few blocks away from Jiangnan.As an assistant in an experiment, he was able to break sixteen test tubes, which is also No. 1 in all ages.

"Hahaha..." Tony's devilish laughter kept echoing in Jiangnan's ears.Jiang Nan can't wait to jump up and rub against the ground!
"There will be a ball in a while, I will show you what is called Playboy World and what is called Playboy."

As he spoke, he looked at the watch on his wrist, it was still early.

"It's still early, let's go and buy you decent clothes first. It's not to hit you, but with your body, the doorman won't let you in!"

Jiang Nan looked at his outfit, sweatpants and denim jacket, they were all fine.These sweatpants were changed after Jiangnan tore the crotch with his violent feet last time, and it cost several hundred yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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