Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 33 38. Banner is taking toner

Chapter 33 38. Banner is taking toner

Coulson's familiarity with this place far exceeds that of Jiangnan. Jiangnan is still exploring, but Coulson has already begun to apply it.

After dinner, Coulson took Banner to visit the base. This task is more suitable for Coulson than Jiangnan, at least Coulson can speak better than Jiangnan.

Looking at the Marvel world, you can see how Coulson is doing. Some people want to be resurrected after death.Who else has this charm, right!
Seeing Banner and Coulson going out, Lorna poked Jiangnan with her elbow.

"Isn't that oh that violent maniac? How did you bring it here?"

Jiang Nan looked at Lorna with a smile. The little girl has grown up and knows how to whisper.

"Do you think he is very powerful?"

Banner, who looked out of Jiangnan, asked Lorna.

Lorna nodded, Jiang Nan smiled and said:
"That's right, who cares how violent he is, as long as he is strong enough, right?"

"And don't underestimate him, he is a big cow with seven doctorates, so smart. When you go out to work, one person can be as good as seven people. Think about it, how cost-effective..."

After listening to Jiang Nan's words, Lorna raised her head suddenly, looked at Jiang Nan with disgust, and said:
"The last sentence is your real purpose of looking for him, right?"

Jiang Nan just raised his hand and there is nowhere to put it. If you chat like this, you will really have no friends.Don't tell me if you see through, haven't you heard of it?
As for the other side, Coulson and Banner had a pleasant chat.

Banner reached out and touched the decoration on the wall, looked back at Coulson who was standing next to him, smiled, and said:

"It's not a big place, but it's quite rich!"

Coulson smiled helplessly, looked at the house that contained him, and explained:

"No way, this team is contracted by many organizations including the United Nations and the World Security Council. There are so many mothers and milks, it's just so capricious!"

Coulson also wanted to keep a low profile, but his strength didn't allow it.If Jiangnan hadn't told himself last time that only non-human beings are recruited here, Coulson would have thought of quitting!

Banner nodded in agreement.

"That's right, with so many mothers, there is no shortage of money!"

"But what do they think, a kid? High IQ, genius?"

Banner will not say that he is not convinced. I am a big cow with an IQ of over [-] and live a life without a home. You are a brat, and you have become a leader.

Is there still the law of heaven, and is there still the law of the king?
Coulson was also very helpless. The last meeting was held in secret, and apart from a few people from S.H.I.E.L.D., not many people knew about it.

Until now, there are still many uninformed people who think that Jiangnan paid a lot of bribes to get such an official!
Coulson's level is still a little bit worse. Maybe Coulson will know when Nick Fury is about to retire in two years!
Coulson shook his head apologetically, and gave Banner a helpless look.

"This, I want to know too!"

While Coulson was discussing Jiangnan with Banner, many people in this world were still discussing Jiangnan!

"I won!"

A black man looked at the video report he had just brought over, but after a while, he immediately stretched out a hand as black as his face to the man opposite him.

"The first person he found was not Tony Stark, you lost!"

The black man's name is Williams Watt, who has a considerable position in the United Nations. After the meeting that day, the superior ordered Watt to put down all other work and monitor Jiangnan.

Watt understood the importance of the task, and in order to add fun to the work, he made a bet with his colleague, who was sitting opposite him, a friend who was also black.

The two of them made a bet on who Jiangnan's team would recruit first.Watt's friends bet that Jiangnan's friends will go to Tony Stark, but Watt insists that Jiangnan will not do it so early!
Clearly, Watt won.

And there are not a few people who monitor Jiangnan with the same behavior, such as S.H.I.E.L.D.!

The leader, Nick Fury, pointed to the report in his hand with an unsurprising expression, then turned and pointed to the few people next to him.

Someone didn't understand and asked:

"From the information obtained, Jiangnan obviously has a good relationship with Tony Stark, so why didn't he go to find Tony Stark, but to find someone he doesn't know well!"

Nick Fury glanced at the person who asked the question, but couldn't even understand this point. One day, he would find a reason to ask him to visit the warehouse.

"Because he is familiar with Tony, so he didn't go to Tony."

"Everyone has read Tony Stark's character analysis report at least ten times, right? A self-centered person, will he go when Jiangnan invites him?"

Nick Fury looked at this group of people. This is the backbone of S.H.I.E.L.D., the upper echelon. With this awareness, the future of S.H.I.E.L.D. is really worrying!
Nick Fury went on to say:
"Jiangnan's group has just been established. Whether it's for symbol or face, the first person must succeed."

"And Bruce Banner is a very good choice. Being homeless, he gave Jiangnan a possibility of surpassing 80%, and he also has a talent that cannot be ignored. Got it?"

Everyone hurriedly nodded at Nick Fury with three points of confusion and seven points of confusion.

In fact, Jiang Nan didn't think too much when he decided to find Banner. He only met Banner two days ago, and Banner can work seven jobs by himself.

Such a strong, smart and cheap labor force Jiangnan felt that there was no possibility of letting him go.

Fortunately, Jiangnan didn't know about Nick Fury's explanation, otherwise Jiangnan would definitely think of two people.One is Lu Xun, and the other is their Chinese teacher.

With the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents serving as security guards, Jiangnan Lorna and Banner slept soundly. As for the poor, sad Coulson, he still has work, sleep, and a holiday!
When he woke up early in the morning, Jiangnan went to find Banner. Since he found him, he couldn't let him go. Every day had to be worthwhile.If one day he ran away, where would you go to reason?
"Boom, boom, boom!" Jiang Nan leaned against Banner's door and knocked gently. He didn't dare to use too much force. If one of them used too much force, the guy inside would be demolished, and that would be a real surprise!
After a while in the United States, Jiangnan watched Banner with toothpaste foam around his mouth and opened the door for himself.

"Good morning, Jiang!"

"Good morning, Dr. Banner!"

Banner stepped aside and let Jiangnan go in. After brushing his teeth nimbly, he had time to ask Jiangnan why he came here so early in the morning.

"Is there something wrong with coming so early?" Banner was talking to Jiangnan while slapping toner on his face.

Jiang Nan looked at Banner who was gently slapping himself with toner, and was a little confused. Why did Mao feel that the style of painting was a bit off?

(End of this chapter)

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