Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 29 34. The first step towards the landlord

Chapter 29 34. The first step towards becoming a landlord

Before Nick Fury finished speaking, he continued when Jiangnan was still in a daze:

"Candidate data is provided by the world's major official organizations, and you can filter!"

Jiangnan is curious, the world's major official organizations?What else but S.H.I.E.L.D.?In Jiangnan's impression, the world is completely dominated by Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Apart from SHIELD, are there any other official organizations?
Jiang Nan has never read comics, how could he know so much?

"The world's major official organizations?" Jiangnan abandoned the question that they ignored their opinions just now, and raised a new and more important doubt.

"Yes, S.H.I.E.L.D., the World Security Council, God Lance, the United Nations...and your team is supervised by the above major organizations, and the internal control power belongs to you!" Nick Fury rarely felt impatient, Explained a lot to Jiangnan, and said many names that Jiangnan had heard and never heard.

After Nick Fury finished speaking, before Jiang Nan figured it out, he went on to say:

"there's one more thing!"

Not all that should be said.what else?
Nick Fury went on to say:

"Maybe you should take advantage of today to pack your things. The meeting assigned you an office building and some residential areas. You have to move there tomorrow. Also, from now on, you don't belong to S.H.I.E.L.D."

Damn, Jiang Nan didn't finish listening to what Nick Fury said, and hung up the phone directly.

Lorna turned her head to look at Jiangnan who was suddenly furious, a little confused what happened to this guy?
Jiang Nan sighed, and looked back at Lorna helplessly.

"Maybe we should move!"

Nick Fury did not lie to Jiangnan, and someone arrived at Jiangnan's gate early the next morning.It's Natasha Romanoff.Referred to as widow sister, the United Nations assigned the early assistance work of the Jiangnan team to S.H.I.E.L.D.!

No wonder Nick Fury is so caring!
"Agent Natasha, thank you very much for coming to help this time!"

With a suitcase in each hand, Jiangnan carried it out the door, and saw Sister Ewidow.Beautiful is beautiful, but unfortunately, Jiang Nan is afraid that she will not be able to surrender herself, this woman is murderous.

If the method is not strong, it is really possible to hang up.Jiang Nan is not the Hulk, he doesn't have that confidence.

A team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and guardians with live ammunition were around, and it was a bit of a joy to see Jiangnan here.

Who would have imagined that a worthless person in his previous life would now enjoy treatment that the President of the United States does not have.

"It's okay, work!" Widow sister looked at the two boxes in Jiangnan's hand and asked:
"Is everything packed?"

Jiang Nan weighed the two boxes in his hands and put them into the trunk of the car.said:
"I don't have anything to clean up, except for some more meaningful things, it's just her!"

As he spoke, he turned his head and glanced at Lorna, who was still standing at the door, a little restrained.Smiling, he took the little girl's hand and introduced to the widow:

"The little girl who was kidnapped not long ago, the ransom is too expensive, and she can't afford it, so she is going to pay with her flesh!"

Jiangnan endured the back pain, and Lorna felt disgusted, what kind of meat is not paid for, even if it is the truth, don't say it so badly, okay?

Jiang Nan turned his head and said to Lorna:

"This is Agent Natasha, you can call me sister!"

Ignoring the widow's age, if you say it directly, you have to call it grandma, if you dare to call it grandma.Jiangnan is sure that if the widow sister doesn't fight you hard, Jiangnan will cook it for Xiao Qi instead of braised it.

Come to Paner Quanlong Banquet...

Seeing the convoy heading towards the airport, Jiang Nan suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.He asked the widow:

"Where are we going?"

The widow is sitting in the co-pilot, and Jiangnan and Lorna are in the back row.No way, who made people's worth rise now?

"Your office building is zoned for Massachusetts, near the ocean, just east of Providence..."

When he arrived at the airport, Jiang Nan realized how much his worth had risen.From the boarding gate to the plane, the whole road is full of people with guns on their backs, and it is not known whether they are soldiers or secret agents.

The most important thing is that all the people on the road have been cleared, so they should have been cleared, right?Otherwise, there is no one there.

Although this series of actions has no protective effect on Jiangnan at all.Those who can really deal with Jiangnan are not qualified.

What they can deal with, Jiangnan can also solve.

But that's not important. What's important is that Jiangnan's worth has risen. Just in this battle, at least he has to be worth over [-] million, right?It should still be a beautiful knife!

Jiang Nan was excited, and subconsciously tightened Lorna's hand.

It was only after getting on the plane that Jiang Nan realized that he should increase his worth a little bit.

It’s not bragging, it’s the first time I’ve taken a chartered flight when I grow up so big.Don't say it, it feels really good.

Not to mention, the stewardess who just passed by was quite on time.

In order to straighten things out, Jiang Nan suppressed his embarrassment and remained silent.After getting off the plane, there were already cars waiting beside the apron, several cars.

Line up, the scene is quite standard.The widow said as she walked:

"These people are all agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Considering that you have just started working and there is no one on hand, the director sent you here to assist you."

"There are a total of 360 agents, of course, and me!" Widow sister still smiled charmingly towards Jiangnan while speaking, she is really charming, but Jiangnan still likes Lorna.

"There are talents in all aspects. When you pull up the framework, our task will be completed."

There are seven cars in total, three in the front and three in the back when driving, and the one in Jiangnan is in the middle.

Jiang Nan asked curiously:
"I'm so important? Why didn't you care about me before?"

The widow was still sitting in the co-pilot, turned around and explained to Jiangnan:

"Different levels have different treatment, you know!"

After all, the relationship is not popular before, is it?
After passing Providence, more than an hour's drive east, Jiangnan saw the Atlantic Ocean.

After walking a little further, under the guidance of Natasha Romanov, Jiangnan finally saw his own building and ancillary buildings.

Natasha pointed to a towering building in front of her. Well, it didn't reach the sky, but the height was real.

Said to Jiangnan:
"This is the office area assigned to you by the United Nations, and the surrounding buildings are also yours." He smiled enviously, and continued:

"This piece was just built the year before last, and it was planned to be given to the World Environmental Protection Association. I didn't expect it to take advantage of you."

"Everything that needs to be renovated is almost finished, but given the nature of your work, there must be some inappropriate places. It will be very convenient to point out how to change it..."

(End of this chapter)

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