Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 23 28. Hulk's Expedition

Chapter 23 28. Hulk's Expedition
"The current situation is like this. Personally, I always feel that this armor is missing something. After thinking about it for a long time, I just don't know what is missing."

Tony thought for a while, then said.This was his true thought, perhaps due to his personality, he finally felt that this piece of equipment could be more perfect.

"Have you ever thought about anti-freezing at high altitudes?" Jiang Nande told Tony one by one what he knew and what was useful to Iron Man.

By omitting the pre-stage, he can develop in a higher direction, and even in the face of danger in the future, he can have higher confidence, isn't it?

"The super-high-altitude cold current causes the body to condense? This restricts the movement? Thank you for reminding!" Tony didn't expect that the man in front of him, who looked like a hooligan, actually had two brushes.

He really hadn't thought about the problem of body condensation.

Jiang Nan had a calm expression on his face, trying very hard to pretend to be an expert in front of Tony.

"Think of it this way, take a certain part of your body as the baseline, such as the glass jar on your chest, center on it, and then set instructions based on body data, can he wear it directly on the body..."

To be precise, Jiangnan's words really opened the door to a new world for Tony.

In his feeling, he seems to have skipped some processes and reached the goal directly.At a faster speed, it is developing in a stronger direction.

Jiangnan talked a lot that day. He originally told Lorna to have dinner together at night, but who knew that he talked endlessly.

The two had been discussing in the basement until the next morning, and they stopped when they were really hungry.

Jiangnan has been talking, and Tony has been listening.

On the way back, Jiangnan was on Xiaoqi's back, and he couldn't help thinking, after he pointed out the direction for Tony, where is his limit, is he going in a higher direction?Or is the end that Jiangnan talked about, the end of Tony?
Jiangnan wanted to use this as a test. If Tony reached the standard Jiangnan said fast enough, he would then develop in a higher direction.

Then my own existence is useful, and I can change certain things, or people!Then no one can deny the meaning of their existence...

It will take time to verify this matter, and it should be soon. Jiangnan used his experience as a bystander to directly point out a grand road to Tony.

For Tony, it was only a matter of time before it was realized.Smart people never explain.

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When Jiang Nan went upstairs, Lorna was already up and washing up.Jiang Nan leaned against the door, smiling and apologizing to Lorna.

"Well, I was really busy last night. It's too late when I'm done. Give me a chance to change my past."

Lorna, who was still smeared with toothpaste, cast a white glance at Jiangnan from the vanity mirror in front of her.

Not keeping promises made me wait for most of the night in vain.It's fine if you let me go, if you don't come back, at least give me a call.Don't let a fart go, just wait for the next day.

Lorna's expression was clearly telling Jiang Nan.The old lady was angry, and apologizing was useless.

Jiang Nan knew he was wrong, and his attitude was sincere.But in today's matter, it seems that sincerity alone doesn't work, right?
Jiangnan, I'm not wasting my mind, I didn't have much in the first place, so I walked up and hugged Lorna in my arms.

"I was really wrong, don't be angry, okay?"

Lorna turned her head mischievously, and wiped all the toothpaste on Jiangnan's face.

For a long time, Tony has been immersed in experiments in the basement, sorting out data and summarizing experience.

He is using all methods to make the steel armor reach the height that Jiangnan said, no, higher.

Since this time, Jiangnan has been with Lorna, going to school, going home, and eating.The two lived a shameless life together inseparable.

Tony said that I am Iron Man, which opened the prelude to the Age of Marvel Heroes. More and more supernatural events happened around the world, but now, there is a person that Jiangnan has to pay attention to.

Bruce Banner, no, now he should be called Hulk more appropriately.

A post titled: Who will guard our lives appeared on the Internet, and the post entered the public view at an alarming speed.

And it has attracted the attention and attention of the US government.And the protagonist is the man in the TV news in front of Jiangnan, a giant who is covered in green, has an amazing figure, and only wears a giant underpants all over his body.

Jiang Nan watched the TV news, thought for a while, and said to Nick Fury on the other end of the phone:

"I can't solve it. The damage of this thing is amazing, and the longer the battle, the worse the anger. His damage and defense will become stronger, and there is no online."

"And it also has an extremely powerful recovery ability."

"Feel sorry!"

Nick Fury called Jiangnan not long after the incident happened. After explaining the Hulk, he wanted Jiangnan to solve this trouble. It would be better if he could bring it back.

Jiang Nan hung up the phone. Before the phone was on the table, another call came. There was no area number. It seemed to be from S.H.I.E.L.D. again.

"Hello there!"

Tony on the phone said hurriedly:

"Watch the news, hurry up."

"Looking at it, isn't it just a green violent madman? What's the matter?"

Jiang Nan was surprised when he heard Tony on the phone.

"Aren't you going to help?" Tony asked.

Jiangnan gave Tony the words he had just given to Nick Fury.

"This thing has rough skin and thick flesh, and its strength and defense increase with the battle time and anger, so it doesn't go online. And the body recovers super fast. I can't fight him at all. If I kill him, it won't be a problem."

"However, I'm not going to kill him. No, you have to go by yourself. Don't blame me for not telling you if you are ashamed!"

After Jiang Nan finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Tony to say anything.

The Hulk is a big killer. The Hulk didn't make a big effort that time in the battles of Marvel. If he was killed by you, who will accompany him?

Jiang Nan really didn't lie just now, he fought Hulk, unless he used the golden skyline to hit the Hulk Tianling Gai, otherwise he couldn't fight at all.

But when the golden skyline goes out, the Hulk is definitely cool.But if you don't do it, just go and see it quietly. It's okay.

With the help of Xiao Qi, no one knew it.

"Shall I take you to play?" Jiang Nan sat up straight, rubbing Lorna's face, and said.

It's time to take Lorna to see the world, and don't let her live a life of fighting and killing, but I can't let this talent go to waste. Magneto's powerful genes, if I let myself grow into a Muggle.

That old thing must be in a hurry with me!
Take it out to see the world, and let the little girl see what strength is.I can't stay by her side all the time, it's fine when I'm alone, and I have some skills in my hands.

(End of this chapter)

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