Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 21 26. Iron Man

Chapter 21 26. Iron Man

Ethan's death has dealt a great blow to Jiangnan. If this world is compared to a calm water surface, then Jiangnan's existence is like a stone that suddenly appears above the water surface and is falling vertically.

When a stone falls into the water, it will undoubtedly cause ripples.But Ethan's death seemed to veto all of this, vetoing Shi Zi and vetoing Jiangnan.

The falling stones did not cause the water surface to change, the conditions caused the result, but the result did not conform to the law.

Jiang Nan was confused, and there was also a kind of fear that made people feel powerless.

Even Lorna could feel it.

"You seem to have something on your mind, can you tell me?" Lorna leaned against Jiangnan, trying to comfort Jiangnan with gentle words.

She is different from Jiangnan. Although she is a mutant, she seems to have some distance from Jiangnan.

There are some things that she can't help Jiangnan, and it seems that all she can do is comfort her with words.

Jiang Nan stroked Lorna's hair, from top to tip, again and again.

People always do something subconsciously. I don’t know when Jiangnan started to like to play with Lorna’s hair when he was bored.

To distract yourself, even if it doesn't work or make sense.

"I'm thinking about the meaning of my existence."

Jiang Nan wanted to find someone to talk to, so as to be relieved.But Lorna was clearly out of place, in every sense of the word.

He didn't know how to tell Lorna about his inner confusion and fear, but looking at the worried eyes of the little girl, Jiang Nan couldn't keep silent.

The meaning of his own existence, to a certain extent, is indeed the central idea of ​​Jiangnan's inner anxiety.

"The latest from New York:
The truth is, I am Iron Man! "

The prelude kicked off, and there are many people of all kinds in the Marvel world, and now in this world dominated by the Avengers, there are also many protagonists.

But seriously speaking, the first protagonist is Iron Man Tony.

Tony made it public that he was Iron Man. From this moment on, the prelude to the Marvel world kicked off.

"I didn't expect this playboy to be Iron Man, unexpected!"

Lorna watched in amazement the video of Tony being interviewed on TV and saying that he was Iron Man.

There is a heavy unbelievable feeling in the tone.

Tony came to Jiangnan's house only once, when Lorna was still in school, and when she came back from school, she had already left.

Jiang Nan didn't say anything, of course Lorna didn't know.

"He might be a real hero!"

Jiang Nan looked down at Lorna and sighed.

From the perspective of the future, Tony's behavior is undoubtedly great for the people of the whole world.

It doesn't matter which nuclear bomb over New York or the fantasy world, it's the same.

He wanted to protect the planet under his feet, protect everyone on this planet, everyone.

Lorna scoffed at Jiang Nan's words and said:

"Hero? Just him? God won't allow a scumbag to be a hero."

Jiang Nan didn't know how to explain Lorna's words. In the future, many people would subconsciously deny what Tony had done for the world because of Tony's wealth and the absurd behavior earlier.

Most people, Captain, Widow, Hawkeye and many more.

Trust Tony's, how many?Pepper, Rhodes, Fantasy World, and Peter!
It seems that there are only a few people!
"He will become a hero!" Jiang Nan rubbed Lorna's hair with a smile, and there was an indescribable affirmation in his words.

Lorna pursed her lips, but did not refute Jiangnan.It's not that she wants to trust Tony, but that Jiangnan is unhappy, Lorna just let him go for a while.

Lorna still felt in her heart that if a man with such bad deeds as Tony could really become a hero, then Eric Lanshere would be his biological father.

Jiangnan watched the TV, starting with Tony announcing that he was Iron Man, the curtain of the Marvel world was opened, and Hulk should be the second to appear.

In the future, there should be no more peaceful days, and the danger is getting closer and closer.

He thought that he should start to make some preparations for the future, even if not for himself, looking at Lorna nestled in his arms, he should make some efforts for her, shouldn't he?

Jiang Nan stood up and messed Lorna's hair after a long time.

"Wait for me at home, I'll take you to eat delicious food tonight."

Then, without waiting for Lorna to react, she ran away.

"My hair……"

A heartfelt roar resounded everywhere in Queens 9527.

At this time, Jiangnan was already 500 meters above the ground, and he was going to talk to Tony about some important matters.

10880 Marbury Street
The villa is very luxurious, and it can be said that it is the only one in a place like Marbury Street.

Tony was alone in the huge room. In the basement, Tony sat on a chair and looked at the blueprint in his hand. Mark II still had serious deficiencies, and there were too many problems to be improved. Experiments.

"Sir, there are guests outside the door!" Jarvis's voice echoed in the basement.

Tony put down the blueprint in his hand, raised his head, and asked:
"Guest? Who is it?"

A virtual screen was projected in front of Tony, and the door was Jiangnan.

Jiang Nan looked at the monitor above his head and said:

"Tony, if you don't open the door, I will open it."

"My God!" Tony touched his forehead, his eyes a little helpless.

"Jarvis, open the door and let him in."

"Okay, sir."

Jiang Nan at the door had already started to accumulate strength, and he touched the door just now. As expected of a rich man, this door is not ordinary.

The whole piece is full of good things, and I can't break it casually.

Jiang Nan withdrew his right hand and slammed heavily towards the door in front of him.

With a sound of "Swipe!", the entire gate disappeared in an instant, and Jiang Nan fell on the ground without paying attention. (Don't worry about the brainless problem of wrestling with Jiangnan's ability here.)
"Sir, are you all right?"

Jiang Nan lay on the ground, raised his head and said:

"Jarvis, if you dare to speak out about this matter, I will let Tony format you."

"Uh, yes sir, I'll keep it a secret for you!"

At the same time in the basement, the virtual screen appeared in front of Tony again.

There's a video on it that's playing.

Jarvis said:
"Sir, I just took an interesting video, and I would like to share it with you!"

"Hahaha..." Tony's laughing voice echoed throughout the basement, and Jiangnan also walked in at this time under the guidance of Jarvis.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the projection in front of Tony.

"Jarvis, I'm going to hand you over to scrap metal."

Tony didn't pay attention to Jiangnan's danger at all. Jiangnan in the video is really stupid.

He even wanted to knock down my door.


(End of this chapter)

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