Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 189 147. The Daily Life of the Base

Chapter 189 147. The Daily Life of the Base

On the bus 10 minutes later, Coulson's team of agents had gathered.A group of five people, all in the conference room.

Coulson transferred the copied video through the virtual screen.

"This car accident is a murder case. We have only ten days to find the last culprit as soon as possible."

Fitz raised his hand in a daze, and asked:
"When will our S.H.I.E.L.D. agency even manage car accidents?"

Everyone looked like this, and they obviously agreed with it.

Coulson stood up and preached:

"Indeed, this is not within the scope of our S.H.I.E.L.D.'s management, but it's an entrustment from an old friend. May, Fitz, you should know."

Coulson continued:

"Mr. Jiangnan, former director of the Umbrella Bureau!"

"My God, it's Mr. Jiangnan."

Simmons covered his lips in surprise, obviously Jiangnan had some unknown legends in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Skye looked at the same expression as Simmons and Fitz, and was puzzled. Isn't he just a retired bureau chief? As for it.

"You guys, are you acting a little too much?"

Skye made a joke!

"No, absolutely not." Simmons said directly:

"Mr. Jiangnan was originally an indigenous resident of the earth. Later, due to some special reasons, Mr. Jiangnan has been living in an alien space and is a solo star traveler."

Simmons went on to tell Skye:

"More importantly, Mr. Jiangnan's personal strength is also beyond the charts."

"He can knock down a building in a moment on his own."

"When we were at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy, we did a psychological analysis of Mr. Jiang Nan."

Coulson waved.

"Mr. Jiang is indeed a very strange person. SHIELD has tested Mr. Jiang's combat power before, and it is indeed very high."

"More importantly, Mr. Jiang's force value is completely built on the human body itself. There is no mutation, and no scientific drugs have been injected. It is completely the exercise of the human body itself. It exceeds the known limit of human beings."

Coulson continued:

"Mr. Jiang is very good friends with Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner. If we do well in this mission, Mr. Jiang will help us in our future operations."

"Okay, time is running out, so hurry up."

Skye was responsible for face recognition on the surveillance video at the time, and for a hacker who could hack into S.H.I.E.L.D., he was already considered one of the top groups in the world.

Although many people have done it.

After monitoring and identification, search out his circle of life, check who he has been in contact with recently, and slowly screen. If Charles is really not an accident, then the murderer will definitely be found.

On the other side, in the base of the Avengers, Jiang Nan was finally able to sit down and chat easily, thinking about parties, activities and other wonderful things.

It can be regarded as an explanation to Charles, who has called him uncle for many years.

Well, the Vision is back.

Jiang Nan glanced at Banner, then looked back at Vision, and smiled.

"After Ultron's incident passed, Stark told me about the Vision. In fact, you guys did a good job."

Jiang Nan looked at Vision and said, "Vision is very good, he is a good partner."

Vision nodded implicitly, and said something very politely.

"Thank you very much Mr. Jiang for your compliment."

Jiang Nan smiled, accepting Vision's thanks.

Jiang Nan turned around and continued:

"After the matter of Jin Bin is resolved this time, Banner, you will have to work overtime for a while."

Banner pointed at himself suspiciously, with question marks all over his face.

"Me? Overtime?"

Jiang Nan nodded, nodding with certainty.

Before these things came, Jiangnan had already thought about it carefully, and he had a word that could explain it to everyone.

: "I'm going to build a base, construction, weapons, and start doing a lot of stuff."

"I can't do it alone, you and Stark will help me when the time comes, the security program must be at least the second in the world."

Banner counted on his fingers.

"Where are you going to build?"

Banner asked out the doubts in his heart. According to what he knew about Jiangnan, he didn't have much money at all. If he built it according to his requirements, he would definitely need an extremely huge sum of money.

Jiangnan's own life is dependent on the shares of the Stark Group that he bought in 08.

In fact, logically speaking, what is Jiangnan building a base for?It doesn't make any sense.What needs to be done? The Avengers base here is completely open to Jiangnan. Although Jiangnan is not a member of the Avengers Alliance, but just like this, if Jiangnan needs help, no one in the alliance will refuse Jiangnan.

Stark definitely supports Jiangnan. The two of them have a fateful friendship. Stark supports Jiangnan, Colonel Rhodes, and Vision will definitely vote for Jiangnan. These two are Stark’s loyal supporters. With myself, there are already four votes.

How many people are there in total in the alliance.

"Can you tell me why?"

"In my opinion, you don't need to build a base independently at all."

Jiang Nan shook his head, how could it be unnecessary.

"Some things can't always bother others. Also, Killian, Anton Wanke, I promised them those I saved, and they are under my control. I can't let them stay in prison forever."

It was only at this time that Dr. Banner remembered that Killian and Anton Vanke would have died in prison if Jiangnan hadn't mentioned it today.

"Funds. Building according to your requirements requires a lot of money."

There is no need to worry about this at all. Jiangnan preached with full confidence:

"It's simple. Take some time to go out and bring back some rare metals. If you sell them to a few scientific research groups, the money will come."

"As for the address, just trade a batch of rare metals with the White House and change to a small island, which is a perfect solution."

Banner nodded. This is really a solution. Jiangnan can travel to the stars, which is a very powerful advantage. Humans have only explored a few planets in the solar system, and Jiangnan has already achieved interstellar travel beyond the solar system.

"When the time comes to collect metals, you will come with me, and I will show you."

Jiangnan extended an invitation to Vision.

"Happy to oblige."

Some things are actually that simple, a base, used to fulfill their promises.It is also used to help myself deal with those people from the Thirteen Taibao.

Either way, it's useful.

That night, Jiangnan stayed here at the base. There is Jiangnan's house in the base, and Stark has been keeping it for a long time.When the Avengers Alliance was first established, the first person Nick Fury thought of was Jiangnan.

It's just that an accident happened later, and later Jiangnan became the director of the umbrella. Later, there was no chance to talk to Jiangnan, so it was put on hold.

(End of this chapter)

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