Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 186 144.

Chapter 186 144.
The last one is the future famous scarlet witch, the power of chaos.One of the most powerful forces known in the Marvel Universe.

The scene was reversed, and it was Jiangnan.

"Jiangnan, Star Traveler, former Umbrella Director, my former boss, and now, our friend."

In fact, many interesting things happen inadvertently in life.

Just like now, Vision, Witch, Quicksilver, they quickly became curious about interstellar travel.

Bruce Banner went to the laboratory, while Jiang Nan sat on the sofa and told some stories.

What I have experienced, what I have not experienced, what I have heard, and what I imagined.

Anyway, just telling a story...

The only thing that is satisfying is that they may have doubts, but they will keep them in their hearts.

"At the beginning of the universe, it was composed of six singularities. The six singularities fused and exploded to produce our current universe. And these six singularities formed the six basic elements of the universe's operation."

"Time, space, mind, power, reality, and soul."

"The big bang of the universe, the six singularities changed, forming a new shape, similar to a crystal. Just like this..."

Jiang Nan pointed to the shiny stone on Vision's forehead, which was worth a lot of money just by looking at it.

"Scattered all over the universe, they contain powerful power, very powerful..."

The four of them chatted and laughed, and it was Jiangnan who was satisfying his curiosity about some legendary characters, and...curiosity.

Until very late, they had dinner in the base, and Stark also called, saying that he would not be able to return to New York today.

Everyone else is, well, it's not realistic to want to party anymore.

In the dead of night, Jiangnan was walking on the street, he had to go see his old friends.

New York, the top floor of the Fisk Tower, the lights are off today.

In a strange way, Jiang Nan opened the door and walked in.

What I saw was only a fat figure standing in front of the window, silent, as if admiring the beauty of New York at night?
After all, this is his country.


Jiang Nan turned on the light casually, closed the door, and walked up to Jin Bin.

"What's so good about being black and blind, looking at your own country?"

Jiang Nan asked amusedly.

Jin Bin shook his head, wandering between life and death for a long time, Jin Bin was able to live until now, apart from luck, he also has his excellence.

"I was thinking, where do people go after they die..."

"Hell, heaven..." Jiang Nan said without thinking.

"What's the point of asking this politely?"

Jiang Nan walked to the wine cabinet and poured a glass of wine for each of them.

"Richard is dead."

Jin said without emotion, and Jiang Nan's playful expression froze on his face.

Richard is dead...

Jiang Nan put down his wine glass and walked up to Jin Bin.With a height of two meters and a weight of two hundred kilograms, Jin Bing stood upright like a horizontal block.

"I'm sorry about Richard."

Jin Bin looked up at Jiangnan beside him, and Jiangnan could feel the suppressed anger under this body.

"I've already started to prepare to retire, to disband the Jinhe Empire, to disband the Fisk Mansion, and then to be a good father and husband. But why..."

"I'm sorry Fisk, I know you're upset..."

Jiang Nan finally left, and the two of them were drunk with Jin Bing, but Jiang Nan knew that Jin Bing still didn't let go.

He will take revenge, this is the concept of life cultivated after living for more than 20 years.

But what can Jiangnan do?What will Jin Bin do next after being blackened?Killing his wife to testify, and then taking revenge crazily.

Revenge on the whole world, World War III almost broke out.

What should I do?What should I do?
Until the next morning, when Stark came back, Jiangnan still had no clue.

"Why are you so sad?"

Stark is not a careful person, but he can notice that Jiangnan's expression is wrong, it can only be said that Jiangnan's expression is too obvious.

"Richard is dead, Richard Fisk. Kingpin's son"

"I know, some time ago, Jin Bing was dealing with business these two days, and the body was still parked in the funeral home. Is there anything wrong?"

Stark asked puzzled.

Fantasy said:

"I may be able to understand this. If a person who has lived in the darkness for a long time is hurt by the darkness, the first thing he will do is to take revenge on the darkness."

Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch are still sleeping, and of course, Dr. Banner is too. Last night he did research for a long time before falling asleep.

Fantasy World is right but not all.

Jiangnan said:

"Richard's death is a big blow to Jin Bin. He will definitely take revenge, but definitely not just revenge against the dark. The target of his revenge will be all his enemies."

How many enemies does Jinbin have?Almost all over the world, this is not a small number.

"It's not easy to listen to it like this."

Stark rubbed his sexy mustache, thought for a while and said:

"Kill Jin Bing, it's over."

Jiang Nan shook his head, this method will not work.Once Jin Bin died, it meant that the underground world was reshuffled, and the chaos caused by this process would definitely not be much smaller than the casualties caused by Jin Bin's revenge.

"The nights in New York are too chaotic. If Jin Bing dies, the chaos will come faster and more intense."

"Inquire about the date of Richard's funeral, and you will accompany me there then."

Jiang Nan looked at Stark and said, he doesn't want to go to Jin Bin now, a person who has lost a loved one should let him be quiet now.

"I don't know Jin well, what should I do?"

"Give him some humanistic care, after all, he is my friend."

Stark went back to his home, and Pepper was still waiting for him at home.Those who have lived in the base for a long time are basically ruthless and have nowhere to go.

Otherwise, Stark is quite thoughtful.

Jiang Nan bids farewell to Huanshi, and he is going back too. He still has a child in Queens.

Queens 9527.
There is already a lot of dust in the room. It seems that Nona left Huaxia and never came back. Huaxia is on vacation.

Jiangnan probably packed up and went to Parker's house.

He knocked on the door, and it was May Parker who opened it.

"Beautiful lady, long time no see."

Jiang Nan smiled and hugged Aunt Mei. Jiang Nan took a closer look. Aunt Mei was still as beautiful as ever.

The two walked into the house, and Aunt Mei poured Jiangnan a glass of water.

"I haven't been back for a long time. Parker and I keep asking you."

Jiang Nan smiled before asking:
"Where's Parker? Why is there no one there?"

Aunt May didn't know either.

"Who knows? This kid is always elusive these days, and he doesn't tell me what he's up to."

Jiang Nan explained to Aunt Mei with a smile:

"Children grow up, it's time to give them a little freedom."

(End of this chapter)

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