Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 182 140. Preparations for Sokovia

Chapter 182 140. Preparations for Sokovia

"The thinking logic of a genius is different from that of ordinary people. In a long life, life experience will fill his logical concepts. Enrich it, and then create his own world."

Wang Jue gestured twice with his hand, looked back at Jiangnan, and then said:

"Actually, this concept is very common in our lives. A successful writer has his own way of thinking, a successful police officer has his own logical thinking, scientists, venture capitalists, and so on."

"We are different from them. Thinking is particularly important in the eyes of us learning martial arts."

"You might have to try to think differently."

The fish took the bait, Wang Jue flicked his wrist, and the fish flew up from the river.

With a flick of the fishhook in his hand, the fish reel was hung tightly, just in time to catch the fish falling from the sky.

Then re-bait and re-hook.

"By the way, you said last time that you want to learn some tricks. This situation is a little complicated."

This is the chance for Jiangnan to intervene.

"What? Can't you?"

Jiang Nan asked puzzledly. From the perspective of attack, the Bajitian he knows is not very different from the traditional Chinese martial arts.

From the way of attack, as well as the concept of martial arts, it is to strengthen oneself to gain strength.

Unlike mutants and tech supermen.

They are more of talent.

"No, some things, such as those that are powerful, are powerful because of some prerequisites."

Wang Jue was too lazy to fish, this Jiang Nan was really stupid.Simply clueless.

"For example, spirit, strength, and body structure."

"It's like simple sword qi keeping shape. If you want to learn it, you have to learn sword first and master it. You can practice sword qi keeping shape later."

Jiang Nan asked whether it was true or not.Wang Jue is also tirelessly explaining to Jiangnan that although he is a bit stupid, he is eager to learn and is not ashamed to ask.

If you don’t understand, you are not afraid, but what you are afraid of is that you don’t understand and don’t ask.

This is where things go wrong.

When Jiangnan returned to the house with the meal, Stark was still sleeping.It shouldn't be, when he flew to Huaxia, it was just morning, so logically, he shouldn't be sleepy right now.

It's not that Wang Jue dislikes Jiangnan, Jiangnan's brain is not smart enough, and after thinking about it for a long time, he just doesn't think about it.

He walked to the bed and pushed Stark, who was still dreaming of spring and autumn.

"Wake up, it's time to eat."

Stark woke up from the dream in a daze, and looked at the watch in his hand in a daze.

"It's been a while?"

Stark stood up and rubbed his sore neck. This kind of sleep is really enough.After sleeping for a long time, I am really tired.

"When will you start working on this thing here? I still have a lot of work in the United States?"

Stark looked at the lunch on the table, three vegetarian dishes?a bowl of rice?What kind of match is this?Doesn't make sense good or bad.
"What kind of way is this? Where's the meat?"

Stark pointed at the lunch in front of him in disbelief, turned his face and asked Jiangnan.

Jiang Nan was really embarrassed. He was not used to eating today, let alone a foreign guest.

"I can't do anything about it. People who learn martial arts, for a higher level, can only eat these to maintain their mood."

This means that Jiangnan sees Stark as a foreigner who doesn't know how to deceive.

There is no way, Stark can only accept it.

"By the way, you just said that you still have something to do in the United States?"

Holding the chopsticks, Stark took a mouthful of food and nodded upon hearing this.

"Yes, we found a Hydra stronghold in Sokovia, and we are organizing plans and detailed intelligence, preparing for a beautiful victory, how about it? Are you interested?"

Sokovia?Jiang Nan remembered, isn't this the plot of Avengers II?The first appearances of Ultron, Fantasy World, and Quick Shadow Scarlet Witch are quite exciting.

Jiang Nan thought about it and forgot it. It would be better for him not to intervene. Jiang Nan likes the character of Fantasy World, with careful thinking and clear logic, although it is a pity for Jarvis.

It would be a pity if he ran over by himself and the fantasy world disappeared.

Shaking his head, Jiang Nan said:
"Forget it, I have more things to do here."

Stark looked at Jiangnan with a sad face, and was a little curious about what could make Jiangnan leak this expression. Of course, it was more about gossip psychology, which Stark would never talk about.

"What's the matter? Tell me, maybe I can help you, you know, I have a lot of money, and I'm close to [-] million people."

Nearly [-] million people?Why does this sound so ridiculous.

"The forces in Huaxia Kingdom are too complicated. They are not inferior to the United States at all. Heavenly Court, Divine Spear Bureau, and many other martial arts organizations. I'm going to have a look, some things will be very troublesome in the future."

Jiangnan's words did not calm down the gossip in Stark's heart, but instead had a stronger feeling.

When Jiangnan crossed over, it happened that the fourth reunion was released, and Marvel's Ten Steps ended, but this was only the final battle of the older generation.But from Jiangnan's understanding of the world, things are not as simple as Jiangnan imagined.

There are definitely more terrifying enemies in this world, or potential enemies, and Jiangnan has to prepare early.

For Thanos, who used to be so fearful, he is no longer so afraid. Not to mention normality, at least Jiangnan dares to go up and fight alone.

"More than that?"

Stark looked at Jiangnan, as if, what does it mean, it is obviously okay.Definitely still waiting for Jiangnan to say something.
Jiang Nan smiled, and said with some embarrassment:

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that there are some problems with Lorna. It's just a daily chore."

Stark never intervenes in other people's emotional problems. Although he likes girls, he never loves others, and because of Pepper, he has already rehabilitated, okay?

Stark just nodded and didn't ask any more questions.When Jiangnan came, he hadn't eaten yet. Stark had so many problems that the food was cold.

After dinner, at 03:30 in the afternoon, Jiang Nan led Stark towards the Buddhist scriptures pavilion.According to Wang Jue's instructions, Jiangnan also told Wang Jue about Stark's affairs. Wang Jue had no objection, and directly asked Jiangnan to take Stark and Jiangnan to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in the afternoon.

The Sutra Pavilion of Tianjianmen looks very impressive, with eight floors, but it doesn't look like a newly repaired one.It may also be the reason that it has just been repaired.

The door of the Sutra Pavilion was open, and as soon as Jiangnan and Stark came to the front, Jiangnan smelled a mixture of book fragrance and ink, which was not pleasant or unpleasant.

There was no one in the Sutra Pavilion, only bookshelves full of open books, thread-bound, all handwritten.The smell that Jiangnan smelled just now came from here.

(End of this chapter)

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