Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 148 107. Falcon's Admiration

Chapter 148 107. Falcon's Admiration

Several people were fully alert. The moment they entered the gate, it was as if they had entered an old computer room. There were computer hosts and cables everywhere.

Captain Rogers' hand wiped lightly from a case, it was so thick with dust.No one should have been here for a long time.

There are no traces on the ground except where a few people walked.

Captain Rogers was afraid that someone would be suspicious, so he squatted down on purpose and carefully observed the ground.

It was only later that it was confirmed that no one else had been here except for a few of them recently.

There is no need to worry about being ambushed.

"Let's go, there's no one in there."

Captain Rogers led the way, and the other three followed behind. After turning around for a while, they found nothing.Just when a group of people pursued to no avail.

In the computer group, the screen of an old desktop computer that was not very conspicuous rang actively.

"Steve Rogers. Long time no see, Captain America."

Sounds came from everywhere, and the only answer left was that he was using a stereo.

Jiang Nan turned his head sharply, just now, he suddenly felt a feeling of being spied on, but miraculously, he didn't feel any footsteps or breathing.

"follow me."

Jiang Nan moved forward first, he wanted to take a look, the feeling of peeping just now was not an illusion, no accident, it should be the artificial intelligence of Hydra.

Walking in front of a computer, Jiangnan stopped, and the source of the feeling just now was here.Looking up, the entire computer kept flashing green digital numbers, and the numbers formed a humanoid face.

It's here, Jiangnan is sure.

At this time, Captain Rogers also noticed the abnormality, and followed Jiangnan's gaze to look at the computer.

"Steve Rogers. Born 1918 in Brooklyn, New York."

Another voice came out from the stereo, and several people looked at each other, feeling a little unbelievable.

Falcon was the first to say:

"This should be a video, right?"

The owner of the voice said one after another:
"No, this is not a video."

Captain Rogers also came back to his senses at this time, and asked:

"who are you?"

The owner of the voice was silent for a while before continuing:

"The captain doesn't know me so soon? The captain and I are old friends..."

A printer next to the computer screen suddenly started working automatically.

After a while, an image was generated. The content of the image was a middle-aged man wearing glasses, no, it should be an elderly person.

Captain Rogers knew this man, not only did he know him, but he was also impressed.

"This person is Dr. Zola, a German. Hydra's scientists developed many weapons for Hydra."

"After I fought the Red Skull, he was arrested on the spot. But he should have died in prison."

Captain Rogers said incredulously.

"Strictly speaking, I'm Swiss."

"Moreover, I didn't die, I just got eternal life in another way, just like the current situation."

Dr. Zola's voice came out from the stereo, Jiangnan suddenly remembered.

According to the development, Dr. Zola was delaying time with Captain Rogers to activate the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Jiangnan thought about it, but there was no organization. The insight plan must be activated. The set of weapons and equipment that supply the insight plan has been on the helicarrier, and the algorithm is also. If this thing is not destroyed, there will be big troubles sooner or later.

There are also those spies of Hydra, who can only use this opportunity to catch them all in one go, otherwise, there will definitely be fish that slip through the net, and they want to catch them at that time, but it will not be as easy as it is now.

Captain Rogers explained the current situation to Natasha and Falcon, and the weapon detector in Natasha's pocket suddenly rang.

The sound of "beep beep" was endless, and Natasha quickly took it out to see that there was a missile coming towards them, and the target was them.

"There is a missile flying over, and the target is here."

Natasha quickly raised her head and said.

Captain Rogers looked at Natasha and asked:

"Do you know the source of the weapon?"

"It's S.H.I.E.L.D."

Dr. Zola's laughter also came from the speaker, saying: "My goal has been achieved, the insight plan has been launched, and the next world will belong to Hydra."

"Captain, goodbye."

Captain Rogers is not in the mood to care about where Dr. Zola has gone at this time?Pulling open the fence underneath, he dragged Natasha into hiding.

Falcon wasn't idle either. He spread his wings and pulled Jiangnan's shoulders to move towards the distance.

Jiang Nan didn't want to be dragged by someone's shoulders and flew around, turned around, and detected all the movements around him with his keen sixth sense.

The position of which missile was captured in an instant.

Just moved two steps ahead, the missile had already broken through the room and flew towards him.

Jiang Nan took out the half of the nunchuck behind his back.

The sword flash erupted in an instant, and the bright golden light shone everywhere in the room.The sword flash was activated several times in an instant, and the other three people who were hiding only heard the sound of heavy objects falling in the room, but they did not wait for the missile to explode.

Captain Rogers poked his head out of the pit, and saw Jiangnan wiped his half of the nunchuck, and then hid it behind his back.

Looking at the ground, it was a missile fragment that had been broken into four pieces.

Jiangnan had just launched two sword flashes, and with the high-intensity explosive force that had already penetrated the missile, it was split into four halves before the missile exploded.

The power of Bajitian itself is strong, not to mention that he still has the blessing of this yellow stone. Even without the golden skyline, the power can be imagined.

The three of them walked out slowly, all looking at the defunct missile on the ground with the same eyes.

It was also at this moment that Falcon really understood how terrifying the abilities of Jiangnan, the former umbrella chief.

It is simply a beast. It is easy to block the missile, but it is not an easy thing to block it without letting it explode.

One can imagine the extent of Jiangnan's ability.

It was Natasha who spoke first, and patted Jiangnan on the shoulder. Thousands of words can only be gathered into one sentence:
"here you go."

I can't say anything else. I really can't think of anything to praise Jiangnan's performance.

All I can say is well done.

Falcon was even more speechless, and patted Jiangnan on the shoulder, he was convinced.

(End of this chapter)

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