Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 146 105. Insight Plan

Chapter 146 105. Insight Plan
After opening the file, all I saw was a dense list of names. The three people in the room glanced at each other, not understanding what Nick Fury meant.

a bunch of names?What do you want to do?
No one knew, the three of them huddled together and read from the beginning of the document, and from the very beginning, Jiangnan understood the meaning of the document.

The content at the beginning of the file is a name, but the owner of the name is not ordinary.

Alexander Pierce, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the head of Hydra hidden inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

Jiangnan understood in an instant, and pointed to the densely packed names on the document and explained to the two of them:

"This list is all Hydra members hidden inside S.H.I.E.L.D., all of them."

Jiangnan doesn't know how many people there are in S.H.I.E.L.D., but looking at the dense names in this document, one can tell that Hydra's layout in S.H.I.E.L.D. is not small.

Sure enough, in my own world, people have always said that S.H.I.E.L.D. is just another Hydra with a different name.

The two looked at Jiangnan in disbelief, but they didn't trust Jiangnan's explanation very much.

They also saw the name Alexander Pierce at the beginning of the document, who is this, the former director of SHIELD, or did he give the position of director of SHIELD to Nick Fury, if he is a member of Hydra, then Nick Fury What did Ray say?

Looking at the dubious expressions of the two, Jiang Nan didn't know how to explain it. He didn't have enough evidence in his hands, and relying on empty teeth, it was like making the two people believe that what they said was correct, and Jiang Nan didn't have the halo of the protagonist.

The son of the plane is not himself, Jiang Nan can't do it.

But if I can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't. I remember that in the story of Captain America II, after Nick Fury was injured, he hid in Captain Rogers' house. It seems that it is necessary to take a look at Nick Fury's charcoal .

Captain Rogers was still flipping through the file, but at the end of the name, another content appeared.

Insight Program!

Through the calculation of big data and the Zola program, find out those who are harmful to Hydra in the future, and those who will threaten Hydra, use satellites to lock them, and then use the weapon system on the Helicarrier to destroy them.

The more you look down, the more frightened you are. This plan actually includes almost everyone in the world.

Dr. Banner, Doctor Strange, there are too many names that Jiangnan is familiar with.

Now there is no need to go to Nick Fury, Jiangnan has already seen the incredible expressions in the eyes of Captain Rogers and Falcon.

Even Jiangnan felt a little unbelievable when he saw such a huge content with his own eyes.

Including almost 70 billion people in the whole world, this is such a huge data.

Jiangnan seemed to have thought of something. Such a huge amount of data could never be processed manually. Either the opponent had a huge computer cluster, or Hydra also had an artificial intelligence similar to Jarvis.

Jiang Nan took out his mobile phone from his arms and called Stark.

It was connected soon, and Stark's mobile phone was directly connected to Jarvis. Seeing the incoming call from Jiangnan, Stark connected directly.

"Have you encountered any danger?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Stark asked quickly. At the same time, Jarvis had already followed Jiangnan's mobile phone signal to track the location.

Jiang Nan was taken aback by Stark's question, and waited for a while before recovering.

"No, I need your help with something here."

Jiangnan went on to say:
"You ask Jarvis to check and see if there are other artificial intelligences in this world besides Jarvis and the two artificial intelligences of Stan Lee who are protecting the umbrella?"

Jiangnan Lin also made a special mention.

"Remember, it's all over the world."

Stark heard the urgency of Jiangnan, and didn't say much nonsense, and directly asked Jarvis to search the Internet sources all over the world.

This task is not difficult for Jarvis. It is indeed a large number of Internet sources all over the world, but artificial intelligence is different.

The signals of the two are different. If you search deliberately, the speed will be much faster.

Jiang Nan didn't hang up the phone, and with Jarvis around, even if S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to monitor the phone, it would not be an easy task.

Then you look down on Jarvis and Stark.

After waiting for a while, there was a reply from Stark.

Except for Jarvis and Stan Lee, the remaining artificial intelligence Jarvis only retrieved two.

One in Wakanda and one in the continental United States, Amsterdam.

After Stark finished speaking, he said to Jiangnan:
"Only two of the same level as Jarvis were retrieved."

Jiangnan understands that even Jarvis can't retrieve someone who is more advanced than Jarvis. Moreover, Stark will not believe that there is really an artificial intelligence more powerful than Jarvis in this world.

After hanging up the phone, the phone immediately received the coordinate information from Stark.

Jiang Nan gave the two of them a look at the phone and said:

"Amsterdam is this place, if you go to this place, everything can be solved."

Captain Rogers and Falcon heard all the conversations on Jiangnan's phone call.

However, this does not mean that they can understand Jiangnan's thinking.

Jiang Nan calmed down, sorted out his language a little, and explained to the two:
"Insight Project, its purpose is to observe the life trajectories of all people in the world and predict them, so as to strike precisely those who may pose a threat to Hydra."

"But this job is not as easy as imagined."

"There are more than 70 billion people in the world who cannot complete this data with manpower, unless they have an artificial intelligence."

After all, Captain Rogers has a gap with this era, and he doesn't understand it very well.

But the Falcons are different. Before they retired, they already had an understanding of artificial intelligence.

After Jiang Nan explained it like this, things seemed a little clearer.

Jiangnan went on to say:
"There are only four artificial intelligences in the world, one is Jarvis. Where Stark is, the other is Stan Lee, in the umbrella headquarters. This is where Stark and I copied Jarvis. Two, one in Wakanda and one in Amsterdam."

"I don't know how to explain Wakanda, but it will definitely not be the stronghold of Hydra. There is only one place like Amsterdam."

Falcon and Captain Rogers looked at each other, and they decided to trust Jiangnan.

That being the case, then set off and head to Amsterdam.

Captain Rogers called Natasha and set off from New York to Amsterdam. The journey would take too much time, so it had to be a plane.

It's just that I am now wanted as a wanted person, and I want to fly to Amsterdam, which is tantamount to a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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