Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 135 94

Chapter 135
Welcome to Shifang, group chat number: 837824144
I've stayed in Asgard long enough, it's time to go back, and I didn't tell anyone when I came here. If I was delayed for a few days, maybe someone would really worry.

It is not the style of Jiangnan to let people who are good to themselves worry about their own problems.

Just leave, Jiangnan said goodbye to Thor and Sif, and was directly sent to New York by Heimdall.

After the Rainbow Bridge disappeared, Jiangnan looked at the familiar scenery in front of him and felt that he was still holding his little hand. Everything was perfect.

After taking a taxi and headed towards Queens, Jiangnan held Maya's little hand, and couldn't wait for Maya to see his new house.

You know, Maya's greatest wish is to have a house of her own.

This wish had been fulfilled by Jiangnan before he knew it.

For some reason, Jiang Nan wanted to see the expression on Maya's face after she knew that the house belonged to her.

"Where are we... going?"

The little hand in his hand conveyed a feeling of tension, and Jiang Nan suddenly understood that a sudden change of environment was not considered a good thing for a child who was not old enough, or whose psychological endurance was not very good. What good news.

Jiang Nan squatted down, looked at Maya whose expression became a little unnatural because of her nervousness, and gently stroked that yellowish hair.

"what happened?"

Jiangnan's feelings for Maya are more complicated, and it's really hard to say in general terms. There is gratitude for the life-saving grace, and there is a feeling of sympathy for an orphan who lost his parents.

In addition, there is a more complicated emotion, like family affection.Maybe Jiang Nan really wants to be an older brother...

These complex emotions have contributed to Jiangnan's current inner process. He doesn't want Maya to resist this planet and its residents because of some big or small things.

Only by my side can I take care of her.

"Is Thule going to leave Maya alone again?"

Because of Jiangnan squatting, Maya looked down at Jiangnan, and Jiangnan saw obvious tears when talking in the glasses.

Jiang Nan shook his head hastily, reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of Maya's eyes, and smiled:

"How come, I'll show you your new home, our new home!"

Jiangnan puts more emphasis on the word "our", which has a somewhat different meaning.

Afraid of the same situation just now, Jiang Nan didn't say much, speeded up, and arrived at the house in Queens not long after.

Jiang Nan pointed to the house in front of him, which was not big and not very expensive, but definitely worth the money, and said to Maya:
"Look, this will be Maya's home from now on."

Maya raised her head and glanced at Jiangnan, but she didn't speak. When she saw Jiangnan looking over, she quickly lowered her head.

Jiang Nan walked in with Maya, and the room was decorated with Lorna when Lorna was still there, in favor of the dreamy and gentle feeling of a little girl.

Things like furniture, curtains and sheets, basically after Jiangnan and Lorna got along, Lorna changed them all.

Judging by Maya's appearance, Lorna's arrangements are somewhat useful.

"How? Do you like it?

Jiang Nan put his palm on Maya's hand and touched it lightly.

"After a period of rest, I will prepare a small schoolbag for you, and then I will buy some clothes, and then I will find you a good school."

"You study hard every day when the time comes, and I will send you to and from school every day."


Jiang Nan looked at Maya, who was obviously moved, and suddenly remembered again, and then said:

"Oh, we have a kid next door to you from Ziyang Avenue, you two can be companions then."



It may be because of Jiangnan's presence, Maya's adaptability is very strong, and she doesn't show any signs of distress, which surprised Jiangnan.

The other rooms in the house were not cleaned up, so Maya had to live in Lorna's room and clean up another room tomorrow.

After everything was cleaned up, Jiang Nan just wanted to sit down and rest when a phone call came.

"Hi, this is Queens 9527, I'm Jiangnan, who is it?"

"Now someone has reported to me that someone has abducted an underage girl and disturbed social order. What do you think I should do now..."

Jiang Nan was a little surprised by Tony Stark's voice, what kind of nonsense are they talking about?
"God, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Jiang Nan replied a little speechlessly.

"Someone reported to the World Security Council that you have anti-social and anti-world intentions. In view of your strength, they sent me a notice and asked me to give you a psychological test."

Stark has a good temper, maybe a good one, but his tone is really calm.

But Jiang Nan was even more confused, what was all this talking about.

"Can you explain clearly..."

Speaking of Jiangnan dialect, I suddenly understood a little bit.

Hastily said:

"Stark, listen to my explanation, it's definitely not what you think."

"I'm not friends with Jin, some things are not as complicated as you think!"

"I don't want to hear your explanation. You should think about how to explain it to the World Security Council and the United Nations."

Stark's steady voice came from the microphone.

He went on to say:

"One more thing. Just three hours ago, a resident of Queens reported to the police that someone abducted an underage girl at No. 9527, Queens, with the suspected intention of molesting a minor."

"Compared to the previous incident, I want to be more clear about this incident."

"Jiangnan, are you still a human being? Are you embarrassed to attack minors?"

Stark's roar came from the microphone, and Jiang Nan's frightened hands trembled.

Jiang Nan gave the phone far away, and he had a little desire to explain the first thing Stark said just now.

But regarding the abduction of underage girls, Jiang Nan didn't even bother to explain.

Queens resident?This matter was a mistake in principle, and it was very serious. Jiang Nan felt that he needed to know that person and came to thank him.

After waiting for two or three seconds, Jiang Nan asked Stark:
"The United Nations and the World Security Council won't actually let you give me a test?"

Stark said:

"That's not true, but the fact that you have helped Jin Bing many times is well known among the upper class."

"Some people in the United Nations have reason to suspect that your actions are for that purpose."

"I heard that at the meeting that day, someone proposed that you go to the United Nations General Assembly to make a report. Unfortunately, the number of people in favor was less than 30.00%, and the proposal was cancelled."

(End of this chapter)

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