Chapter 98 Confrontation
"You are the richest man in the world after all, so if you want to marry a girl, you don't have to use such a dirty trick, right?"

"It turned out to be Mr. Zhao Yuan Zhao!" Hearing the voice from behind, Wan Sanqian, who had been smiling all over his face, immediately put away his previous bright smile, and changed into a coping smile, and cupped his hands at Zhao Yuan .

"I have heard of Mr. Zhao's name for a long time, but I have never had the chance to meet him. It is a great honor to meet Wan today. When my Wan Sanqian gets married in the future, I will treat Mr. Zhao to have a drink!"

"It's because I have never had the chance to meet Wan Daguan. Wan Daguan is usually mysterious and unpredictable. It's really hard to guess where he hides?" Looking at Wan Sanqian with a smile, Zhao Yuan said lightly, " But Wan Daguan is worthy of being the number one wealthy businessman in the world, with clever methods and well-informed information, even a small person like me knows it all!"

"Mr. is too modest. He knows the location of Tianxiang cardamom, and he also possesses such a treasure as Tianxiang cardamom. He can also play Cao Zhengchun and Shenhou in applause. How could sir be a small person. If you are Little man, what does Wan Mou count?"

"Guan Wan is so nice to talk to. It's no wonder that Guan Wan has friends all over the world!" Zhao Yuan smiled and shook his head and said lightly, "But Shangguan Haitang and Gui Hai Yida are in love. Wan Daguan has a lot of friends." It doesn’t seem right for a high-ranking official to interfere in this!”

"Shenhou is now being imprisoned in the sky prison, even if it is inconvenient for me to make a move, not to mention that I am not related to the one behind me, so why bother to do such a thing. But if Haitang marries me, it will be different, so I certainly have enough reasons and determination to do this!”

"Wanda Guanren can only deceive Haitang. As far as I know, based on the dirty relationship between Wan Daguan and Shenhou, even if Haitang doesn't agree to marry you, you will not Are you hesitant to help?”

"Hmph!" There was a gleam of coldness in his eyes, and Wan Sanqian couldn't help but let out a cold snort.In an instant, there were four more figures beside him. Even though he was prepared, Zhao Yuan was taken aback by their sudden approach.

He had known for a long time that the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi had been protecting Wansanqian closely, but Zhao Yuan had been staring at his surroundings before, but he didn't notice anything unusual.I thought that the four Xiangxi ghosts were not by Wan Sanqian's side, but I didn't expect them to come suddenly, obviously they were there early.The Phantom Magic Art seems to be more mysterious than I imagined!
"Mr. Zhao, don't you think you know too much?" He looked at Zhao Yuan with a murderous look on his face. At this moment, Wan Sanqian's smiling face made people feel chilled in their hearts. "Mr., you know a lot of things. Too much means it’s too dangerous!”

"Haha!" couldn't help laughing out loud, Zhao Yuan said indifferently, "I have heard about the kung fu of the four Xiangxi ghosts teaming up to turn the enemy, but it is not easy for Wan Daguan to take me down through them." !"

"Sir, you are right. Even experts like Shenhou can't hurt you at all. Although the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi are powerful, they may not be able to take down you!"

"It's just that Wan wants to remind Mr. that some things can be said, and some things can't be said even if you know about them, otherwise you may get into trouble. Even if Mr. has great abilities, as long as Mr. is still in this world, it will be very easy. It's hard to escape this heavy assassination!"

"Wan Daguan is threatening me?"

"No, I'm just kindly reminding you, sir, that's all!"

"I appreciate the kindness of the officials Wan, and I have no intention of meddling in the affairs between you. It's just that I also want to kindly remind the officials Wan that this will end badly if you seek skin from a tiger!" Zhao Yuan said lightly with a smile. "I wonder if Mr. Wan has thought about himself?"

"What do you mean by Mr. Zhao's words? Do you want to drive a wedge between me and Shenhou?"

"Wan Daguan is joking. People like Shenhou will abandon even those around him, let alone outsiders?" As he spoke, Zhao Yuan looked at Wan Sanqian and said with a hint of disdain, "Wan Da Aren't the officials afraid that they will end up like Guan Haitang and others in the future, being ruthlessly abandoned after serving no useful purpose?"

"Hmph!" A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and Wan Sanqian breathed for a moment, but soon returned to normal. "Sir, please save yourself from using such means to sow discord. The relationship between me and Shenhou is far beyond what you can do." imagination!"

"Really?" He smiled disdainfully, obviously Wan Sanqian didn't even have enough confidence when he said this.Glancing at him lightly, Zhao Yuan then said, "The richest man in the world like Wan Daguan can easily give out hundreds of millions of taels of silver, which is enough to support anyone to launch a rebellion. For any person in power , are the source of disaster!"

"How can we be reassured if this wealth is in the hands of others? Only when it is in our own hands can we feel most at ease!" Looking at Wan Sanqian, Zhao Yuan continued, "Ten thousand officials are intersecting with the likes of Tieteng Shenhou. After many years, you should know what he is like. A person like him probably prefers to have everything in his own hands, right?"

"Mr. is wrong. God, he is open-minded and tolerant. Is it possible for ordinary people to guess?"

"Then take it as my mistake, Wan Daguan, just take what I said today as a joke!" Zhao Yuan shook his head indifferently, and Zhao Yuan glanced at the four Xiangxi ghosts who surrounded him tightly, But he continued, "But in the end, I still want to remind officials Wan that once some things are done, it's hard to go back!"

"Wan Daguan is the richest person in the world. I believe that there are countless people in the court who want to share your property. Once Wan Daguan loses, you will have nothing. Even if you win, it may not be possible. To be able to escape unscathed. No matter who is the loser or the winner, they are all salivating over the wealth of Wan Daguan and his family!"

"I accept your kindness, but I will pretend that I have never heard what you said today. If the Lord God hears it, it will not be good for you!"

"Wan Daguan is worrying too much. Didn't you say that Shenhou is open-minded? He shouldn't mind this matter!" Looking at Wan Sanqian with a smile, Zhao Yuan said lightly, "I just want to remind Wan Da Officer, the birds are as good as the bows, the cunning rabbits are dead and the lackeys are cooking!"

"Hmph, thank you sir for reminding me!" Wan Sanqian naturally has a strong heart and will not be shaken by a few words.Even so, there was a trace of hesitation in Wan Sanqian's eyes.Although Zhao Yuan did not shake his determination, he had successfully planted a seed of distrust in his heart.

What Wan Sanqian put it nicely is the richest man in the world, and everyone in the world and in the court gave him three points.But in fact, the ranks of scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. As the richest man in the world, Wan Sanqian seems to have a good reputation, but his status is not high.In the eyes of those upper class people, Wan Sanqian is just a man full of money, a fat sheep at the mercy of others.

A person like Wan Sanqian must not be reconciled to his current position in his heart, and must want to seek a higher position.The cooperation with Zhu Wushi may not necessarily be to take this opportunity to gain a better identity.

"Wan Daguan, if one day Wan Daguan breaks up with Shenhou, you can come to me at any time. Wan Daguan is the richest man in the world and is not short of money, so all he wants is status. If If Wan Daguan is willing to serve me, I will be granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister!"

"Mr. Zhao is from the imperial court?"

"No, I have nothing to do with the court, and I have nothing to do with Zhu Wushi!"

"Then Mr. Zhao is playing tricks on Wan?" Wan Sanqian said coldly, "As if what happened today never happened, but please don't make us enemies. Otherwise, he When I meet Wan some day, I won't be as polite as today!"

"Officer Wan has issued an order to expel the guests. Anyway, since it is so difficult, I will leave. But I still say that if one day the official Wan feels in danger, or suddenly thinks about it, you can come to me at any time. Here, high-ranking officials and generous salary are right in front of you. And I will protect you, no one can touch you here!"

"By the way, one last piece of advice for Official Wan!" Just as he was about to leave, Zhao Yuan suddenly turned around and said with a smile, "Official Wan, why don't you exchange your wealth into gold as soon as possible? You can also prepare It’s needed from time to time!”

"Replace it with gold?" Wan Sanqian frowned slightly and asked in confusion, "What do you mean, sir, but what's the deeper meaning?"

"Don't say it, don't say it!" Zhao Yuan shook his head with a pretended smile, and Zhao Yuan left without hesitation.You can't tell him that this gold is not for you, but for me!

But you can only think about this in your heart, and if you say it out loud, you are guaranteed to make Wan Sanqian turn against you.In fact, Zhao Yuan knew very well that an old man like Wan Sanqian was too cunning and difficult to deal with, and it was too difficult to get him to work for him.But even if he couldn't get rid of this business elite, he still had to clear out his family fortune, otherwise how could he be worthy of his words!
(End of this chapter)

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