Chapter 9 Disputes
"Your Majesty, Wang Ming'an has lost troops and lost ground in consecutive battles. He is indeed no longer suitable for the position of commander. I sincerely request your Majesty to remove Wang Ming'an and appoint another commander to prevent the enemy's troops from going deep into the hinterland of our country."

"Nonsense!" As soon as the words fell, another voice rang out, "Although General Wang was defeated, he was admired by all the troops for his bravery and skill in fighting. Every time he charged forward, he was hit several times in the previous battle. But Dao never took a step back. At this moment, the army is newly defeated, and General Wang is needed to stabilize the morale of the army. Changing generals before the battle, I am afraid that the morale of the army will be unstable!"

As soon as these words fell, most of the people in the court had strange expressions on their faces.It's even shameless, who doesn't know that Wang Mingan is a coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death.Not to mention charging ahead, if there is something wrong with the wind, I will run away immediately.It's really hard for him to flatter him to this point.

"General Wang is injured, so he can't take up this important position. He should be allowed to return to the capital to recuperate!" As soon as the voice fell, another person hurriedly stood up and said, "If there is anything wrong with General Wang, the general Where are the tens of thousands of soldiers ahead?"

"Huh!" With a cold snort, the general stood up slowly and looked at the person who just spoke coldly, making him tremble all over. He looked at Shen Yuan provocatively, and then slowly said, "Your Majesty. , now that the war ahead is tense, it is indeed not suitable to change generals on the spot at this time, please be aware of this, Your Majesty!"

"The general is joking!" The corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and Shen Yuan also slowly stood up and said, "Datong Kingdom has only [-] old and weak, and the political situation in the country is still unstable, and civil strife continues, but it still makes Wang Mingan's [-] elite soldiers helpless. Consecutive battles and defeats!"

"General, this makes me have to doubt Wang Ming'an's ability to lead troops. If Wang Ming'an is allowed to lead troops again, I'm afraid I won't even be able to pass the customs before. At that time, the Datong National Army will drive straight in. Can the general take this responsibility?"

"If anything happens, I will be responsible for it myself!"

"Responsible? What is the general responsible for?" He smiled disdainfully, and Shen Yuan took two steps forward and said loudly, "Your Majesty, I feel that the front line is urgent. Wang Ming'an should be dismissed immediately and another good general should be selected to lead the battle, so as not to waste the opportunity of fighting. This gives Datong Kingdom an opportunity to take advantage of!!"

"My minister agrees!"

"My minister agrees!"

When Prime Minister Shen Yuan spoke, [-]% of the people in the court followed closely.The scene was so big that Zhao Yuan couldn't help feeling cold.Although it was known that some of these people had only temporarily succumbed to Shen Yuan's lustful power, and some stood up because Wang Ming'an simply couldn't get used to the defeat.But Shen Yuan's power still made Zhao Yuan startled.

"The war ahead is tense, and the army is unsettled if we change the general. If Datong Kingdom has an opportunity then, we can take advantage of it. Prime Minister, can you bear this responsibility?"

"It's a joke, just relying on Wang Ming'an's ability, can he hold the front and pass the customs?" With a soft snort, Shen Yuan glanced at Zhang Yuan lightly, and said slowly, "The general opened his mouth and kept his mouth shut. You will only know that there is a great general, only that there is Wang Mingan, but not that there is His Majesty?"

"Could it be that the general wants to rebel?"


"Okay!" Looking at the two people who were gradually confronting each other, Zhao Yuan couldn't help but interrupt them, "Although General Wang is commendable for his loyalty and bravery, it is a fact that he lost troops and lost generals. I also think that General Wang is really not suitable to be the former customs clearance commander!"

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

"Your Majesty!" Ignoring Shen Yuan who was singing his praises, Zhang Yuan stepped forward and said loudly, "Since Your Majesty also feels that Ming An is not suitable, then I, the general, have nothing to say!"

"In this case, I will recommend one person to your majesty. General Feng Yuanzheng, the commander of the valiant cavalry guard, is brave and good at fighting and has great prestige in the army. Your majesty can send him forward to pass the customs. With Feng Yuanzheng's prestige in the army, you can trust the soldiers at the front I won’t be dissatisfied!”

"The general was joking. Feng Yuanzheng, the general of the knight guard Zhonglang, is indeed brave and good at fighting, but his prestige in the army is not worthy of the name. As far as I know, this man is quite cruel. He likes to drink. When he is drunk, he beats the sergeant for no reason. The soldiers are miserable. It's been a long time. Let him lead the army, I'm afraid it will make the soldiers in front panic!"

"Well, I have also heard of General Feng's reputation. It is indeed a bit bad!" Following Shen Yuan's words, Zhao Yuan nodded and asked, "What do you think, Prime Minister?"

"The minister recommended Feng Zhengge, the servant of the Ministry of War, as the former commander of customs clearance. This person is familiar with military books and proficient in the art of warfare. He is really the best choice for the commander!"

"Prime Minister, Feng Zhengge is just a scholar who has never been on the battlefield and has never led a soldier. Can such a person go to the battlefield?" With a cold snort, Zhang Yuan said loudly, "The battlefield is not just a child's game. That will kill people!?"

"People always have their first time, and the famous ancient generals didn't lead troops in battle from the very beginning. How did the general know that Mr. Feng didn't have that ability?"

"Before customs clearance is so important, the prime minister wants to use it to train troops, just to test whether Mr. Feng has the ability to command troops. This is not appropriate!"

Smiling and looking at Feng Zhengge, who was eager to try, Zhang Yuan snorted coldly and said, "Master Feng can lead troops to fight, but it is not a child's play in the army. Leading troops rashly will only cause chaos in the army. Master Feng, it is better to serve as a school lieutenant in the army first." How about accumulating experience?"

"Hmph, General, Master Feng is also the Minister of the Ministry of War. Doesn't the General think it is too much to let him take the post of school lieutenant?"

"Really? I think it's too high, General. Which general in the army didn't come up through hard work, and which one didn't accumulate through bloody battles. It's not just about reading two military books and being able to set up battle formations. of!"

"But as far as the veteran knows, General Wang Ming'an seems to have been appointed as the former commander-in-chief of customs clearance. Is it because the veteran is old and can't remember clearly?"

"Hmph!" Zhang Yuan said coldly with a wave of his sleeves, "I, the general, will handle matters in our army, so I won't bother the prime minister!"

"General, matters in the army are important matters of the country, why don't you bother me, the prime minister?"

"Okay, how can the prime minister and the general of your country ridicule each other in front of many courtiers, when the court is above the market outside?"

Seeing that the situation was almost over, Zhao Yuan quickly said, "Since the prime minister and the general are at loggerheads over the former pass guard, I have a candidate here, that is the former commander of the imperial army, Cao Wei!"

"General Cao used to be the commander of the imperial army. His outstanding achievements are well known, and he loves soldiers like sons, and has a high prestige in the army. I think General Cao can lead the troops to the front pass to command the army!"

"Your Majesty can't do it!" As soon as Zhao Yuan finished speaking, Zhang Yuan and Shen Yuan actually spoke at the same time, and all the officials followed closely to stop them.

"Your Majesty, according to my ministers, Cao Wei is now only the Sima of the city gate, with no more than a thousand soldiers under him. Now that he is suddenly promoted to the former customs clearance commander, I fear that the courtiers will not accept it, and the world will not accept it. I hope your Majesty will learn from you!"

"That's right. This general is in charge of military affairs, and I know Cao Wei very well. This man is really incompetent, and he only gained the position of commander of the Imperial Army by virtue of his flattering skills. Later, when His Majesty ascended the throne, he was able to see Cao Wei. In this way, the corpses are driven out of the imperial army!"

"But as far as I know, General Cao is not that unbearable, and when I came to the throne, I relied on General Cao for his support, and General Cao made a lot of contributions. And I have also inquired, and General Cao is indeed a rare and fierce general. I feel that if If General Cao clears the border before going there, he will definitely turn defeat into victory!"

"I think what your Majesty said is reasonable, and I second my proposal to make General Cao the former commander-in-chief of customs clearance!"

"The minister also agrees!"

"You guys, hum!" Looking at the few people who stood up and seconded, Zhang Yuan was full of disdain, and said coldly, "This general said it, but this general disagrees!"

"Your Majesty, the old minister also seconded!"

"Prime Minister agrees?" Just when Zhao Yuan had a headache, Prime Minister Shen Yuan suddenly spoke out in support, making Zhao Zhao Yuan unable to help but feel doubtful.But at this time, Zhao Yuan didn't care about doubting anything else, and said directly, "Since the Prime Minister also agreed, then so be it!"

"I ordered General Cao to be the former commander-in-chief of the customs clearance and lead [-] Northern troops to support him."

An anticlimactic battle in the court was over, several ministers surrounded Shen Yuan on the way down, and said a little excitedly, "Why did the Prime Minister agree with the opinion of the little emperor? The little emperor clearly wanted to."

"Lord Wang, silence!" Shen Yuan smiled slightly, and said lightly, "Whether or not our martial idiot emperor wants to take back his power is actually not important. The important thing is that Zhang Yuan lost his [-] troops. Broken a powerful arm!"

"What's more, this financial power is still in our hands. Cao Wei is not Zhang Yuan, just a mere Cao Wei, and I don't need to give him face. As long as his food and grass are cut off, the morale of the army will be unstable. Let us People in the army win over the generals with high positions and generous salaries, and by then we will be able to control at least half of the 6 troops!"

"So he is like this. The Prime Minister is really far-sighted. I admire him so much!"

(End of this chapter)

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