Martial Arts Plane Trading Terminal

Chapter 7 Former Commander of the Forbidden Army

Chapter 7 Former Commander of the Forbidden Army

"Defeated, unexpectedly defeated again, this Wang Ming'an is really a waste. A total of [-] troops, against [-] old, weak, sick and disabled, unexpectedly lost and defeated again, such a person can also be a general?"

Putting down the battle report in his hand, Zhao Yuan couldn't help but frown.Battle reports came from the front line. The front line commander, Zhennan General Wang Ming'an, was defeated again. He had led his troops to retreat forward to clear the customs and completely withdraw from the territory of Datong.

Since Wang Ming'an took advantage of the internal turmoil in Datong and led the troops to conquer the Datong Kingdom, except for taking advantage at the beginning, he was constantly defeated in the rest of the time, and the total loss of troops was over ten thousand!But the opponent is only [-] old and weak from Datong Kingdom.This time, the attack on the Datong Kingdom not only did not gain any benefits, but also lost soldiers and generals, which is a shame!

Such a result is not only dissatisfied with Zhao Yuan and Manchao civil and military, but even Zhang Yuan himself must be very dissatisfied.If Wang Mingan's defeat in the previous battle could be regarded as careless, now that he is defeated again and again, he can barely avoid being completely defeated if he can only pass the dangerous level of the customs first. This is entirely the problem of the leader himself.

Under such circumstances, if Zhang Yuan still tried his best to protect Wang Ming'an, not only would it be difficult to silence Youyou's audience, but the people under his command would inevitably be filled with resentment and alienation.It will be a matter of time before the gatekeeper will be replaced here.Moreover, with such a great opportunity, Prime Minister Shen Yuan would definitely not sit idly by, and would definitely take action.

With the military power of tens of thousands of troops on the front line, whoever holds it has an absolute advantage. Zhang Yuan and Shen Yuan must not give in to each other.In the next court, it may be necessary to fight around the positions of the frontline generals. Zhao Yuan seems to be able to smell the pungent smell of gunpowder in the court.

"It's a pity that there is no one in hand!" I couldn't help but sigh, it would be good if the general Zhang Yuan won the battle of tens of thousands of elite soldiers under Wang Mingan's command.This balanced situation can still be maintained, and it can also give him more preparation time.But if Prime Minister Shen Yuan wins, I'm afraid that the strength of the Prime Minister's side will inevitably expand to a certain extent due to the ups and downs!
You must know that the number of soldiers in Dazheng Kingdom is only 30, and Shen Yuan already has the military power of [-] Northern Army in his hands. If he gets the [-] soldiers and horses in front of Wang Mingan, then nearly half of the military power in Dazheng Kingdom will be in his hands.

Coupled with Shen Yuan's complicated and huge power in the court and the financial power he firmly holds, even if Zhang Yuan and Wang Yu are left to work together, I am afraid they can only protect themselves in front of Shen Yuan.With Shen Yuan provoking dissension, if they were not careful, their defeat would be a matter of time!
Undoubtedly, once the balance of power above the court is broken, the general Zhang Yuan, who is Shen Yuan's old enemy, may be the first to suffer. It's only a matter of time.And when the time comes, Zhao Yuan, the emperor, will be regarded as the end.

It's a pity that no one is available in his hands. If he has a general in his hands, this is a good opportunity for him.Thinking of this, Zhao Yuan could only helplessly shake his head and sigh.All he can do now is to help Zhang Yuan in the court, and he must not let the military power fall into Shen Yuan's hands.It's just that this feeling is too aggrieved.

"Your Majesty is worrying about the battle at the front?" Seeing Zhao Yuan's frowning expression, Chen An couldn't help but said, "If you talk about the commanding general, I have a candidate!"

"Presumptuous, how dare you meddle in government affairs! Tell me, who ordered you!" Chen An's reassuring words did not comfort Zhao Yuan, but instead made him feel furious, and couldn't help but shouted loudly.

Chen An was just cleaning toilets in the cleaning room before, so he didn't know any general in charge of the army.But this time he spoke suddenly, this was not ordered by someone!Thinking that I had just brought him out of the clean room, I had just promoted him to the top position, thinking that I had someone available under my command, who would have thought that Chen An would be drawn over so quickly, it was unreasonable!
Thinking of this, Zhao Yuan's face became even more ugly.He had already made some decisions in his mind. If it turned out to be what he expected, he would definitely replace Chen An without hesitation.There are many frustrated eunuchs in the palace, and he is not missing. What he wants is loyalty.And there are many people who are willing to be loyal to him!
"Your Majesty, calm down your anger, Your Majesty, calm down your anger. Your Majesty saves my slave from the fire and water. How can I be ungrateful? Your Majesty's loyalty to your Majesty can be seen from the sun and the moon. Your Majesty is aware of it!"

Seemingly aware of the change in Zhao Yuan's face, Chen An immediately knelt down in a panic, and said in a trembling voice, "Your Majesty is worried about the frontline war, and is unhappy because there is no suitable general in the court. Sharing worries for His Majesty, absolutely no one instigates it, Your Majesty knows it!"

"Okay!" With a sneer, Zhao Yuan said coldly, "Then I want to see if there is any good candidate for your slave?"

"Your Majesty, although this servant has lived in the deep palace for a long time, he also knows something about the outside world. It's just that the defeat in front of the army was all due to the incompetence of the general. The servant suddenly thought of a person who can share the worries of His Majesty, that is, Cao Wei, the former commander of the Forbidden Army. General!"

"Cao Wei?!" As soon as Chen An mentioned it, Zhao Yuan immediately thought of this person, and his eyes suddenly lit up.I have to say that Cao Wei is indeed a good candidate!
As the former commander of the Forbidden Army, Zhao Yuan still had some impressions of Cao Wei. After all, when Zhao Yuan first ascended the throne, he was assisted by Cao Wei, the commander of the Forbidden Army.But later on, Cao Wei gradually faded out of his sight, and Zhao Yuan focused on practicing martial arts and didn't care much about the affairs of the court, so he gradually lost track of him.

Cao Wei has repeatedly made military exploits since his infancy, and it took him nearly 20 years to become the commander of the imperial army from a small soldier.Many middle and lower level generals in the Forbidden Army were promoted by him. In addition, Cao Wei was brave and good at fighting, and loved soldiers like sons, so he had a high prestige in the Taizheng Army.

Later, after Zhao Yuan ascended the throne, Wang Yu took advantage of Zhao Yuan's blind trust and began to seize the military power of the Forbidden Army. Cao Wei, the commander of the Forbidden Army, was beaten at that time.After being slapped, with Cao Wei's prestige and contributions in the army, whether it is commanding the troops to guard the border or in the court, he has a lot to do.

However, as a result, Cao Wei, who had great prestige in the army, did not become a general, but inexplicably became a civil official like Yu Shi Zhongcheng. Moreover, a general who originally commanded an elite army of [-] had unlimited glory.Now I can only think about how to speak every day and how to deal with the chaotic secret war in the court. A martial artist has completely become a man who relies on his words to make a living!
That's not to mention, in Zhao Yuan's impression, it seems that in the end Cao Wei was slapped and slapped again, until now Zhao Yuan can't find him in the court.

It can be seen from this that Cao Wei is not from the two parties, otherwise he would not be in such a miserable situation as he is now.Under the pressure of the three parties, people with great military exploits like Cao Wei were squeezed out, let alone those who were loyal to the royal family, for fear that they would no longer constitute power.

His expression gradually softened, Zhao Yuan looked at Chen An who was kneeling on the ground and said lightly, "What is General Cao's official position now, and where is he now?"

"This, I don't know!" Hearing Zhao Yuan's question, Chen An on the side immediately said, "I also heard someone mention him by chance, so I remembered General Cao. And I heard that General Cao is not doing well now, but , this slave can confirm that General Cao should be in the capital!"

"If you don't know, go check it out, I want to know about General Cao right away!"

"The servant understands, the servant will investigate now!"

"Cao Wei, Cao Wei!" Zhao Yuan frowned slightly after repeating the name.If Cao Wei is loyal to himself, it would be great.Even if this is not the case, as long as it is not someone from the other three parties, Zhao Yuan is confident to win him over.

However, those who can become the commander of the imperial army are the most trusted people of the royal family, proper royalists.Of course, Zhao Zhong, the commander of the imperial army who is now relying on Wang Yu's superiority, is an exception.

It can be seen that Cao Wei is not willing to bow his head to the three parties.As long as any one of the three parties in the court is willing to help, relying on past achievements and prestige, Cao Wei will not get worse and worse!

(End of this chapter)

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