Chapter 34 Ready!

"Why, you seem to be very surprised to see me!"

Looking at Zhao Yuan, whose face was full of red, without the slightest aura of a sick child before, and Chen An, who stood respectfully beside Zhao Yuan, many people's complexions changed.Bad thoughts appeared in everyone's mind instantly.

"Your Majesty's good health is the blessing of our Taisho Kingdom!"

"A few days ago, I didn't catch the wind and cold, but just like the rumors in the market, I was indeed poisoned. But these poisons couldn't kill me, and I quickly cured them. These days, I pretended to be sick You look like you’re pretending to be working hard!”

When Zhao Yuan said this, everyone's face became even more ugly.

"During this period of time, I have discovered a lot of interesting things!" Zhao Yuan smiled softly, looked at Su Chang below and said slowly: "Doesn't Master Su have anything to say?"

"It's just success and defeat, there's nothing to say!" Looking at Zhao Yuan, and then at Chen An standing beside Zhao Yuan, Su Chang sighed softly, "It's because I underestimated Your Majesty. When I won it, I should have thought that His Majesty is no longer the former Majesty!"

"You are Shen Yuan's confidant. After Shen Yuan's downfall, I never punished you. The national treasury was emptied by you, but I still endured it. This pile of crimes is a serious crime of copying the family and exterminating the family. Lord Su, I also count it. I'm sorry, why do you still do such a thing?"

"The reason why His Majesty keeps us is that we are still useful. Once we are useless, His Majesty will throw us away like trash. At that time, we will definitely die!"

"One wrong step, one wrong step. Since the Prime Minister fell, I have been prepared!" With a wry smile on his face, Su Chang said with a slightly ferocious tone, "Hasn't Your Majesty been looking for suitable people to replace us these days? With a suitable candidate, we think our end will come. If this is the case, why can't we fight back!"

"It seems that Mr. Su is mentally prepared!" Zhao Yuan said coldly with a slightly cold look in his eyes, "Come here, take off his official uniform and drag him down to death row!"

Hearing Zhao Yuan's words, someone rushed up quickly, grabbed Su Chang roughly, and was about to drag him down.From the beginning to the end, Su Chang remained silent. Just when Su Chang was about to be dragged away by them, a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out of his mouth, and he collapsed on the ground.The guards hurried forward to check, and after a while they could only shake their heads at each other.

"Your Majesty, he, he committed suicide by taking poison!"

"If you're dead, then hurry up and drag me down!" The expression on his face didn't change a bit, Zhao Yuan waved his hand lightly, and said flatly, "It's a good deal for him!"

"My lords, don't you have anything to say?" After seeing that most of the people below were in a panic and helpless state, but they all bowed their heads in silence and no one came forward, Zhao Yuan smiled coldly and said to Chen An next to him, "Chen An, take down all the people involved according to the list, I will use them to remind those who have evil intentions!"

"Slave obeys the order!" With a smile on his face, Chen An waved lightly, and dozens of guards rushed in soon.Chen An followed suit, reading the list one by one.The faces of the people whose names were being uttered changed drastically, and a few even collapsed to the ground.

"Your Majesty, I have been wronged, they forced me, I was just forced to obey!"

"Your Majesty, give me another chance, I dare not, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, I did not participate. I have always been loyal to Your Majesty. They made a mistake. Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Looking at the chaotic court, Zhao Yuan couldn't help frowning.These ministers who were arrested were basically crying and screaming, and now the court has been made into a miasma by them, and they have an indescribable disgust for Zhao Yuan.

After all, there are only a few people like Su Chang who went to die calmly after knowing that they had failed. The vast majority of people showed that unbearable scene under the threat of death.This is the ministers who stood in the court hall and pointed out the country before. The so-called integrity seems to be invisible to them.That's right, if he really had integrity, he wouldn't have done such a thing.

"Your Majesty, I can't arrest any more!" Seeing the ministers being dragged away viciously, the seats in the courtroom were almost half empty, and the situation was still expanding, and someone finally stood up.

"Your Majesty, with so many people missing in the court, it may be very difficult for the court to operate. Moreover, the war in Dazheng Kingdom is not yet over, and it is a troubled time. With so many adults missing in the court, the operation of the court has become a big problem. I'm afraid there will be chaos!"

"Mr. Jiang, be safe and don't be impatient. The Dazheng Kingdom lacks everything, but no shortage of people!" With a slight smile, Zhao Yuan said slowly, "Chen An, read the appointment edict I wrote, so that you adults can feel at ease! "

Just like what Su Chang said, since he dealt with Shen Yuan, Zhao Yuan has been thinking about replacing all his original people all the time.It's just that there are not enough people on hand to replace them, and the whole court cannot be turned around, so they are kept.

During the days when he was in power, he found many old officials who had been marginalized by Shen Yuan one by one, and these people also recommended many additional people to him.In addition, Zhao Yuan has been searching for talents across the country these days, and these people are barely enough to cope with the current chaos.

"Such a big event happened in the court, and nearly half of the ministers participated in the rebellion. I am very heartbroken!" Looking at the remaining people, Zhao Yuan said softly, "So I decided to take this opportunity to reform and set up six cabinets to manage For the political affairs of the world, a military aircraft department is set up to be responsible for the management of wars in the world. The military and the government are separated and do not interfere with each other!"

"In addition, in order to fill the vacancies in the imperial court, I have decided to recruit talented people, hold imperial examinations to select officials, and select officials through large-scale examinations to enrich the imperial court!" Looking down coldly, Zhao Yuan said in an unquestionable tone: " Moreover, no matter how old or young you are, regardless of your birth background, or your country or region, as long as you have talent, you can be an official in our Taizheng Kingdom!"

"Chen An, pass on my reform opinions to all the adults!" Looking at the adults with different expressions, Zhao Yuan said slowly, "These are all my ideas that are not yet mature. I hope you can correct me!"

"Your Majesty's plan to set up the six cabinets is not unreasonable, although immature. Now that all the countries in the world are fighting endlessly, and there are constant wars in various places, it is reasonable to set up the military aircraft department. It's just that the imperial examinations are used to select scholars!"

Seeing the document issued by Zhao Yuan, everyone frowned.After a long time, someone finally said, "Excuse me, if you don't examine his character, it will be a big disadvantage to the state. And if everyone can take the exam to be an official, I'm afraid they will lose their respect for the court." Heart!"

"That's right, Mr. Zhang's words are reasonable!" After the old man just finished speaking, another person said, "Especially your Majesty's age, regardless of his birth background, regardless of the selection of talents from the country and region, I'm afraid, I'm afraid."

Hearing the objections from the people below, Zhao Yuan couldn't help feeling annoyed.Nowadays, Dazheng Kingdom, including all countries in the Nine Regions Continent, uses an election system similar to the investigation system, mainly relying on being elected as an official.The local governor inspects the area at any time, and if he feels that this person is talented and virtuous, he will recommend it to his superiors or the central government, and he will be appointed to an official position after a probationary assessment.

Under this system, there are indeed many people with both ability and political integrity.But there are many scholars in the world, and every year there is only such a quota, but the competition is bloody.In order to be able to become an official, some people desperately promoted their reputation, and even became outright hypocrites in the end.Some people are desperately flattering and flattering, hoping to have their own share in the election.Those who are really talented but don't know how to flatter them can only end up at home.

What made Zhao Yuan even more worried was that the selection of officials was basically controlled by aristocratic families.If you want to be an official, you must first follow their path before you can be selected.Otherwise, you may not even be qualified for the final exam.As a result, it becomes a question of who these elected officials are loyal to!

"There are as many great talents in the world as Hengsha, and it is inevitable that there will be omissions in local elections. The reason why I do this is to allow talented people to be selected and to be able to show what they have learned. Without this inclusive heart , how can our Dazheng country develop and grow!"

"His Majesty."

"Enough!" With a cold snort, Zhao Yuan looked at everyone coldly.The reason why he proposed it at this time was to take advantage of the deterrence brought about by the current sweeping cleansing of the court to forcibly pass.If you can't pass today, it will be even more difficult in the future! ,

"I have made up my mind, and this will be the case in the selection of officials in the Dazheng Kingdom in the future!"

"If your majesty insists on going his own way, old minister, old minister is willing to retire and return home!"

"Master Chen has been working for the Dazheng Kingdom for so many years, it is indeed time to take a break. Since Master Chen is willing to retire and return to his hometown, then I will do it!" Looking at the old man who made the sound, Zhao Yuan then Looking at the others, he said, "Whoever among you wants to retire from old age and return home, I will also agree!"

(End of this chapter)

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