Martial Arts Plane Trading Terminal

Chapter 27 Show the best side

Chapter 27 Show Your Best Side

"Your Majesty, according to Jin Yiwei's report, since Su Chen arrived in Datong Kingdom, he spends his time drinking and drinking every day, and has no intention of doing things for His Majesty at all. A few days ago, he spent a lot of money to hire the chieftain of Datong Kingdom. Really...! "

"That's enough. You don't need to be suspicious. Su Chen has his own reasons for doing things, and none of you are allowed to interfere. If he wants to be the oiran, let him do it. If he wants to spend every day, let him get drunk!"

"But Your Majesty, Su Chen spends money lavishly, and often spends a lot of money. I never thought of His Majesty's hard work. If this is the case, wouldn't it be?"

"Shut up, short-sighted!" Looking at Chen An who was full of anxiety, Zhao Yuan snorted coldly, and then said lightly, "As long as you take Datong Kingdom, money is not a problem. If Su Chen is short of money, give it to him. Give as much as you need, understand?"

"Yes, the slave understands!"

"Wu Zheng, since he entered my Zhengguo, has there been any change in him?"

"No, Wu Zheng's family is currently under the surveillance of Jin Yiwei, and Wu Zheng has not changed anything! Wu Zheng had committed suicide before, but after being told by his mother and children for a while, he gradually gave up the plan of committing suicide. Hiding in the room and not coming out!"

"Okay, very good!" Zhao Yuan couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smile, "As long as he doesn't seek death, he plans to live. As long as he is willing to live, then my idea should be realized soon. !"

"Go, go to Wu Zheng's side to have a look. He has been here for several days, and I haven't visited him yet. Now I have to do my best to be a landlord!"

In a large mansion located on the edge of the imperial city, a tall red lacquer door stands proudly. Two majestic lions stand at the door, and there are fully armed soldiers guarding it. Walking straight in, you will see bright and wide buildings. The building, with red walls and green tiles, towering walls, is magnificent.If you didn't know better, you would have thought you were entering the general's mansion.

"Yeah!" Looking at the Wu family in front of him, Zhao Yuan nodded in satisfaction.Everything came according to his intentions. Although this house is not the most magnificent, it is also a rare good place.As soon as I entered the door, I saw the busy servants running around.

It's just a pity that the servants waiting inside and out, the guards guarding the gate, etc. are basically Jin Yiwei's eyeliner.In other words, the entire Wu family is under control.The Wu family seems to know this too, so they are polite to these servants on weekdays.

And those servants know that as long as the owner of this family is willing to nod, they will become prosperous in the blink of an eye, so the servants are even more respectful to the Wu family, so the whole Wu family is very polite.If outsiders saw it, they would think it was a happy family.

"General Wu, I have admired your name for a long time, and seeing you today, it is a matter of my mind!" When Zhao Yuan strode in, Wu Zheng's family was eating, and they were stunned for a moment when they saw Zhao Yuan, but they didn't react.

Someone who dares to call himself "Zhen" can understand it no matter how slow his brain reacts.After seeing Zhao Yuan, the whole family immediately dropped their jobs except Wu Zheng, and knelt down cautiously.

"How dare you!" Seeing Wu Zheng sitting there with no intention of getting up or kneeling, Chen An immediately said loudly, "How dare you not kneel when you see His Majesty!"

"Nizi, do you want to kill the whole family!" Seeing Wu Zheng's actions, the old man immediately scolded Wu Zheng loudly, and then said to Zhao Yuan in horror, "Your Majesty, please don't blame me for being ignorant!"

"It's okay, old man, please get up quickly!" Hastily stepped forward and pulled Wu Zheng's mother up, Zhao Yuan said gently, "Old man, I'm still used to living here. If you need anything, just ask, I will do my best if I can satisfy you." satisfy!"

"Listen to me!" Zhao Yuan looked around at the waiting servants and said coldly, "You must take good care of General Wu's family for me. If anyone makes General Wu unhappy, I will skin him!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After gently waving to them, these people immediately retreated quietly with understanding, and soon only Zhao Yuan and Wu Zheng were left in the room.

"General Wu, why bother!" Looking at Wu Zheng, who was full of anger, he didn't even intend to look at himself, but Zhao Yuan didn't care, and continued to say slowly, "General Wu is loyal to the country, everyone sees it." In my eyes, General Wu has done his best so far, and he doesn't owe them anything!"

"General Wu traveled with [-] old and weak men and was trapped in the isolated city for so many days. It can be said that he has worked hard. But in the end, not only did he not have any soldiers to support him, but in the end, he ended up like this, and even his whole family was almost killed. If my Jin Yiwei had not come to help in time, General Wu and his family would have been killed. What Datong has done is really chilling!"

"It's not the treacherous plot of Da Zhengguo. If not, how could I end up in such a situation!"

"After all, the general is still complaining that I made such a move!" With a chuckle, Zhao Yuan said lightly, "But General Wu, don't forget, this battlefield is about life and death. Even though I made the move, Well, if Datong State really trusted the general, he wouldn’t do this, at least he wouldn’t do it so quickly and so decisively!”

"General Wu should thank me. It is I who let you see their true colors. The Datong Kingdom is not worthy of General Wu's service. The so-called good birds choose a tree to die, why don't General Wu think about it!" Step by step, he approached Wu Zheng, Zhao Yuan continued to say seductively, "Doesn't General Wu want to continue fighting in the battlefield, don't he want to be famous, don't he want to honor his ancestors?"

"I, I can give you this chance! My Dazheng Kingdom is thirsty for talents, and a hero like General Wu is able to know people well. As long as General Wu is willing, I will be a general in the Northern Army of Dazheng Kingdom. I'm waiting for you!"

"I, Wu Zheng, am not a big man, but I also know the word loyalty in my heart!" Slowly closing his eyes, Wu Zheng said lightly, "Your Majesty's wishes are appreciated by Wu Zheng, but Your Majesty should not waste his efforts in vain!"

"Why does General Wu continue to be so stubborn? You must know that my patience is limited!" With a cold expression on his face, Zhao Yuan turned to threaten, "If General Wu continues to be so stubborn, will he be worthy of his wife and children, worthy of having you and raising you?" mother?"

Hearing Zhao Yuan mentioning his mother, Wu Zheng's face was finally moved.Obviously, Wu Zheng still cared about his mother very much. After a little struggle, he said, "Your Majesty, if you want me to work for His Majesty, it is not impossible, but please withdraw your troops from Datong Kingdom!"

"It's a joke. Now that General Cao has conquered the Qingyu Pass, it is only a matter of time before he overthrows the Datong Kingdom. Does General Wu think that just for you, I should let him go?"

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for speaking frankly. Today, the Da Zheng Kingdom is facing sieges from several countries at the same time. Even if it is in danger, it insists on attacking the Da Tong Kingdom. This is a way to die! Your Majesty, you must be a little too impatient to do this!"

"In the end, General Wu still doesn't trust me. Do you think that I can't withstand the pressure of several countries, and I can't take down a mere Datong country. Why don't we make a bet? As long as I can take down Datong country intact, Wu The general is for my use!"

"Hmph!" Wu Zheng just snorted coldly, but did not answer Zhao Yuan's words. The flickering look in his eyes really made Zhao Yuan see hope, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"General Wu dare not!"

"Why don't you dare!" With a cold snort, Wu Zheng stood up immediately and said loudly, "Okay, then I will gamble with Your Majesty. But I don't know what will happen if I win?"

"If the general wins, I will never interfere whether the general will leave or stay!" Looking at Wu Zheng's distrustful eyes, Zhao Yuan then said loudly, "When I speak, I always keep my word!"

"Okay, then it's settled!"

"Your Majesty, I wonder if General Wu is willing to surrender?"

Smiling and shaking his head lightly, Zhao Yuan said lightly, "Wu Zheng is really a stone in a latrine, really smelly and hard. But in the final analysis, he is still not optimistic about the future of our Dazheng Kingdom. As long as Dazheng Kingdom is flourishing, he will naturally It's coming back slowly!"

"And although Wu Zheng is tough, his family is not like that. Especially his mother, they are even more respectful to me. I heard that Wu Zheng was raised by an old mother, and Wu Zheng obeys her in everything. Wouldn’t it be easier to handle this way?”

"Chen An, let the servants communicate more with Wu Zheng's family and let them understand the sincerity of my Dazheng Kingdom. As long as his wife and children blow in his ears every day, he will be able to make steel for a hundred times, and I can also make him turn into a circle. Soft fingers!"

"Also, there's no need to restrict their activities. Sometimes you have to let them go out for a walk. However, I want them to see and hear the best side of my Dazheng Kingdom!"

"The servant understands!"

(End of this chapter)

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