Chapter 13 Cleaning
"In broad daylight, the world is clear, you dare to rob civilian girls in the street, do you know what crime you should be guilty of?"

"Who dares to ruin my good deeds!" Following the voice, your young master saw Zhao Yuan walking towards this side, and said in a cold voice, "Hmph, where did the unsightly thing come from, how dare you Against me, don't you know who I am?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you, our young master is the son of the commander of the imperial army!" He glanced at Zhao Yuan with disdain, and the servant next to your young master said proudly, "In the capital, no one dares to disrespect our young master! Boy! If you are sensible, get out of here, otherwise, hehehe!"

"Otherwise, so what?" Frowning, Zhao Yuan couldn't help but took two steps forward, and said coldly, "The state owns the state law, even if your father is the commander of the imperial army, he can't protect you. What crime do you dare to take by robbing women in the street?" ?”

"Oh, I met a fool today, okay, okay, I haven't met such a person for a long time!" Smiling coldly at Zhao Yuan, your young master waved his hand slightly, "Come on, call me!"

As soon as the young master finished speaking, a few servants around him rushed up viciously.But before a few people got close to Zhao Yuan, several figures suddenly rushed out from Zhao Yuan's side and surrounded him, and in the blink of an eye, a few servants had already screamed and flew out.

"It's really courageous, today I will teach you a lesson on behalf of your father!" Looking at Zhao Chengan who was trembling slightly, Zhao Yuan walked over slowly, picked up a pole beside him and walked over.

"You, what do you want to do, don't come here!" Looking at Zhao Yuan who was walking towards this side step by step, Zhao Chengan shouted in panic, "My father is the commander of the imperial army. My godfather is Wang Yu, the chief inspector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. How dare you Move me?"

"So what if I touch you? Bang!" He stepped forward, raised the pole high in his hand, lowered it and whipped it hard on Zhao Chengan's body, causing a scream like a slaughtered pig.

"You, you dare to hit me, you dare to hit me, my father will definitely let you die without a place to bury you, just wait for me, wait for me!"

"You still dare to talk back, I think you are itchy and need to clean up!" While speaking, the pole in Zhao Yuan's hand kept falling, and screams came from Zhao Chengan's mouth, which made people feel a little bit creepy after hearing it. It stands tall and seems to be how.

"If you dare to hit me, I will fight with you!" As if he was beaten severely, Zhao Chengan couldn't bear it, gritted his teeth and took out a dagger from his arms, and slashed it at Zhao Yuan. Even though Zhao Chengan Yuan tried his best to avoid it, but he was caught off guard and was cut a small gash, with traces of blood seeping down from the wound.

"Young Master, Young Master!" The surrounding people seemed to be terrified by this sudden change, and hurriedly surrounded him. At the same time, several people punched and kicked Zhao Chengan who was holding a dagger, until he screamed again and again.

"Okay, okay!" Touching the injured place, a little blood appeared on the palm of his hand, Zhao Yuan looked at Zhao Chengan coldly and said, "You dare to point a knife at me, and it's bleeding, okay, that's too much!" Alright, now let me see how you die!"

Glancing at Zhao Chengan coldly, Zhao Yuan didn't show any expression on his face, he just said to the people next to him, "Go, hurry up and pass on my order. Zhao Zhong's son assassinated me in the street, it is a crime that cannot be punished. Immediately Take Zhao Zhong down, and Yan Yingyuan will take over the position of commander of the imperial army temporarily!"

"In the Forbidden Army, General Cao's old department, I have already said hello to them and asked them to lead people to cooperate in case Zhao Chong's dog jumps over the wall. Remember, the action must be fast, and Zhao Zhong must not be given the slightest reaction time!"

"This subordinate understands that after today, the Forbidden Army will only be Your Majesty's Forbidden Army!"

"Originally, I thought that Zhao Chong would lead soldiers to surround us knowing that his precious son was beaten, so that I would have an excuse to take him down. I didn't expect Zhao Chengan to be so ignorant that he dared to attack me with a knife. Okay, such a big charge is enough, and it saves me the trouble!"

"Let's go back to the palace. What we have to do has been done. Now we can only wait for the news!"

The day passed quickly, and the entire capital city was still peaceful on this day, and there were peaceful scenes everywhere, but under the calm, there were huge waves brewing.Zhao Cheng'an, the son of Zhao Zhong, the commander of the imperial army, robbed the women of the people in the street, but was bumped into by Zhao Yuan, the emperor of the Dazheng Kingdom.After being stopped and beaten, Zhao Cheng'an even stabbed him with a dagger in his hand.

Then Zhao Zhong, the commander of the forbidden army, was immediately taken down and sent to prison, and the [-] forbidden army that everyone cared about was taken over by an unknown person, and the power in the entire capital instantly changed drastically.A large force belonging to Wang Yu has been wiped out by at least half of it in this turmoil.

"How is the situation?" Sitting quietly in the hall, Zhao Yuan quietly looked at Yan Yingyuan who was standing respectfully below, and said calmly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Zhao Chong obediently handed over his military power without the slightest resistance. He just wants to ask His Majesty to bypass his son!"

"It's okay, I didn't intend to take his life at first. As long as Zhao Zhong is willing to cooperate obediently, I will not pursue this matter anymore!" Nodding his head, Zhao Yuan then asked, "How much does the forbidden soldier Ma Aiqing control? Is anyone disgruntled?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, even if there are turmoil among the imperial army today, it will soon calm down. Besides, today I have cleaned most of Wang Yu's confidantes. As long as I give you a little more time, the imperial army will be firmly locked up by you." Take control!"

"Okay, with Ai Qing here, I really have nothing to worry about!"

"Your Majesty, a secret report!" At this moment, Chen An hurried in and said, "Your Majesty, An Jianqing has sent a secret report from outside the palace. Wang Yu will secretly meet with General Zhang Yuan and Prime Minister Shen Yuan tonight. It seems that he has a plan!"

"Your Majesty, Wang Yu has always regarded the Imperial Army as a forbidden army. Today, His Majesty forcibly withdrawing the military power of the Imperial Army will definitely make him feel dissatisfied and anxious. Tonight, Wang Yu will meet Zhang Yuan and Shen Yuan in secret. Wang Yu has great influence in the palace. , the servant is really afraid that he will jump over the wall in a hurry and endanger the safety of His Majesty, so we must guard against it!"

"Okay, I've done it anyway, so I might as well do it thoroughly, so that Wang Yu won't do anything crazy out of dissatisfaction!" Taking a deep breath, Zhao Yuan shouted with murderous aura all over his body, "Chen An!"

"The slave is here!"

"I order you to lead people to cleanse Wang Yu's influence in the palace immediately. After tomorrow, I hope to see a completely different inner palace!"

"The slave obeys the order!"

"Yan Yingyuan?"

"Chen is here!"

"Wang Yu has been in the palace for a long time and has great influence. I order you to cooperate with the forbidden army. If anyone turns against him, he will be killed!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

"Go!" Waving his hand, Zhao Yuan rubbed his aching forehead.In the more than a month since he came to this world, he has been cautious for fear of a bad fate.But the smoothness of things today simply exceeded his imagination.The previous responses to various emergencies have become useless efforts.After today, everything will be different.


Chen An and Yan Yingyuan led people to clean the inner palace, and Zhao Yuan didn't rest, just sat quietly on the main hall and waited.Time passed little by little, just when Zhao Yuan was drowsy, he only heard a loud shout in his ear, which woke Zhao Yuan up instantly.

"Come here, there are assassins, protect His Majesty!"

There was another loud shout, and then the door of the main hall was knocked open with a bang, and the broken sawdust scattered in an instant.A vague figure with loose hair, holding a long sword, and blood all over his body rushed in with bursts of shouts.

"Wang Yu?" After seeing who was coming, Zhao Yuan couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and then said in a cold voice, "I didn't expect that you would dare to come to see me. Are you trying to assassinate me?"

"Protect Your Majesty!" Several figures appeared around Zhao Yuan in an instant, firmly protecting Zhao Yuan in the middle.Although Wang Yu on the opposite side was holding a long sword, she didn't seem to intend to take a step forward, but just looked at Zhao Yuan coldly.

"Your Majesty, as early as today when I heard that Zhao Zhong was deprived of the power of the imperial army, this old slave had already expected his end. I just didn't expect that His Majesty would move so fast and so ruthlessly that he didn't even take a day Give me!"

"The old slave just wants to know, is all this His Majesty's idea, or is someone behind the scenes?"

"What do you think?" Looking at Wang Yu quietly, without the slightest panic on his face, Zhao Yuan said lightly, "You shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't have the heart of disobedience. Look at you For the sake of serving me diligently in the past, I can give you a good time!"

"Okay, okay, haha!" After hearing Zhao Yuan's words, Wang Yu did not become angry, but laughed. "Your Majesty, you have grown up. But Your Majesty, you are too impatient!"

"Your Majesty, if His Majesty had woken up two years earlier, this old slave would definitely help His Majesty. It's a pity, a pity, power is such a good thing, once you get it, you can't get rid of it!"

"You came here just to tell me this?"

"Your Majesty!" Looking at Zhao Yuan, Wang Yu was neither happy nor sad, but said quietly, "This old slave did not come to ask His Majesty to forgive, but just wanted to tell Your Majesty that Zhang Yuan and Shen Yuan were just like the old slave. They have been blinded by power for a long time. They have already stepped forward, and it is absolutely impossible to step back!"

"It's not a good thing for Your Majesty to reveal his ambition early on. Zhang Yuan and Shen Yuan are both old foxes, and they will not give His Majesty a chance in the future. If they are pushed too fast, I'm afraid they will deal with His Majesty first and then quickly!"

"Your Majesty, this old slave can only tell you this far!" Then, Wang Yu put the long sword in his hand across his neck, and after a little force, he shouted loudly, "Your Majesty, be careful in the future, old slave Just go ahead!"

(End of this chapter)

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