Chapter 1 Trading Space
"Trading terminal? Trading space? Interesting, really interesting!"

In a huge room, a boy about sixteen or seventeen years old appeared.A fine snow-white robe was embroidered with green bamboo patterns, and a pair of clear eyes on a delicate face showed a little bit of curiosity, and they were constantly looking around.

In the huge room, two towering jade pillars engraved with mysterious seal characters stand in the center, piercing into the sky like pillars of the sky.And between the two jade pillars, there is a set of hardwood carved tables and chairs, and in front of the table is a huge jade stone dotted with the sun, moon and stars.

The whole room seemed to have no end in sight, and the walls could not be found.Looking from a distance, I only feel hazy.What is even more strange is that there is no roof on the house.Looking up, I saw that the dark night sky was surrounded by countless stars that were within reach.It seems that these little stars illuminate the whole room.

At first glance, the entire room appears to be in an empty universe.While the starry sky flickered, it seemed to be spinning continuously, and it seemed that the room was revolving around the starry sky.There is a sense of mystery everywhere.

Standing by the table, Zhao Yuan's head was still a little dizzy, but the light in his eyes was indeed getting brighter.The mysterious space seemed to infuse him with infinite vitality, making him energetic.

It has been a few days since he came to this world, and in a few days, he has gradually adapted to his current identity.It has been five years since the young emperor of Dazheng Kingdom ascended the throne at the age of 11.

To be honest, at the beginning, he was not used to this role, especially the kind of meticulous service from inside to outside. It felt like he had no privacy at all.But after a few days, I gradually got used to it.

From the memories of his predecessors, Zhao Yuan also has a general understanding of the current environment.Zhao Yuan's current identity is the emperor of the Dazheng Kingdom, the authentic three generations of emperors.Since his grandfather founded the country, it has been handed down to him for three generations, nearly 50 years.

Don't think that Dazheng Kingdom is a big country. In fact, in this world, Dazheng Kingdom can only be regarded as an insignificant one among countless small countries!
From Zhao Yuan's memory, he learned that the continent where he is now seems to be dozens of times larger than his previous life, which is unimaginably large.The entire continent is divided into nine domains, Eastern, Western, Southern, Northern, Central, Sichuan, Absolute, Barren, and Sea.

Among them, the five domains in the southeast, northwest, and middle are the Central Plains, with an area of ​​more than hundreds of millions and countless countries, large and small.Among them, Zhongyu is naturally the most prosperous, with outstanding people and talented people.Of course, the struggle is also the most intense and cruel.Apart from these, although the four regions of southeast, northwest and north are a bit worse than the middle region, they are definitely not too far behind.

In addition to the five regions of the Central Plains, east, west, north, south, and the Central Plains, there are also the boundless and endless rivers of hundreds of thousands of mountains to the south of the South Region, the wasteland of the endless desert grassland to the north of the North Region, the absolute region of the Thousand Li Desert in the Northwest, and The sea area where the vast sea is located.

These four regions may be larger than the five regions of the Central Plains, but it is true that the wild places in the eyes of the Central Plains are far from comparable to the Central Plains in terms of products and prosperity, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are poor mountains and bad waters.

Therefore, although there are constant wars in the Central Plains, few people would think of extending their hands to places outside the Central Plains. Those sites are easy to fight but not easy to govern, and it is completely thankless!

The Dazheng Kingdom where Zhao Yuan is located is one of the countless small countries on the mainland, located on the southeastern border of the southern region of the mainland.A few countries further to the southwest of the Dazheng Kingdom are the vast mountains of Sichuan. Not only are there powerful beasts there, but there are also barbarian tribes that drink blood from their hair!
Those barbarians are extremely hostile to outsiders, and there is no way to show mercy when they strike, and ordinary people dare not enter it at all.What is even more troublesome is that these barbarians live in hardship, but they have to come out to fight the autumn wind from time to time, and the nearby countries will naturally suffer disasters.

However, there is no powerful country in this border area of ​​the Southern Territory, so it can only be bullied by others.Therefore, the life of small border countries is difficult, and the Dazheng Kingdom where Zhao Yuan is located is a little better. After all, it is not bordered by Shiwandashan, and ordinary people cannot rob him here.

In the east of Dazheng Kingdom and passing through two counties, there is an endless sea.The danger on the sea is even more serious than that of a hundred thousand mountains. Not only are the storms coming swiftly and violently, there is no pattern at all.There are also countless ferocious beasts, and a huge ferocious beast can capsize a big ship just by tossing it casually.The mystery of the sea is even more daunting!
Dazheng Kingdom has 69 towns in six counties.This world has a vast area. A small town is as large as a large county in the previous life. A larger town can even be the size of a city.The area of ​​the 39 towns of Dazheng Kingdom is almost as large as the two medium-sized provinces in the previous life, with a population of 100 million and more than [-] soldiers.

And for a small country like Dazheng Kingdom, there are eight hundred if not one thousand in the Southern Region alone, and there is nothing to be proud of.Fortunately, there is no worst, only worse. Although the national strength of Dazheng Kingdom is last, it is fortunate that it is not the bottom.In this southeastern borderland, there is no tyrannical country.Among the small countries around it, the Dazheng Kingdom can be regarded as more than the upper and weaker than the lower.

The only thing that worries Zhao Yuan is the current situation in Dazheng Kingdom.In Taizheng country, it should be said that there are three forces in total.One is the civil servants headed by Prime Minister Shen Yuan. Just writing is already a headache. The prime minister's lineage not only holds the financial power of the country, but also holds the military power of the [-] Northern Army guarding outside the capital.

There is another group of military officers headed by General Zhang Yuan. General Zhang Yuan has a high position and is supported by his generals. He holds nearly 20 military power in other parts of the country, and he almost rivals Shen Yuan in court!

The last one is the great eunuch Wang Yu. I think Wang Yu was the one who waited on Zhao Yuan when he was not enthroned.After ascending the throne, the little emperor, who was fooled by the old fritters Wang Yu, was stunned for a while.It was in the third year of his ascension to the throne that he was taken away from the commanding authority of the [-] imperial guards belonging to the emperor's personal guard.

As an eunuch, Wang Yu relied on Zhao Yuan, a submissive little emperor, to share the state affairs with the other two parties.The three forces are fighting each other, and the entire court can be described as a miasma.The imperial power fell, and Zhao Yuan, the little emperor, became a puppet under the power of the three parties.

And the former Zhao Yuan, who was fooled by Wang Yu since he was a child, only knew how to practice martial arts, and was not interested in government affairs at all. In the eyes of everyone, he was just a martial idiot who had no threat at all.The ministers loyal to the emperor in the court were also increasingly disappointed, gradually losing power under the pressure of the three parties, and their strength was already minimal.

Knowing this situation, Zhao Yuan broke out in a cold sweat.In name, he is the emperor of the Taizheng Kingdom, and everyone respects him respectfully.But at that time, due to the similar strength of the three parties, it was impossible to determine the outcome in a short period of time.

From the perspective of those three parties, the little emperor didn't care about anything anyway, and was just providing him with good food and drink every day.When the time comes when you need him, just ask him to stamp the seal and send it out.

Only when the power of the three parties came to the end and the winner was decided, it was time for him, the little emperor, to come to an end.Or it may be wiped out by the surrounding countries due to infighting among the three parties.

Fortunately, he came to this world not alone, with an inexplicable martial arts trading space in his mind.As the name suggests, it is a terminal space connecting many martial arts worlds.Here, Zhao Yuan can trade with people in the martial arts world to obtain the resources he needs.

Sitting on the chair behind the table, Zhao Yuan quietly looked at the huge smooth jade in front of him.The sun, moon and stars above the jade disc immediately began to emit a shining light, and then the light became brighter and brighter, until it was even a bit dazzling in the end.These shining stars seem to break through the shackles of jade and break free.

The stars gathered together and slowly condensed into a golden token.The token feels fine and smooth in the hand, with a warm feeling, as if touching a fine jade, rather than a piece of cold metal.The whole token is smooth and flat without any pattern or seal carving, and there is only a big "Yi" character on it!

Looking at the jade disc full of radiance, Zhao Yuan lightly tossed the token in his hand at one of the stars.An inexplicable suction appeared, and suddenly, the token disappeared!
Watching the token slowly sink into the jade biscuit, it caused little ripples.Zhao Yuan couldn't help stretching out his hand to the jade bi, and suddenly ripples appeared.As Zhao Yuan increased his strength, the ripples became bigger and bigger
"Not enough level? Too low level? Novice protection?" Even if Zhao Yuan increased his strength, he still couldn't let himself in, and was pushed away by a huge counterattack force.At the same time, a wave of information also fell into Zhao Yuan's consciousness.

It's not that he can't enter it, but that his level is too low to enter.In other words, he is too weak now.These martial arts worlds, even the lowest level of martial arts worlds, are full of various dangers. With Zhao Yuan's current level, it is difficult to come back completely after entering them!

(End of this chapter)

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