I am in a world where time stands still

The Mysterious Organization Behind Chapter 96

The Mysterious Organization Behind Chapter 96

"Strange sound?" Zhou Jun looked at Xiao Fan with strange eyes.

It's like watching a charlatan telling a storytelling story, and what's more, he's telling strange stories about gods, gods, and ghosts.

"Yes," Xiao Fan looked serious and had no sense of joking at all, "a very strange sound! It sounds like... a mysterious sound."

"A dark voice?" Zhou Zhou looked at Xiao Fan even more wrongly.

This Xiao Fan sounded serious, but the more he heard it, the more he seemed to be pretending to be a ghost!
Zhou Jun: "You should know that 'Ming Ming Zhi Yin' is not an idiom, and the meaning is not clear."

Xiao Fan: "Yes, I know. This is the unclear meaning I want...

More specifically, the plane crash.At that time, before the plane engine suddenly failed, I seemed to have entered a state similar to "fugue travel". In that state, the surrounding sounds seemed to suddenly become smaller, or separated by a layer of yarn.At the same time, an indistinct but recognizable voice sounded in my ears.That kind of voice, as if someone was whispering in my ear from a very far away place, even from another world, across a long distance.However, I don't seem to be awake, because no matter how hard I try, I can't hear what the language specifically says.Whispers in the dark—the sound of the dark. "

This description actually comes from Xiao Fan's personal experience - he really heard this sound when he jumped from the top of Moyu Mountain.

Of course, he heard what the voice said at the time.

At this time, Xiao Fan did some "processing".

Zhou Jun: "Go on..."

Although Xiao Fan talked about it, Zhou Jun himself is specialized in investigating mysterious incidents, and he has a certain degree of immunity.

So, even though Xiao Fan spoke so mysteriously, Zhou Jun didn't think that Xiao Fan was talking nonsense.

Xiao Fan nodded and continued: "Shortly after the sound rang in my ears, the plane's engine broke down suddenly, and the plane fell rapidly. However, the dark sound continued until the moment before it was about to hit the ground.

At the moment when the impact was about to happen, the dark sound suddenly disappeared, and then, a miraculous thing happened, everything around me suddenly stopped! "

The eyeballs of Zhou Jun and others almost popped out, looking at Xiao Fan, as if they were looking at a magic stick pretending to be a ghost!

"Wait, you mean, everything suddenly stopped?" Xia Hequan seemed to quickly follow Xiao Fan's rhythm, "What about you, what state are you in?"

Xiao Fan glanced at Xia Hequan approvingly, as if to say, you really are not normal!
Xiao Fan said: "That's right, you should have guessed it, I am the only one who has not been affected. I can move freely.

At that time, I was terrified, but I saw the plane stationary not far above the ground. In order to survive, I still cheered up and ran away from the plane.During the escape, I also brought with me the three people sitting closest to me, namely Li Ruoying, Zhang Ruirui and Qian Kangle. "

Zhou Jun: "So, that's why the four of you survived?"

Xiao Fan nodded, "It's absolutely true!"

Zhou Jun, Xia Hequan, Ai Han, you look at me, I look at you, confused.

It's a story with so much brain power, more amazing and weirder than anything they've investigated in their careers!

Xia Hequan quickly discovered the important point and asked, "However, the plane still crashed in the end."

"That's right!" Xiao Fan nodded Xia Hequan approvingly again, "The moment I took the three of them out of the plane, the plane suddenly lifted its static state and immediately resumed the high-speed falling state before it hit the ground, and then hit the ground violently , a violent explosion occurred. From this point of view, we just captured the period of time in the middle. After this period of time, the aircraft resumed its motion state before this period of time. Based on this, my guess is that when everything in the aircraft When it stands still, time stands still."

"Time stands still?!" Even the well-informed Zhou Jun was dumbfounded.

"Yes, all this can be explained only when time stands still." Xiao Fan nodded.

Then he said: "This is just my initial guess, and I'm not very sure, until the same thing happened one after another."

Zhou Jun raised his hand and interrupted Xiao Fan first: "The next things, you mean the ones I mentioned just now? Car accidents, rockets falling, etc.?"

"Yes!" Xiao Fan nodded, "That's it! Before Li Ruoying and I had a serious car accident, the mysterious voice sounded again, which made me suddenly inexplicably nervous. However, when I saw the opposite vehicle rushing over, Li Ruoying was originally sitting on the side closer to the collision, but before the impact was about to happen, everything stopped again. It was only a very short time, but it was enough for me to move to the other side of Li Ruoying, so that the person who was seriously injured in the end became me.

Also, the night the rocket crashed into the playground of Shuzhou University.That's right, it was Li Ruoying and I who went to the middle of the playground. Our location happened to be not far from where the rocket landed later.

That's right, that little piece of turf you're talking about is intact, that's where we were standing. "

Zhou Jun: "Time also stopped?"

Xiao Fan nodded, "It should be. Similarly, shortly before the rocket was about to fall, I heard that dark sound again, and then the rocket fell, causing a violent explosion. I thought we would be engulfed by the fire, but who knows, when we Within a range of surrounding space, even the spread of the fire suddenly stopped. This state did not disappear suddenly until after the impact of the explosion passed. In this way, we escaped the most dangerous moment of the explosion. My understanding is that the It was during that time period that the time in the space around us stopped, and we were lucky enough to escape the damage of the explosion."


Xiao Fan said a lot in one breath, so matter-of-factly that he was convinced.

Zhou Jun and others listened attentively, and they really fell in love with Xiao Fan's story.

"No more?" Zhou Jun finally realized.

"Well, that's all," Xiao Fan added, "These are all I know."

Zhou Jun and others fell into deep thought again.

For some doubts, the three of them discussed from time to time.

They tried to explain all doubts, with the information Xiao Fan told them.

In this way, it seems to explain how Xiao Fan and others survived.

However, this brings up a new question: how exactly does time stand still?
What was the mysterious voice that Xiao Fan heard?
Zhou Jun was dumbfounded, originally thought that the mystery would be revealed.

But unexpectedly, after uncovering a mystery, a new and bigger mystery appeared...

There is no way, Zhou Jun can only accept all the orders and record them all.

Waiting for new events to unfold, waiting for more information to analyze, and hopefully find out.


"Zhou Chu, I have a question." Xiao Fan took the initiative to ask back.

"You mentioned earlier that you still have a hidden identity and you belong to an organization that we don't know about. What exactly is this?" Xiao Fan asked, "I promised to cooperate with you. I think I have the right to know Bar."

Zhou Jun nodded and motioned to Ai Han, "Give him the things."

Ai Han got up, took out a mobile phone from a locker, and turned around to hand it to Xiao Fan.

Zhou Jun: "Take it well, this is a satellite phone, which belongs to the safe communication channel for our internal personnel, which can ensure the safety of the call. In the future, we will have some important calls, and we will use this phone."

"Okay!" Xiao Fan held the phone in his hands and played with it over and over.

It's just a very ordinary smartphone. From the outside, it looks the same as those entry-level phones on the market that cost less than 500 yuan.

Be as ordinary as possible.

Zhou Jun confessed to Xiao Fan: "We belong to a special operations team, and behind us is an intergovernmental organization composed of governments of more than 100 major countries around the world. This organization does not have a full name, referred to as AEA. Our responsibilities, Guarantee the future and development of all mankind, and resist all existences that may cause danger to the future and destiny of mankind.

Xiao Fan, don't worry, if you cooperate with us, you are definitely on the side of justice, if you still have concerns about this.I promise, here, you will be able to get more resources, and get a greater sense of accomplishment. "

"If the events you have experienced before are really what you said, they will become more complicated. However, we will mobilize more forces and continue to pay attention. So, Xiao Fan, you also need to deal with this Be careful. We don't know who, or what, is causing these accidents and disasters. But if this is a potential threat to humanity, we need to find it out and eliminate it."

Xiao Fan: "I'm afraid...it won't be easy!"

Zhou Jun: "It doesn't matter. This is a long-term project and a systematic project. We are not in a hurry. Our work will continue, and our cooperation will also continue. Of course, our resources will also be for you, including you. insiders to help."

Xiao Fan nodded, probably understood.

Just like basic scientific research without any cost, sometimes we don't expect to make significant research progress in the short term.

However, even if a large amount of investment is required, for long-term development and results, sometimes such long-term investment is very necessary.

Therefore, the mysterious intergovernmental organization AEA mentioned by Zhou Chu should be just such a department that undertakes important work regardless of cost.

Being a member of such an organization, perhaps, is not a bad thing!

Xiao Fan had such an inference.

Take it easy.

For the time being, Zhou Chu should have accepted my statement.

So let's do this first, let's take a step at a time!


【Ding!Release the system task: track down the incident of the masked man in the hospital, find the instigator behind the scenes, and eliminate it.Task completion reward: 39 system points, body attribute +5. 】


System tasks are here again!
Xiao Fan was secretly startled.

Why does this mission feel more difficult than ever before?

When will I have to help the police?
Tracking down the masked man incident?
Found the mastermind behind the scenes?

wipe out? ? !

What is the extent of this "elimination"?

Kill them all? ?

Isn't it too cruel for me to do this kind of thing as a newcomer?
[Stop all illegal behavior of the target, that is, consider "elimination", which can be handing over the target to the police, or killing it. 】


The system turned on the commentary.

Xiao Fan was surprised.

For this system that never talks nonsense and cherishes words like gold, it is really rare to open a commentary.

However, this explanation was really timely, Xiao Fan finally understood the requirements of the system tasks accurately.

In this way, the task is difficult, but the reward is equally rich.

Still the same!
Hurry up and work hard to complete the task!
Where to start?

Xiao Fan thought about it, and naturally thought that it started with the group of masked men who attacked the hospital.

For these masked people, Zhou Jun is naturally a good source of information.

He should already have a lot of information about the masked man.

"Zhou Chu," Xiao Fan asked, "Who are the masked men who attacked the hospital?"

(End of this chapter)

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