Chapter 90

At ten o'clock in the morning, on the top of Moyu Mountain in the northwest of Rongcheng.

"ok, I know, thank you."

After finishing the phone call with Xu Shasha, secretary to the president of Kepler Investment Group, Xiao Fan stepped forward and stood in front of the cliff on the top of the mountain.

Looking at the panoramic view of Rongcheng, and listening to the wind blowing up from the mountains, Xiao Fan couldn't help being slightly dazed.

According to Li Ruolan's instructions, Xu Shasha called specifically to tell Xiao Fan to be careful.

Recently, Kepler will no longer hold international and domestic conferences or forums, so Xiao Fan is not needed for help.

Xu Shasha specifically mentioned the Land Rover SUV that suddenly appeared on the mountain road last time and attacked them.

The situation is not optimistic, and the police have not been able to find any substantial clues.

In other words, the person behind the scenes hides too deeply.

The two people in the Land Rover died just like that, and it was over.

But their identities are ordinary. ,

The police conducted a detailed background check and confirmed that they had no connection or involvement with Kepler Investment Group or Li Ruolan.

It was obvious that someone was specifically looking for them to commit murder.

What is important is that they have been staying out of things before, as long as they give money, they can do things for others.

But Xu Shasha specifically mentioned that the Kepler Investment Group has increased the protection of Li Ruolan.

The company will not just let it go, it is continuing to investigate, and must find out the mastermind behind the scenes!

Of course, Xu Shasha told Xiao Fan not to worry too much. After all, the opponent's target should be Li Ruolan and Kepler Investment Group. Last time, Xiao Fan and Li Ruolan were attacked together because they happened to be in the same car. .

Normally, Xiao Fan should not face such troubles again.

But, just to be on the safe side.

It was enough for Xu Shasha to let Xiao Fan pay more attention to everything.


Putting the phone in his backpack, Xiao Fan took a deep breath.

Lean forward slightly, leap forward, and jump off the top of the mountain!
The surrounding world rotates beautifully with the rapid movement of the body.

Clouds floated below him.

The sound of the wind when falling at high speed rang wildly in my ears.

Feeling the strange feeling of weightlessness, the corners of Xiao Fan's mouth raised involuntarily.

This is a kind of freedom that I have never really experienced before!

Suddenly, a dark brown flashed into Xiao Fan's sight.

An eagle with a wingspan of more than 1 meter!

At this moment, it was actually by his side, diving and flying side by side with him.

Xiao Fan turned his head, looked at his partner in the sky, and met his gaze like a torch!

And it also seemed to be staring at Xiao Fan with scrutiny!

An eagle howled.

The eagle flapped its wings, left Xiao Fan who was descending rapidly, soared into the sky, and sank into the sky.

Xiao Fan smiled knowingly and looked down at the earth again.

The dense forest at the foot of Black Feather Mountain has been fully seen.

The gurgling stream flows down from the mountains, and finally merges into a valley between the mountains.

In the valley, there is green grass.

There is Xiao Fan's destination!

At this time, Xiao Fan, who was falling rapidly, had reached the extreme speed.

Not long after he fell, the rapidly rising air resistance was already in balance with his gravity.

Xiao Fan seemed to become an eagle himself, allowing himself to blend into the sky and air.

The blood in his body was already boiling, and the heat rushed into his brain.

His thoughts also rushed into the indescribable "imaginary" space along with the rapid flight of his body.

And after his body rushed into the lowest piece of sky, the sky was spinning, as if the whole world had merged with him!
In his ears, Mingming's words even sounded.

"never give up……"

Xiao Fan opened his eyes wide in surprise, but he could only see the forest and the edge of the mountain that were approaching after he broke through the clouds again.

His heart was shocked!
This voice that seems to exist and seems to come from the ancient times or the void sounds familiar to him?
This made Xiao Fan confused.

But maybe, this is just an illusion when he was in free fall?
In the blink of an eye, the world in the sky has already approached the earth.

In a blink of an eye, the valley and grassland are close at hand!
The moment before landing.

There was a mysterious wave in the space around Xiao Fan.

Time stands still!

The green grass swaying gently with the wind in the valley also freezes the slightly bent figure in an instant.

A drop of dew that just fell from the tip of the grass shrinks into a perfectly round sphere in mid-air, reflecting the image of the sun.

The next moment, Xiao Fan adjusted his posture gracefully, and stepped firmly on the soft grass with both feet.

Looking up at the top of the mountain, the place where I jumped out has been hidden above Yunluan, and I can no longer see it.

Exhaling a breath, Xiao Fan smiled with satisfaction.

This was his first time trying this kind of leap from a high altitude.

Before making this attempt, he hesitated.

After all, jumping down from the height of the top of the mountain is an almost crazy move no matter how you look at it.

However, since two days ago, he jumped out of the window of a 20-meter-high building with Zhong Ling and eight children, his heart could no longer be peaceful.

It seems to be a kind of calling from somewhere.

Xiao Fan couldn't hold back no matter what, he wanted to jump down from the sky again!

Finally, after careful consideration, he finally reached the height that he had never thought about, the top of Moyu Mountain, which is nearly 2000 meters above sea level.

When the clouds had already been trampled under his feet, and when the beautiful scenery of the entire Rongcheng was in his eyes, Xiao Fan only felt that his life had opened a new chapter.

What evildoers harm, what slander?
What is the sudden disaster, what is the impermanence of life and death?
What is all this worth?
It's just scratching the surface, or something some people do out of boredom!
I have even experienced airplane facts, car accidents, and rocket crashes. Would I be afraid of these? !

Don't let me meet, otherwise, who knows what price I will make them pay!
Xiao Fan's heart was about to move, and his blood was boiling.

Only by climbing to the top of the mountain and jumping down can the temperature and restlessness in the body be calmed down.


The next morning, Xiao Fan rushed to Shuzhou Provincial People's Hospital early in the morning.

Today is the day Yang Chengyi made an appointment with them to go back to the hospital for reexamination.

Since the last plane crash, this is the third time they have gone to the hospital for review.

In the first two re-examinations, there were no surprises in the inspection results.

All four of them are perfectly normal.

There are no problems, either physically or mentally.

And as time went by, even the most rigorous Doctor Yang gradually felt relieved.

This review will be their last routine review.

As long as there is still no problem, the matter is considered over.

When he came to the hospital, Xiao Fan found that the emergency department was extremely busy with people coming and going.

The walking pace of the nurses was obviously faster than the normal speed of the people in Rongcheng.

And doctors are busy going back and forth between the hospital bed, examination room, and office.

Xiao Fan went through the crowded crowd in the emergency room, and finally took the elevator to the floor of Yang Chengyi's office.

Dr. Yang is out of the emergency department today.

Xiao Hua was already waiting at the nurse's station at the door.

Seeing Xiao Fan coming out from a distance, he jumped up and waved to greet Xiao Fan.

"Xiao Fan, come quickly. There are a lot of people today, if you delay, the checkup will be in the afternoon!"

Xiao Fan stepped forward quickly, "Why are there so many people today?"

Xiao Hua spread her hands, "Actually, it's considered normal. There are always three or four days a week, and there are so many people that it will explode."

Xiao Fan smiled and glanced at Xiao Hua.

Three or four days a week?
That's pretty much the norm...

It seems that medical resources are really tight, and doctors and nurses are still working very hard!
Xiao Fan thought of some doctor-patient disputes that often occurred, and even reports on doctors and nurses, Xiao Fan couldn't help feeling sorry for Xiao Hua.

If it wasn't for Xiaohua's nervousness, she is usually careless and not as sensitive as ordinary girls, she probably wouldn't be as lively and happy as she is now.

Walking into Dr. Yang's office, Li Ruoying, Qian Kangle, and Zhang Ruirui had all arrived.

Xiao Fan met everyone's gaze generously, smiled and nodded to everyone.

Qian Kangle smiled and waved at Xiao Fan, but was slightly taken aback when he saw Xiao Fan's gaze.

The color revealed in Xiao Fan's eyes is obviously different from before.

Qian Kangle remembered it clearly.

When I first met Xiao Fan.

From Xiao Fan's gaze, what can be read the most is often hesitation, dodge, hesitation from the inside out, and even lack of confidence.

But now it's different.

No matter who Xiao Fan looked at, he exuded a kind of confidence and indifference from the inside out.

It's like a different person.

Although Qian Kangle usually idles around, he spends all day hanging out with cronies and friends from various schools and schools.

But because of this, he has developed the ability to judge people with one hand.

He keenly discovered that at this time, Xiao Fan must have undergone tremendous changes in his heart.

As for the reason, Qian Kangle can only be curious.

Zhang Ruirui is still the same.

She sat carelessly between Li Ruoying and Qian Kangle.

Leaning obliquely on the back of the chair, with her legs crossed, her playful, long white and straight legs are fully exposed.

Chewing gum in a small mouth with red lips and white teeth, beautiful eyes with exaggerated black eyeshadow, Zhang Ruirui looks at Xiao Fan with a charming look.

But Xiao Fan is also a god.

Like a huge lake, he absorbed all the charms from Zhang Ruirui, and then sank them all into the deep bottom of the lake, without any response.

Look at Xiao Fan's eyes looking at Zhang Ruirui, it's upright and upright!

Xiao Fan even took a special look at Zhang Ruirui's long legs, so direct, but also so decent.

The time of staring is neither too long nor too short, just right!
It not only expressed appreciation, but also didn't mean to profane frivolity in the slightest.

The eyes are also gentle and warm, like the warm sun in spring, and it will never give people the kind of "wretched" feeling when many men look at girls.

Zhang Ruirui was actually very useful.

In the end, when Xiao Fan and Li Ruoying looked at each other, the two really exchanged thousands of words with their eyes.

It was only at this moment that Xiao Fan's mind began to run involuntarily.

It turned out that in just over two months, he and Li Ruoying had already experienced so much together!

"Hello everyone!" Yang Chengyi stood up, walked among the four people, looked at them with satisfaction and said, "It seems that everyone is in good condition. If there is nothing wrong with the results of the routine examination and psychological consultation today, this is our Checked for the last time.

Seeing that everyone is fine, in fact, I am also very happy!
By the way, there is another news to share with you.Director Zhou Jun told me yesterday that the work of the joint investigation team is almost complete, and they will leave Rongcheng in the near future and return to the imperial capital.I think it should be almost over.All of you are survivors of the plane crash. I think you will have some psychological pressure and shock.However, time will not stop, and you will continue to grow.Every day will come as promised, and then pass by.Ladies and gentlemen, look forward bravely! "

Qian Kangle is still a competent social expert, and immediately said gratefully to Yang Chengyi, "Dr. Yang, you have worked hard for a while. You are really curing diseases and saving lives. The doctors are benevolent. We will always remember your love for us. By the way, Zhou Did the department disclose any investigation results? For example, the cause of the plane crash, etc..."

(End of this chapter)

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