Chapter 85
The analysis of this post was clear and sound, and finally echoed the conclusion of the main post, "It can be said that although Ms. Zhong Xinyue's simultaneous interpretation skills are not top-notch, and she can't even be ranked among the top ten word-of-mouth among her peers, her customer stickiness and popularity The degree is extremely high, the feedback is excellent, and there should be no suspense at the top of the customer reputation. In addition, I also agree with the championship predictions of other sub-lists in this prediction list, I have to say, it is quite reliable!"

There are other good people commenting below.

"By the way, who is this 'Xiao Fan', with such a comprehensive and thorough analysis? He is definitely a master in the industry! But looking at the registration time of the account, it turned out to be three days ago?? This is so obvious, it must be some great god Vest? Hey, who the hell is it, stand up! Why are you being so secretive? Could it be that there is an inside story? Is there an inside story?"

Someone disagrees.

"Come on, I'm afraid that people like you have inside stories. I think it's because of people like you that people use vests to post. Did you read the title of their post, 'Irresponsible Personal Prediction'!"

Others follow.

"Hey, this prediction list is unreliable! Why is Professor Li Zhen, a senior expert at the United Nations, and Professor Li Zhen from the Shanghai Foreign Language Institute, only ranked 8th in terms of peer reputation and 9th in customer reputation? This is too substandard! Who doesn't know our professor Li Zhen's simultaneous interpreting is so perfect and impeccable?!"

Someone responded right away.

"Ha, you look like a newcomer at first glance. Is it any wonder that the simultaneous interpretation industry has changed so fast? Interpreter, you haven't opened your business in half a year, right? Are you still stuck in the past? There are new people coming out every generation!"

Of course, the most concerned by everyone, of course, is the income list.

People who eat melons are actively discussing with posts.

"Wow, it's crazy. The top three in the annual income list all exceeded 500 million, and the No.1 Situ Wentai actually exceeded 1000 million! How did this make it?? We worked hard all year round and worked hard to earn income It's 10,000+, but still can't earn a fraction of others! It's too miserable!"

"Hey, you don't understand now! They get top hourly wages. You get one thousand an hour, and they get ten thousand an hour. Can you compare?"

"No, no, customers who are willing to pay [-] yuan an hour are rare after all, and most of them come at the industry standard price. According to my analysis, the main reason is the change of the current list evaluation standards. All the income of the translators is counted on the head of the translator, as long as the translators are active in the front line of simultaneous interpretation, if they open a translation company at the same time, the income related to simultaneous interpretation will also be included in the calculation of the list."

"I see! No wonder the income list is so different. It seems that it is more valuable to look at the 5th to 10th income list. Hey, let's take the 10th as the career idol!"

After several pages of discussion, someone finally found a new point.

"Hey, there is a situation. Have you noticed that all the predicted people are Gao Fan who have been on the list before, or have a certain reputation in the industry. There is only one person, and it is a new name that I have never heard of!"

Soon, more people also noticed.

"Yes, yes! Ranked 9th in peer reputation list, 10th in customer reputation list, 10th in annual revenue list, and 5th in fastest rising quarterly list! They all predicted a translator named Xiao Fan. Hey, who is this? I How come you never heard of it?"

"Since it is the list predicted by insiders, it seems that it is definitely not groundless! Which colleague will come out to introduce? This Xiao Fan, who is so sacred?"

"No way! To be among the top ten in the association's national annual list, which one is not an experienced and well-known figure? It's unrealistic for a newcomer to want to be on the list! Besides, the circle of the simultaneous interpretation industry is not big, and the total number is not large. how many people."

Sure enough, someone responded quickly.

"I know this Xiao Fan. You may not believe me if I tell you, this is a rookie who just debuted for a month."

As soon as this post came out, the follow-up posts immediately went viral.

The popularity of the original post doubled!
For this newcomer who is on every list, but is ranked at the back, everyone discusses it, and it is even as hot as the top three on the list!

"Hey, Fatty Lin, you have to be responsible for posting on the Internet, so just talk nonsense! Can a newcomer who debuted for a month be on the list, or all three lists? Are you lying to a ghost?!"

It turned out that the person who posted that he knew Xiao Fan was none other than Lin Wuchen.

Because he usually hangs out on the forum, many people know his account.

Lin Wuchen immediately became unhappy, and replied: "Hey, everyone discusses normally on the Internet, don't bring such insults with real names! Who, since you know me, I will leave it here. If I tell lies, I will immediately quit the same post." Pass the circle!"

After Lin Wuchen said this, the post became even more popular without any suspense.

Many people were more interested in this newcomer, and inquired about all kinds of gossip.

After all, this is the National Association of Simultaneous Interpreters. Although Xiao Fan has done more than 20 simultaneous interpretations, most of them were in Shuzhou Province. The few times he was in other provinces were only in cities like Imperial Capital and Magic City. .

Therefore, simultaneous interpreters working in more provinces across the country really don’t know him very well.

Soon, someone else posted.

"I have also cooperated with Xiao Fan, and the level is indeed very strong. Another thing is that he did not graduate from those famous schools for simultaneous interpretation, and he did not even major in English or translation. He is only a graduate student of science and engineering. Biography can only be regarded as his part-time job."

Terrible, the forum is fried again.

Translators from all over the country, whether experienced or new to the industry, said it was absolutely impossible!

This is completely slapping them in the face!

A graduate student majoring in science and engineering, who worked part-time as a simultaneous interpreter for a month, actually made it to the top ten in all categories in the annual list of the National Association of Simultaneous Interpreters? !
If this is true, what about so many friends on the board?
What about those professional simultaneous interpreters who have worked so hard to graduate from high-level translation colleges and accumulate experience in practice?
Many people were so excited that they almost went crazy.

"No way! Comparing people to each other is so irritating!"

"I'm going to smash the keyboard!"

"I'm going to tear up my shorthand, it hurts so much..."

"I'm thinking about opening a Taobao store, but I can't continue with simultaneous interpretation. Do you have any investment?"

"I'm also considering changing my career. I heard that writing online articles can make money..."

"Are times really changing so fast?"


The discussion in the forum has been heated up all the time, and finally, many masters in the simultaneous interpretation circle have also been attracted.

Several of them were figures who had been on the association's annual list, or even topped the list.

Of course, there are also a few great gods who are just as popular.

Situ Wentai, the favorite to win this year's income list, left a message: "It's really a surprise that such a strange person can appear in the simultaneous interpretation circle. I'll leave it at that, I very much look forward to the opportunity to cooperate with Xiao Fan and see Xiao Fan's performance in person. Spread the strength! If it is true as what my colleagues said in the comments above, my team sincerely looks forward to Xiao Fan joining us!"

(End of this chapter)

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