Chapter 63
Eight o'clock the next morning.

Xiao Fan was lying on the bed and was woken up by a text message on his cell phone.

He fumbled for the mobile phone next to the bed and opened his eyes to look at it.

"The transfer income from your account with the last number 0871 is RMB 12000, and the current balance is RMB 12470."

Xiao Fanteng sat up suddenly and immediately became sober.

Yesterday's simultaneous interpretation fee was transferred to him early in the morning.

Although I was prepared in my heart, I still couldn't hold back my excitement when I received this money all at once.

Not long ago, he received half a month's salary from Côte d'Azur, if that was his first real job.income.

Well, the 12000 yuan now is his first work income, which can be called a huge sum of money.

It's the money he earned all by himself.

The excited Xiao Fan was still a little worried, so he simply opened the mobile banking app and checked the account balance.

That's right, the money is indeed already lying in his account, and the transfer party is Kepler Investment Group.

Xiao Fan excitedly got up and got out of bed, without washing his face or brushing his teeth, he directly transferred 10000 yuan to his mother's account.

When it was over, he picked up his mobile phone and rushed to the balcony of the dormitory, closed the door, and called his mother.

The call was quickly connected.

"Xiaofan, what's going on, I just received a text message from the bank saying that you transferred 1 yuan to me?"

"Yes, Mom, this is my part-time job money."

"Why do you make so much money part-time?"

Xiao Fan heard the sound of closing the door from his mother, and then the obvious ambient sound of the hospital.

It seems that my mother went to the hospital to take care of my father early in the morning.

The mother's voice was a little anxious, and the speed of her speech also accelerated, "Xiao Fan, you must be upright to make money, you can't do something that violates the law and discipline, you know!"

Xiao Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but listening to his mother's worried lecture, he felt a little sad in his heart.

It's not an easy life for parents, but they always behave upright and earn money in a well-behaved manner.

In their understanding, earning money is not easy, and they never thought of letting Xiao Fan earn money for their family.

"Mom!" Xiao Fan resisted a choke in his throat, "Don't worry, this is the money I earned as a simultaneous interpreter yesterday. Mom, this job pays quite a lot. Yesterday was the first time I did this, so I earned a lot of money. I paid 12000 yuan. I will send you 2000 yuan, and I have [-] yuan left! I want to use this money to buy some books on simultaneous interpretation, so that I can earn more money in the future.”

"That's right! Simultaneous interpreting makes so much money?" Mom's tone softened a bit, and she even had a lot of surprises, "But Xiaofan, this job is difficult, right? I haven't heard that you can do this before?"

"Well, mom, I... I just stepped up to practice this, so maybe I got the hang of it! Besides, there happened to be a friend who took me with me and gave me a lot of help."

"That's good, that's good, I'm relieved. But, Xiaofan, you must not let go of your studies, you know?" Mom still didn't forget to tell, "It's good that you can help the family earn money, and my mother is very happy." I'm happy, but the most important thing for you is to get a master's degree with excellent grades, so that you can have a bright future in the future, that's the right way, you know..."

Xiao Fan agreed humbly, but he had mixed feelings in his heart.

He originally wanted to tell his mother, "I understand all this, but isn't it because I got my master's degree to find a good job after graduation?"And what is a good job, does it largely depend on income?

However, he did not say that, but obeyed his mother's instructions obediently.

If it was Xiao Fan before, he would argue with his mother.

But now, he doesn't do that anymore.

To a certain extent, when Xiao Fan started to take the initiative to shoulder the burden of the family, and started to tell himself that his parents were old and he wanted to be the pillar of the family, he knew how hard it was for his parents.

They grew up from the past era, which inevitably has the limitations of the era. However, there is one thing that Xiao Fan is most certain of. His parents have done their best to give him the best conditions in the process of growing up.

Xiao Fan doesn't envy other people.

Others’ parents may have more money, giving them more resources and opportunities.

Xiao Fan didn't have any of these things.His parents didn't have this ability for him.

But he didn't complain at all, instead he was more and more grateful to his parents.

Because they kept nothing and gave him the best they could.

This is all parents can do for their children.

"Mom, I got it..." Xiao Fan's voice was slightly hoarse, he cleared his throat lightly, "Don't worry, studying has always been my top priority, I understand."

"Yeah, that's good!"

"Mom, I can earn money now. Use that new medicine you mentioned last time for Dad!" Xiao Fan raised his voice.

"That..." Mom hesitated, "Let's wait."

"Don't wait any longer! Mom, how much does that medicine cost?" Xiao Fan heard his mother's struggle.

He knew that his mother was the one who hoped that his father would get well soon, but the burden of supporting the entire family made her hesitate.

Xiao Fan: "I can earn money now, mom! I said, I want to earn money to treat my father's illness. I must do it, and I can do it!"

"Xiaofan, I have also asked the doctor about this medicine. If I decide to use this medicine, the first course of treatment will take three months. It costs more than 8 yuan per month. After this course of treatment, it will cost 25 yuan. This money, in the past, maybe we could pool it together, but now we really don’t have the ability. Mom knows you can make money, but, after all, your main job is still a graduate student, and you don’t have the money. It may be earned so quickly."

"25, I see, Mom. Find a doctor and start giving Dad medicine! I will earn this money from now on."

"Xiaofan, where are you going to earn so much money?! Too much pressure, no, it will affect your studies!"

"Don't worry, Mom." Xiao Fan's tone became much calmer, "I can already do simultaneous interpretation. My other friends who are simultaneous interpretation also said that my level is not a problem at all. Besides, I can't do simultaneous interpretation. It’s a waste of my study time, I only need to spend ten days a month and do ten simultaneous interpretations, and that’s enough money.”


After talking to his mother on the phone, Xiao Fan finally convinced her to start giving his father new medicine.

He held the phone in silence, opened the address book, and found Ou Yuwei's phone number.

Staring at her phone, thinking for a few seconds, the call was still broadcast.

"Hello?" Ou Yuwei's voice came, "Xiao Fan?"

There is also the ambient sound of the airport in the background of her phone.

"Hi Ou Yuwei, is it convenient now?"

(End of this chapter)

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