I am in a world where time stands still

Chapter 39 Bloating Bowel Syndrome

Chapter 39 Bloating Bowel Syndrome
Xiao Fan put his hands on his chest pretendingly, pondering for a moment.

"Well, this question is not difficult..."

"What should I do? Master Xiao Fan, teach me quickly!" Ding's eyes flashed with excitement, waiting for the master to come and rescue him.

"Well, the key to this question is that you have to create a beautiful and romantic environment, so that she can immerse herself in the beauty and sweetness of being with you! In this environment and atmosphere, you can proceed to the next step, and Just holding hands with her."

Xiao Fan spoke clearly, and circled his hands while talking, "You said she has already agreed to be your girlfriend, so you have already succeeded more than half of the way. At least, you can think of an arrangement." and plan, and then ask her out to complete your hand-holding plan."

Ding Yi: "Well, it's okay to ask her out, but how to create a beautiful and romantic environment?"

Xiao Fan: "There are many ways, for example, let me tell you a simple and easy one. You can ask her to go to the recently expanded Rongcheng Amusement Park! Amusement parks, many girls like them. You can ask her to go to this kind of place , she was in a happy state of mind from the beginning..."

Having said that, Xiao Fan trembled for no reason.

The painful experience of being pulled by Zhong Ling to experience the roller coaster, the big pendulum, and the jumping machine repeatedly flashed through his mind.

He shook his head quickly, letting those painful memories go away quickly.

"Of course, there are many projects in the amusement park. You should pay attention to avoiding those projects that are too scary, such as roller coasters, big pendulums, and jumping machines. They are too cruel. Such projects are definitely not conducive to your creation of a beautiful future. rough environment."

"Enen, that's right..." Ding Yi opened the notepad on his phone and started to take notes.

On the other side, Zhong Ling bit the straw, glanced at her lips, and deformed the straw.

"Hmph, bad senior brother! I used to take people to play the jumping machine and have fun, but now I tell others that this project is too cruel... Huh, what! Obviously, when we were playing, senior brother screamed so loudly, obviously I like it very much..."

Xiao Fan didn't know why, but his back felt a little cold.

He thought it was because the coffee shop was too cold, so he didn't care.

Nodding, he treated Ding Yi like a coward and continued training: "Well, there is a Ferris wheel in the amusement park, which is a very suitable project. When you take her, just the two of you, follow The rotation of the Ferris wheel slowly rises, slowly revealing the entire amusement park in front of you, as well as the scenery of Rongcheng further away. How beautiful it is! This can create a very beautiful atmosphere, and only A perfect environment for the two of you.”

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! OK, OK!" Ding Yi nodded vigorously, his face shining brightly.

Xiao Fan, "Of course, this is not enough, you need to add some ingredients. You think, when you follow the Ferris wheel to the highest point, you can see the beautiful scenery of Rongcheng. At this time, you should be able to see Li You Youshan Shopping Center is not far from the park.”

Ding Yi was taken aback, "Shopping mall? We're on the Ferris wheel, so we can't buy bags."

Xiao Fan: "I'm not asking you to buy a bag. We poor students can't buy very good bags, right? I mean, there is a huge advertising screen outside the Youshan Shopping Center building. I heard that they have A special link that can be rented to individuals for a 10-minute customized display. So, you only need to calculate the time. When the two of you ride the Ferris wheel to reach the high point, you will be displayed on the big screen of Youshan Shopping Center. Pre-prepared words of confession. In such beautiful scenery, she saw your true confession to her again. You think, the two of you in the beautiful Ferris wheel, isn't it a perfect opportunity for you to hold hands with her? "

Ding Yi's eyes lit up: "Oh!! Brilliant! So that's how it is! What an excellent solution!"

Zhong Ling, who was at the next table, was sipping coffee through a straw and thinking about it in her mind.

It turns out that senior brother is quite romantic, and senior brother likes this kind of atmosphere.

Ferris wheel...it turns out that my brother not only likes jumping machines, but also likes Ferris wheels.

Hmph, brother didn't say it earlier.

At first I said that the carousel is coming, and it feels quite similar to the Ferris wheel, but he still doesn't sit on it.

Hmph, bad brother!

Ding Yi had just been happy for ten seconds, when he suddenly thought of something, his face darkened again.

"But if I want to rent the big screen in Youshan Shopping Center, won't it be very expensive?"

Xiao Fan: "Well, maybe it's a little bit. I've heard people say that it costs about 10 yuan to rent their large advertising screen for 5000 minutes at a time."

Ding looked embarrassed, "5000 yuan, this, I don't have that much money..."

Xiao Fan nodded: "Well, it is indeed a problem. However, it is not impossible. You can find a part-time job to make money!"

"part time?"

"Yes, I happen to be looking for a part-time job recently, we can look for it together, or share some part-time job information or something!"

Xiao Fan said, "According to the current average level of part-time work, if you work part-time for three to four hours at a time, you can earn about 200 yuan at a time. You only need to work part-time for 25 days to save enough money!"

Ding Yi: "Oh, that's good, so, in order to hold hands with my girlfriend as soon as possible, I have to quickly find a part-time job to earn money!"

Zhong Ling at the side suddenly felt a little dazed.

What's going on here?

I didn't seem to pay attention to it just now. How did this topic get around to part-time jobs?
Isn't it about holding hands?Holding hands and part-time jobs seem to be far away...

Ding was dancing with joy, as if he finally saw the dawn of success.

But soon, some embarrassment appeared on his face.

"Hey," Ding Yi sighed, "Thank you, Xiao Fan, for giving me such a good idea. However, I'm still a little afraid that such a good plan might go wrong."

Xiao Fan: "How can it be messed up, you can just arrange it like this."

Ding Yi: "Hey, you don't know, I... I don't know what's going on, my stomach doesn't seem to be very good, especially, once I meet myself when I'm nervous, I'm very prone to farts—and smelly The loud one. I can't control it...I'm afraid, I've worked so hard to create such a beautiful and romantic atmosphere, but at the critical moment when I want to hold hands, a smoky loud fart, no matter how beautiful and romantic the atmosphere is They all have to disappear without a trace..."

"Eh..." Xiao Fan was also stunned, "Screw..."

He suddenly opened his eyes wide, "So it's true, there is still this problem... Could it be that you, come on, the legendary flatulence syndrome?"

"Bowel flatulence syndrome?" Ding Yi was also confused.

Xiao Fan showed a grim expression, "Yes, it is said that this disease affects [-] in [-] young men, and the symptoms are just like what you said, the more nervous, the more uncontrollable, the louder the farts It stinks!"

(End of this chapter)

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