I am in a world where time stands still

Chapter 35 Xiao Fan's Enlightenment

Chapter 35 Xiao Fan's Enlightenment

Last time, after he gained two physical attributes, his liver function increased by 25%.

But this time, the same two points of improvement in physical attributes are manifested as a 5% increase in strength and speed.

Regardless of liver function, strength and speed, they all belong to the essential attributes of the body, reflecting one's physical state, health status, and physical fitness, and reflecting the essential attributes of the individual.

And the spirit.

The improvement of the two spiritual attributes this time will be interpreted by the system as a 10% increase in EQ.

This belongs to him on the spiritual and ideological level, and also reflects his individual essential attributes!
Xiao Fan summed it up a bit. From this point of view, this so-called "individual attribute" is his own basic and essential attribute, reflecting his physical and mental state!
By analogy, what about the wealth and fame attribute values ​​​​that are systematically classified as "achievement attributes"?

Isn't it more as the name suggests, only after he has achieved a certain level of achievement, will the corresponding attribute value appear.

Xiao Fan felt that this seemed to make sense.

It's as if he now belongs to the "proletariat" in terms of wealth, and belongs to the "grassroots class" in terms of fame. Therefore, the system's evaluation is naturally a double "zero" attribute value.

However, when the task was released this time, the system's reward also included "Fame attribute value +?" Does this mean that the system predicts that his reputation attribute will increase, but the specific value of the increase still needs to be determined objectively. Only after the facts are evaluated can specific values ​​be obtained?

In a blink of an eye, the two of them had already reached the edge of the playground.

Xiao Fan deliberately chose an area where no one was watching, then found a gap where the fire was less intense, and left quickly with Li Ruoying.

Leaving the playground, leaving the scene of the accident, and finally ran back to a main road of the school.

Along the way, there were more and more people running towards the playground, but Xiao Fan firmly pulled Li Ruoying, went against the current without a trace, and gradually moved away from the first scene.


Li Ruoying finally pulled Xiao Fan hard.

"Wait a moment!"

Only then did Xiao Fan stop.

Li Ruoying: "Have you noticed?"

Xiao Fan; "What?"

Li Ruoying: "A plane crash, a car accident, a rocket crash..."


"Shouldn't we, in the first place, shouldn't..."

Li Ruoying was silent and did not finish her sentence.

"Shouldn't you survive?" Xiao Fan asked.

Li Ruoying didn't correct her and just acquiesced.

However, Xiao Fan's questioning seemed too heavy.

Li Ruoying pondered for a long time, then looked up at Xiao Fan, "What about you, do you want to live?"

"I want to! I want to! Of course I want to!"

Xiao Fan gave a rare positive answer.

Li Ruoying opened her mouth slightly in surprise, and then something sparkled in her eyes.

Xiao Fan didn't know why, but he took a step forward and stood closer in front of Li Ruoying, looking directly at Li Ruoying.

There were more and more people on the road, they passed by Xiao Fan and Li Ruoying, and ran towards the playground still surrounded by flames.

Many people were shouting and asking loudly.

However, all this seems to have become very far away for Xiao Fan and Li Ruoying.

It was as if the two of them were already in another world.

And Xiao Fan, facing Li Ruoying at such a close distance again, staring into her eyes, Xiao Fan didn't realize that he didn't panic.

This is obviously not in line with Xiao Fan's personality.

If it had been in the past, his heart would have raced, his blood would have surged, and he would have turned red in the face within a second.

But this time, for the first time, he didn't.

On the contrary, he bravely looked into Li Ruoying's eyes and felt the resonance with her soul.

"Of course I want to live, more than ever before."

Xiao Fan said it again slowly and word by word.

Li Ruoying was still puzzled, "But why does this happen every time?"

"So what? Aren't we still standing here?"

After Xiao Fan said this, he suddenly felt calm.


Crisis after crisis did not end their lives.

Time and time again, we were in danger for no reason, but they always saved us!

At this moment, Xiao Fan looked into Li Ruoying's eyes very calmly.

The most confident I have ever been in my life.

Although the ruined playground is not far away, Xiao Fan is delighted with another state of his own.

For the continuation of his life, and for the first time that he can calmly face a girl at close range!
At this moment, Xiao Fan felt a little enlightenment.

He suddenly felt that as long as he communicated with girls sincerely and frankly, it seemed that there was no need to be nervous or overwhelmed.

To be honest, why should you be cautious and frightened?
Frank and magnanimous, naturally invulnerable to all poisons, seeing all the colors...

Xiao Fan suddenly had a guess. Could it be that the enlightenment at this moment actually originated from the two-point increase in his spiritual attribute value, and the corresponding 10% increase in EQ?

Xiao Fan is no stranger to the word "emotional intelligence", but Xiao Fan has never truly experienced the impact that emotional intelligence can have on him.

Until now.

If the improvement of EQ allows him to face the opposite sex more calmly, then this increase in the value of mental attributes can be regarded as a precision medical treatment, prescribing the right medicine.

An extremely cost-effective reward!
"Li Ruoying!" Xiao Fan bravely called out the name.

After speaking, even he was surprised.

"I don't care how many coincidences, how many dangerous situations, how many times close to death happened before this. But I believe, me, and you, we can all live well!"

Li Ruoying looked at Xiao Fan seriously, as if she knew this person again.

Not only Li Ruoying, but even Xiao Fan himself felt that he knew himself again.


woohoo woohoo!
The siren of the fire engine came, and the fire brigade with the fastest response had arrived at the scene of the Shuzhou University accident.

woohoo woohoo!
The siren sounded.

Just a few minutes later, the police car arrived.

Within half an hour, countless vehicles and personnel entered Shuzhou University.

Subsequently, the police sealed off the playground and the students were asked to leave as soon as possible.

Shuzhou University in the middle of the night was extremely noisy and full of fantasy.


Early the next morning, Xiao Fan walked on the main road of the campus, preparing to go to the department hall.

At this time, a black Passet drove towards him.

The car just passed by him, but it stopped quickly, then backed up and came to Xiao Fan's side and stopped again.

The window was lowered, and a man with sunglasses poked his head out.

"Xiao Fan, get in the car!" The man took off his sunglasses and waved to Xiao Fan.

It turned out to be Zhou Jun.

Xiao Fan was wondering why the car backed up specifically to look for him, when he saw that it was Zhou Jun, he smiled complicatedly.

"Um, so it's Zhou Chu, hello, hello..."

Xiao Fan's smile twitched a little, or rather, he was a little guilty...

At that time in the hospital, he still had a deep memory of how he punished Director Zhou.

This also made Zhou Jun, who had always been tough and straight, even have doubts about his own orientation for the first time...

Zhou Jun was obviously quite surprised to meet Xiao Fan, nodded and said, "Where are you going, I'll give you a ride and learn about your situation by the way."

Xiao Fan's face twitched again, "Zhou Chu, I'm afraid your main reason is to interrogate me..."

"Hey!" Zhou Chu put on a serious face: "I haven't said anything yet, and you feel guilty? It seems that you really need to be pulled into the car for a good trial."

(End of this chapter)

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