I am in a world where time stands still

Chapter 30 Do You Regret It?

Chapter 30 Do You Regret It?


Luo Jiangchuan didn't react until this moment.

He clenched his teeth tightly, but he could only crush his teeth and swallow them into his stomach.

He could feel that the eyes of countless people were falling on his face.

Sympathy, unworthiness, gloating...the list goes on.

In an instant, hundreds of roses were thrown into the air by the angry Luo Jiangchuan.

Countless roses and red petals spread out, fell chaotically from the air, and were finally trampled under the feet of people, no longer as beautiful as before.

These roses fell in such a miserable state, it was precisely at this moment that Luo Jiangchuan's injured heart and trampled face were crushed naked in public.

Luo Jiangchuan hated it!
I can't even say a word.

It never occurred to him that he would be rejected.

He never thought that not only was he rejected, but also Li Ruoying was snatched away in front of him by a kid who appeared out of nowhere!
He took away the woman who should have belonged to him!
who's that person?
Xiao Fan? !
Who is he? !

At this moment, Luo Jiangchuan firmly remembered the name.

He wants revenge!

He can't stand it!


The onlookers finally came to their senses.

"What just happened?"

"Am I not mistaken?"

"Luo Jiangchuan was rejected?"

"Li Ruoying just ran away with others?"

"Oh my god? It's so dramatic!"

"I, I, ah..."

People talked and shouted incredible.

In this speech contest, Li Ruoying's speech "When there are only 5 minutes left in life" was impressive and won the championship in one fell swoop.

But no one expected that the 5 minutes after the speech contest ended would be the real climax of the night.


Zhang Ruirui smiled smugly and looked at the direction in which Xiao Fan and Li Ruoying left.

She just deliberately provoked Xiao Fan, but she didn't expect that Xiao Fan actually went up and took Li Ruoying away!

To be honest, Zhang Ruirui really looked at him with admiration.

Qian Kangle next to him looked at the door in disbelief, and then at Zhang Ruirui. He was still speechless until now.

"What are you still doing stupidly?"

Zhang Ruirui left behind a sentence, turned around and passed Qian Kangle.

"The drama is over, let's go home!"

Zhang Ruirui gave Qian Kangle a back view, and waved away.

This Xiao Fan, I really can't tell, he's quite daring!

Zhang Ruirui silently recalled the scene where Xiao Fan took Li Ruoying's hand and ran away.

I thought it was a piece of wood, but I didn't expect it to be quite interesting.

Next time, Miss Ben will try him for herself!

Zhang Ruirui made up her mind, with the wind blowing under her long legs, she left.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Qian Kangle shouted, but Zhang Ruirui was no longer visible in the crowd.

Shaking his head, Qian Kangle also packed his things and left the chaotic scene.

What a surprise!
Qian Kangle smiled excitedly but helplessly, and remembered what happened at the nightclub two days ago.

Not to mention, with this Xiao Fan, we can always encounter strange things!
Hmm, so... a person with superpowers?
Xiao Fan, Xiao Fan, you still want to hide it from me!
I'm going to hug your thigh! !

In the early summer night, the evening breeze carried an intoxicating coolness.

The lights in the auditorium are still noisy, and the enthusiasm for the speech contest has just passed its climax.

Xiao Fan took Li Ruoying's hand and ran in big strides.

After rushing out of the gate of the auditorium, they didn't stop, but continued to run, shuttling through the streets and alleys of the Shuzhou University campus.

Along the way, they passed through the solemn library square and passed by classmates who had just finished their evening self-study.

They walked through the scattered teaching buildings, and did not stop for a moment in front of the classroom windows that still showed bright white lights.

They crossed the wide main road in the center of the campus, running behind the romantic bicycles carrying boys and girls, shuttling between the lights and the shadows of the trees.

They walked through the dormitory building filled with fireworks and youth hormones at night, blended into the flow of people flowing from the dormitory to the night cafeteria, and then left them.

The sound of two people's footsteps reached Xiao Fan's eardrums.

However, his mind seemed to go blank.

He started walking, but he didn't stop.

Xiao Fan didn't know what was supporting him, and kept running forward.

However, even though he was panting for a long time, sweat was dripping from his forehead.

Even though I held Li Ruoying's hand, it was already wet and slippery due to sweat.

Instead, Xiao Fan grabbed Li Ruoying's hand with greater strength and led her to continue running.

Just like that, he didn't want to let Li Ruoying's hand slip away from his.

In this way, the two of them kept running.

Xiao Fan suddenly had a thought, if he could pull her and keep running?

Run to the end of the world where there is no one...

What's amazing is that Li Ruoying behind him also didn't say a word.

She actually let him pull him, and kept running.

Passing through the woods and grass behind the dormitory building, the sound of their running footsteps dipped into the soft grass blades.

The night was dark, and on the playground, there were only two or three sporadic people running around on their own.

And maybe in a few minutes, those two or three will finish tonight's workout as well.

Xiao Fan pulled Li Ruoying across the runway and rushed to the middle of the empty playground.

At this time, the hustle and bustle from the school teaching area and dormitory area finally gradually left them.

huh, huh, huh...

Xiao Fan could clearly hear his own heavy breathing, and Li Ruoying's equally heavy breathing.

huh, huh, huh...

Physical strength was finally exhausted.

Due to physical limitations, Xiao Fan's steps became extremely heavy.

Their running speed also slowed down.

But even at this juncture, Xiao Fan finally started to think with a trace of clear thoughts.

Only then did he realize that he didn't know how to face the current problem.

Apart from running down, how should he face Li Ruoying who was following him all the time and ran here holding his hand?
Suddenly, Li Ruoying's slender little hand "struggled" in his hand for a few times, and she tried to hold him with some force.

Xiao Fan was surprised.

He understood that Li Ruoying should stop.

Sensing Li Ruoying's "statement", Xiao Fan seemed to finally "calm down".

He "obediently" stopped.

And when they finally stopped running, Xiao Fan very "consciously" let go of Li Ruoying's hand.

Touching his palm, he found that it was already full of sweat.

Li Ruoying also gently stroked her wrist where Xiao Fan held her with one hand.

Xiao Fan didn't know that the place had been turned red by his pinching.


Although he stopped, Xiao Fan did not turn around to face Li Ruoying behind him.

His shoulders kept heaving, perhaps due to the lack of oxygen caused by the strenuous running.

However, he dared not turn around.

He didn't know what to do, what to say.

While his heart was beating violently and his chest was heaving violently due to his violent breathing, his brain was already going crazy.

The two of them were like this, silent in "tacit agreement".

Or, they seemed to be taking advantage of this time to ease the ups and downs of their bodies and minds after the long-distance raid just now.


After 1 minute, Li Ruoying spoke.

"Do you regret it?"

(End of this chapter)

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