Chapter 24 Conflict
What is this all about?

If Xiao Fan hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have known it was possible to strike up a conversation like this.

Isn’t this just forced teasing?
Does this work too? !

But think again.

It seems that Qian Kangle's provocative moves are not fundamentally different from what he taught himself just now.

Change the soup without changing the medicine!
The most, the most, he used the first type, Qian Kangle used the second type!
This is completely a routine!

but why?
Qian Kangle made the girl laugh, so why the hell did I just slap her a few times? ?
Is there any reason?

Xiao Fan: "..."

At this time, the girl sitting next to Xiao Fan was also the cutest among the four beauties. She reached out her hand unexpectedly and touched Xiao Fan's arm.

Xiao Fan's hair stood on end, he was terrified.

He hasn't forgotten that among the few slaps he had just had, this cute girl's paper fan was the most sour!

The cute girl smiled cutely, "I heard you drove 911 today, take me for a ride later!"

After finishing speaking, the big innocent eyes blinked playfully, and gave Xiao Fan a cute look.

The hand also held Xiao Fan's arm tighter, and the whole body stuck up.

Xiao Fan was sweating profusely, and he clearly felt two lumps of softness on his arms!
Oops!Pill pill!
Xiao Fan was out of breath for a moment...

In desperation, Xiao Fan winked at Qian Kangle who was beside him for help.

Mayday Mayday!

For Xiao Fan's call for help, Qian Kangle seemed to understand another meaning.

Otherwise, why would he keep blinking and winking at Xiao Fan in turn?

Seeing Xiao Fan's relentless cry for help, Qian Kangle finally laughed exaggeratedly "hahaha", and pulled Xiao Fan over to bite his ear.

"Hey, big brother, you are blowing too much!" Xiao Fan was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

Qiang Kangle had an expression of complete control, and patted his chest, "Don't panic, I'll ask my buddy to drive over and lend you his 911 later. How about it, bro, I've made a good arrangement!"

Xiao Fan's face turned pale, and he said in a low voice, "I haven't passed the driver's license yet..."


Qian Kangle's exaggerated smile froze for a moment.


Then he pretended nothing happened and patted Xiao Fan on the back.

With a twitch on his face, he said: "It's okay, brother, I will help you with the whole set, and I will call you a substitute driver!"

Xiao Fan: "..."

Qian Kangle has arranged everything like this, what can he say?
Just, what is this for?Where does this go?
This... this progress is too fast!

Xiao Fan's heart was pounding.

Looking back at the little girl who is as cute as a snake, Xiao Fan is really confused.

This is... the rhythm of drinking and taking away?
Thinking of this possibility, Xiao Fan was really scared.

This innocent little virgin who never even crossed first base, today...

Is it going to make great strides forward today, and fall completely like a ruin? ?
Do not……

I'm not mentally prepared yet!

That's it, I have to think about it?
Shouldn't there be some sacred ceremony?

Can't we find a little girl who really likes each other?

In this way, is it too hasty?

Xiao Fan thought a lot, and his heart was very confused, as if something big was going to happen tonight.

My heart is ignorant, I don't know whether to be afraid or look forward to it.

Xiao Fan turned his head to look at the cute girl next to him.

Hmm...seems to be okay?

The lights were dim, and he was intoxicated with money, coupled with the compound effect of alcohol and tobacco, Xiao Fan's youthful heart was completely messed up.

He didn't know what he should think, did he really want to fall and fall?

Or, whatever?

Go with the flow, let it blow?
Ahhh?what to do?what to do!
In just a short while, Xiao Fan's inner turmoil had climbed to a complicated and tangled peak!


"Grass mud horse! Dare to touch my girlfriend!"

Suddenly, a loud curse passed through the increasingly dense crowd on the dance floor, penetrated the pervasive music and hallucinations, and came towards them.

Everyone who was chatting happily subconsciously followed the sound and looked over.

Hei Changzhi beside Qian Kangle immediately changed his face.

Qian Kangle realized something was wrong, but he had no choice but to put his hands on the black, long, straight, tender waist exaggeratedly.

A strong, muscular man rushed over, went straight to Qian Kangle, grabbed his collar, and pulled Qian Kangle up.

Behind him, several men followed closely.

Looks like they should be friends...

Qian Kangle's face was livid, embarrassed and ugly.

Although he had discovered that the other party had a large number of people, he was grabbed by the collar, and his face was really uncomfortable.

"Who the hell are you!" Qian Kangle also reached out and grabbed the opponent's hand, trying to break it apart.

"I'm her boyfriend!" The muscular man burst out with blue veins on his muscular arms because of his excitement.

"Who the hell are you? Where did you touch just now? Are you tired of living?!"

Xiao Fan was on the side, and saw the pattern tattooed on the muscular man's arm. It was a girl's side face, which looked familiar.

That's right, it was Hei Changzhi who had a hot fight with Qian Kangle!
Trouble, Xiao Fan had a bad premonition in his heart.

The muscular man has really practiced and has great strength. Qian Kangle really couldn't break it apart for a while.

"Let go! I'm sorry!"

Qian Kangle was also impatient, the muscular man got stuck on his neck, and he couldn't breathe.

Hei Changzhi next to him said, "Let him go, we have broken up!"

When the muscular man heard it, his anger seemed to be poured with oil again, and it ignited blazingly.

The eyes seemed to burst into flames, "Fart, I haven't agreed yet. Look at the tattoo on my arm! Break up if you say break up? I don't agree!"

Without any explanation, the muscular man glared at Qian Kangle with an angry face, almost biting him.

"Brothers, don't let him get away, today I'm going to beat this idiot until I don't even know him!"

Qian Kangle realized that something was wrong, and subconsciously wanted to struggle away, murmuring: "... wipe, why are you backing so little..."

Gritting his teeth angrily, the muscular man pulled Hei Changzhi up and pushed him among his brothers, "Wait until I finish teaching this idiot!"

After finishing speaking, a huge fist flew towards Qian Kangle's eyes.

Qian Kangle subconsciously raised his arm to block it, but he was punched in the face by his acquaintance.

"Don't mess around!"

"Ah, don't fight..."

"Speak up if you have something to say..."

"Don't do it..."

Seeing that they were really fighting, the beauties all exclaimed and stood up in fright.

Some people wanted to fight, while others covered their mouths and hid.

Xiao Fan also stood up in a hurry, but he was a little confused at the first moment, not knowing what to do.

It's not that he was unjust, he didn't help when Qian Kangle was fighting with others.

In fact, he had never encountered this kind of crap, and he couldn't turn his head around for a while.

Before that, he had never even been in a nightclub, let alone got into a fight with a bunch of guys because of a girl.

Tonight, for him, there were too many firsts, and he received too many shocks!
Although his careful brain was working fast, it was still overwhelmed.

Nightclubs, drinking, chatting up beautiful women, whispering to beautiful women, holding hands, fighting...

This, this... Which event didn't have a huge impact on him, and made his young heart suffer?
(End of this chapter)

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