I am in a world where time stands still

Chapter 229 I Will Lead All

Chapter 229 I Will Lead All

On Monday of the new week, on the 5th, Xizhe took only 9 entourages, and set off from Xizhe headquarters in Pilami City, and took a special plane to the Far East.

The first stop they landed was in the imperial capital.

For Xizhe, although this was his first time stepping on the land of God's City, he didn't feel much like a guest.

After all, his understanding of this place couldn't be any deeper.

And his influence has actually penetrated into many places in the imperial capital.

In the past period of time, Xizhe Group has landed in many big cities including the Imperial Capital, and their influence has already engulfed the Imperial Capital and many well-known companies in other places like a scourge.

In different industries, regardless of whether they are large or small companies, almost everyone is in danger.

Xi Zhe and others got off the plane, got into the limousine that had been waiting beside them, and went straight to the city center.

What they are going to visit directly is the headquarters of Nunan Fund, a well-known investment company in the imperial capital.

The assistant who was in the same car with Xizhe asked in both ears: "Xizhe, do we really need to bring more people?"

Xi Zhe had an indifferent expression on his face, "We haven't brought enough people?"

The ears were speechless, and after a long silence, he finally said: "No. 3 may not be as easy to deal with as No. 2. Moreover, they should already know that we are here this time."

"Don't worry..." Xi Zhe waved his hand casually, "No. 3 is not No. 2. I mean, No. 3 should still have brains and know what is the right choice. At least, their boss is like this."

"Leng Tong?" Er Shuang's expression changed slightly.

For some reason, when talking about the founder of No. 3, who is also one of the five first-generation AI-enhanced compound humans, I can't help but feel a little timid.

If it weren't for his boss being by his side, Ershuang would probably be even more afraid.

Xizhe looked at his ears sharply, but didn't say anything.

He understands Ershuang's fear of Lengtong very well. The first-generation AI-enhanced compound man's sense of oppression to other AI-enhanced compound men is inherent.

Of course, this is actually a tacit agreement reached by the five first generations.

In future creations, they will all leave that common code setting.

It must be an affirmation of each other.

Then, now is not the same as in the most ancient times.

No. 2 Moss has died tragically, and the No. 2 faction humbly surrendered to No. 5.

Lao Gao No. 1, sacrificed himself to defeat the alien civilization.

Xi Zhe at least dare not underestimate Lao Gao, no matter in terms of strength or other aspects, but at this moment, the No. 1 represented by Lao Gao has completely become a thing of the past.

Now, among the 5 first generations, apart from No. 5 Xi Zhe, only No. 3 Leng Tong and No. 4 Qilu remain.

Taking advantage of Xizhe Group's large-scale actions in the Far East, Xizhe finally decided to settle with No. 3 Lengtong.

Although Xi Zhe has a certain fear of Leng Tong, but it is far from the level of Lao Gao.

Xizhe comforted his ears and said: "Don't be so scared, we don't necessarily need to make too much trouble with Lengtong. After all, no matter how you say it, Lengtong is still a rare beauty in the world."

Ears widened their eyes in surprise, "What? Leng Tong turned out to be a woman?"

"Of course, when did I say she was a man?"

"It's not..."

"Then it's over."

Ershuang: "Ah...just..."

Xizhe smiled: "It's just that the stories about her are really quite manly, right?"

"Isn't it... It is said that No. 3 is an AI-enhanced composite human faction second only to No. 5. Their magic immunity is indeed very strong. I heard that Leng Tong once fought with Qi Lu, the founder of No. 4, and unexpectedly Strongly broke Qilu's super time stillness, and beat Qilu very embarrassingly..."

"Haha..." Xizhe had a thoughtful expression on his face instead, "It's all from ancient times, and the rumors are getting more and more unreliable. However, the general plot of Lengtong and Qilu But it’s not wrong. At that time, the AI-enhanced compound human was really only us, what a youthful time..."

Ershuang nodded, "Nowadays, the first-generation AI-enhanced compound humans rarely appear. Xizhe, I never thought that you would personally go to the Nunan Fund to find Leng Tong."

"Of course, we're not going to fight, we're going to talk about Xizhe Group's acquisition of Nunan Fund, aren't we?"


"Hmm..." Xi Zhe leaned back, "However, I'll leave it to you to discuss the acquisition. I still want to catch up with Leng Tong."


In the center of the imperial capital, Nunan Fund headquarters building.

Xi Zhe's car drove straight in and stopped directly at the internal parking lot of Nunan Foundation.

Xi Zhe took the people out of the car, got into the elevator and went straight to the meeting room on the top floor.

Leng Tong waited for him inside.

The two parties sat down, and there were nearly 20 people sitting on both sides of the conference table.

Both Xizhe and Lengtong were straightforward, and directly asked their subordinates to launch plans for the cooperation between Nunan Fund and Xizhe Group.

Xi Zhe glanced at the cover of Nunan Fund's plan, grinned, "Leng Tong, you may have misunderstood, I'm talking about acquisitions, not cooperation."

Leng Tong's face was frosty, but his eyes met Xi Zhe's eyes without fear at all, "I didn't get it wrong. You got it wrong. My advice all the time is to cooperate, and this is already the biggest thing I can do to you." Concession, which also fully demonstrates my sincerity."

Xi Zhe stared at Leng Tong for a long time, and the air in the meeting room seemed to freeze.

Regardless of whether it is the Nunan Fund or the Xizhe Group, at this moment, they are sitting nervously, sweating profusely, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Maybe the boss is about to give an order, and the two sides are about to start desperately, and the younger brothers on both sides feel a little overwhelmed.

Now it's the confrontation between No. 5 Xizhe and No. 3 Leng Tong.

A confrontation of this magnitude may have only existed in the ancient times of AI-enhanced compound humans.

For these newcomers who do not know how many generations later, it is really unprecedented and unimaginable.

The two first generations, whether from the basic program code or the perspective of human nature, are completely suppressed.

Finally, a younger brother next to Xizhe was so nervous that sweat dripped from his temples.

However, when the sweat drops were about to touch the table, they suddenly stopped.

In fact, everything in the conference room froze.

Time stands still!

It turned out to be from Xizhe!
Xi Zhe rarely shot.

Even people from the Xizhe Group have only heard of Xizhe's omnipotence, but specifically, it seems impossible to describe it at all.

The huge quartz clock on the wall of the conference room stopped at the current moment, and the three hands represented the frozen time.

Across the conference table, Leng Tong blinked nonchalantly, reached for the coffee in front of him and took a sip.

"Xizhe, can you finally bear it? In the past few decades, you seem to have disappeared. It's rare to be so dormant. I guess, your desire is stronger now than ever before."

Leng Tong's face softened slightly.

At this moment, in the huge conference room, only Xi Zhe and Leng Tong can move freely.

All other people or things have become a frozen background.

"Isn't it wrong for me to do this? Leng Tong, you know it very well like me!" Xizhe also took a sip of coffee and looked into Leng Tong's eyes, "Just like I did to No. 2. Moss is dead, 2 The number no longer exists. But, I accepted them all! Together we can do a lot of things we couldn’t even imagine.”

Leng Tong smiled disdainfully, "I'm not interested! I'm fine now."

"Don't you know?" Xizhe hammered the table, "How did Moss die?"

"If you were more active, you wouldn't have let Moss die so badly." Leng Tong's face became even colder, "Xizhe, you still have the face to mention Moss! I know, Moss died so badly, that Alien civilizations are coming fiercely, and it is difficult for ordinary humans to deal with, but this does not mean that we have helped ordinary humans, and the earth is also our home! But you are lucky, you took the opportunity to be a hero, and pushed Gao Fan to Frontline. Gao Fan defeated the alien civilization, Xi Zhe, this has nothing to do with you! Now it seems that all the credit and praise have come to you. Are you planning too well?! "

"Haha..." Xizhe smiled strangely, looking down at his fingers.

"What? Did I hit the mark?"

Xi Zhe suddenly raised his head, "Leng Tong, you are so naive. Gao Fan and I must sacrifice one of them to defeat the alien civilization. I think you are very clear. After all, only No. 1 and No. 5 No. 0 has mastered all the super powers of the AI-enhanced composite human, which was set by No. [-] from the very beginning!"

"Why not you? Why does it have to be Gao Fan?" Leng Tong trembled and stared at him.

"Gao Fan also chose this arrangement!" Xi Zhe didn't show any weakness, "Besides, if it were me instead, who would lead the AI-enhanced composite humans to the future and our ultimate goal? Gao Fan made it clear from the beginning He is unwilling to take this responsibility, otherwise his No. 1 will not be just him! Gao Fan himself knows that the future will be entrusted to me!"

"Hmph, you sound so noble..." Leng Tong didn't appreciate it, "Xizhe, don't forget that although we call ourselves the first generation, the real first generation has always been No. 0! As long as No. 0 is still there, We are not natural leaders, we are just program executors!"

"No, Leng Tong, you're wrong!" Xi Zhe stood up excitedly, "Programs are always developing by themselves, No. 0 created us, but since our generation, we have the ability to evolve ourselves It’s been so long now, I think, no matter you and I, our program has evolved for countless generations! No. 0 created us in the past, but we created our present self!”

Leng Tong shook his head, his face even a little sad, "You are so arrogant, you even forgot to look back at yourself. Xizhe, don't lie to yourself, no matter how we evolve, the most primitive program code has never changed! Admit it , no matter how hard we try, we can't get away from the original trace..."

"Why are you so pessimistic?" Xizhe shook his head and said, "The more difficult it gets to the end, but that day will eventually come!"

"Xizhe, you can believe what you say, but I will not walk with you."

"Leng Tong, do you really want to be so stubborn? Have you forgotten that ordinary humans are no longer what they used to be? Are you going to turn a blind eye to that ordinary person who fought side by side with Gao Fan to defeat the alien civilization? Leng Tong, we We can't wait any longer, we must kill him now!"

"No, I don't think it is necessary to take the path of confrontation. Xi Zhe, the only thing I can do is not to hinder your actions. However, we number 3 will not go with you all the way."

"You are so stupid! All AI-enhanced compound humans can no longer go their separate ways like in the past! We can only unite together, and no longer need to be divided into numbers. All AI-enhanced compound humans will be Fellow travelers on No. 5! I believe that in the not-too-distant future, AI-enhanced compound humans will no longer be alien races on Earth! We will become the real masters! All ordinary humans will rush to join our team!"

Leng Tong looked at Xi Zhe pitifully, and remained silent for a long time.

After a long time, she stood up in silence, "Goodbye, Xi Zhe. We can't agree..."

Xizhe's chest rose and fell, and it seemed that until now he still couldn't understand why Leng Tong was so stubborn, why he couldn't empathize with him.

He even finally lost his patience, and an inexplicable anger ignited in his chest.

"Lengtong, you know, Moss and Gao Fan are gone. I can never see you and Qilu again. If I want your people, they will definitely come!"

"Are you threatening me?" Leng Tong narrowed his eyes, "You can give it a try. I'm not Moss..."


clack clack...

In the space of the meeting room, chaotic fluctuations passed by.

There seems to be no energy turbulence washing the space inside the conference room.

In a very short period of time, Xi Zhe seemed to have struck Leng Tong tens of thousands of times.

The space is almost untenable, torn apart by the collision of the two of their energies.

In the meeting room, however, the time-stationary enchantment that has been going on has always been impenetrable.

However, the dozen or so people who had been frozen were actually involved in the turbulent flow of energy a few seconds later.

They seemed to be volatilized, and they were caught in this wonderful fluctuation, losing their normal physical existence.

It's hard to imagine, in Xi Zhe's barrier of time stagnation, what kind of chaotic confrontation between him and Leng Tong that transcends matter, energy, and information has already been carried out!

However, even so, Leng Tong still stood brazenly opposite Xi Zhe, her dress fluttered without wind, but her face was extremely determined.

Ka Ka Ka! !

A void of nothingness flickered in the space between the two of them, and the violent energy turbulence actually withdrew from a space crack that turned and disappeared in a very short time!

Xi Zhe and Leng Tong were a little unsteady at the same time, and each staggered back two steps.

Xizhe's expression changed dramatically, which seemed quite unexpected.

He shook his head and said, "Unexpectedly, Leng Tong, you have evolved to this level!"

Leng Tong struggled to stand upright and said: "Xizhe, I know you have been working hard, but I am no longer the little girl who needs you to take care of me."

"Leng Tong, even so, I still won't change, what I want to do, I must do it!"

As soon as Xizhe finished speaking, he suddenly raised his right hand and grabbed it in the air!
A white light shot out of nowhere, and a floating ball of lightning appeared in Xizhe's hand!

"Lengtong, do you know what this is?" Xizhe's face turned pale, as if he was trying to hold on.

However, he deliberately let Leng Tong's thoughts sweep over the ball lightning in his hand.

Leng Tong's face suddenly changed.

She couldn't help pointing at Xizhe's hand, and exclaimed, "A password puzzle?!"

(End of this chapter)

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